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17th Bahai Reported Hanged In 2 Weeks in an Iranian City (The New York Times – 7/3/1983)

NEW YORK, N.Y. TIMES D. 887,221—S. 1461,673 NEW YORK CITY METROPOLITAN AREA — JUL3 IS S THE is/EW YORK TIMES, SUNDAY, JULY 3, 1983 causea co ëiä5! de- 1 17th Bahai Reported Hanged First, the Phalaiigist militia’s ruth lessnesS in massacring hundreds of In 2 Weeks in an Iranian City Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila – • refugee camps in Beirut last September • persuaded many Israelis that their country had no business supporting such a group.

Second, the militia refused to fight during the Israeli Invasion, annoying Is- raeli officers who had hoped for some help. Finally, the Phalangist leader, Presi- • dent Amin Gemayel, has been less reso- lute in moving Lebanon toward an overt relationship of peace than Israelis ex- pected.

On this point, Mr. Morris wrote that he had come across a letter dated Dec. 28, 1950, from Gideon Rafael, counselor in the Israeli delegation to the United Nations. In a meeting with Elias Raba- bi second in command of the Phalan- gist Party and editor of its newspaper, Mr. Rafael. heard of the Phalangists’ hopes to win three or four seats in Par- liament in the 1951 elections.

Mr. Rafael recommended that Israel donate $25,000 to $50,000 to the cam- ByfleAssOdated Pr s The Iranian authorities have hanged a young Babal man in Shiraz, the 17th member of the minority faith to be exe- cuted in that southern Iranian city in two weeks, Bahai officials say.

In radio broadcasts, Iranian leaders have accused imprisoned Bahais In Shiraz of spying. But Gerald Knight, a spokesman in New York for the Bahal International Community, said Thurs- day that no formal charges had been lodged against any of those executed. The Bahais say Iran’s Islamic Gov- ernment is trying to crush their reli- gion, considered heretical by Moslems, by killing prominent Babais. They say at least 142 Bahais have been killed since the revolution In 1979.

Mr. Knight said the latest execution, of Suhayl Hushmand, 24 yearS old, oc- curred Tuesday. On June 16 and 18, the Bahai International Community said, 16 Bahais were hanged In Shiras. GADSDEN, AL. I TIMES D. 28,000 — S. 30,000 t • GADSDEN METROPOlITAN AREA TI O d 1 U.W5 phalangist, Father Joseph Awad of Waterville, Maine, approached Ellahu Ben-Horifl, the Middle East affairs ad- viser of the American Zionist Emer- gency Council, Mr. Morris reported, and asked for help in overthrowing the Government In Beirut to take Lebanon out of the war.

Mr. Morris said he had found records of meetings between Israeli officials and Mr. Rababi, butno clear statement of Israel’s refusal to help.

“It can only be surmised that the Is- raeli diplomats Informed Rababi that Israel was engaged in a full-scale war, was Itself short of money and arms and was in no position to assist revolts In neighboring countries,” Mr. Morris wrote. “Perhaps the fact that Israeli victories had already knocked the fight out of Beirut and thenorthern front was quiescent contributed to the Israeli re- luctance to set the Lebanese pot boil- ing.” Saturday In Business Day Th. NOWYO Imes JUL 31$ 3 L 2 ‘ GOLAN ISRAEL HE 9HTS The New YorkTlmea/JUiYB, 1983 Fighting was reported around Bar Ellas and Taanayel.

stretch of the highway and taking posi- tions from forces loyal to Mr. Arafat as far as the Shtaura region, more than 12 miles from the Syrian border. A rebellion against Mr. Arafat’s lead- ership broke out two months ago and led to fighting In early June. Mr. Arafat accused Syria and Ubya of aiding the rebels. Syria denied the charge and expelled Mr. Arafat last week.

There are at least 6,000 Palestinian guerrillas from Al Fatah and other groups In northern and eastern Lebanon lnterrlt ry controlled by Syrian forces. P.L .O. Mission Still in Tunis TUNIS, July 2 (Reuters) — A P.L.O. BP000270


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