** 40 Reported Dead in Southern Iran Town As Shiite Moslems Attack Bahai Members TEHRAN, Dec. 15 (AP) —Shiitc Moslems, in an outbreak of sectari- - an violence in Shiraz, southern Iran, were reported today to have • attacked homes and businesses be- longing to members of the Bahai • sect. Forty of the attackers were shot and killed, informed sources reported. The violence against the Bahais nipted in the Shiraz suburb of Saadi. Among the homes set ablaze • were ones belongin to a former army intelligence chief and several noncommissioned members of the army. Informed sources in Shiraz, said the army men used their weapons to defend themselves and their fam- ilics against the rioters, shooting and kitIng at least 40 and wounding corcs of others. An army corporal win n.e lionic was burned was killed by the u'icrs antI his family fled aI(n 't. With hundreds of other I Ia in Is a i thy mountain town. the Mi lcms also attacked busi— , e scs h ( lti gitlg (0 ItlihIfliS. n luil— ng the l'cpsn ( ola Plillit. Pressure on 5liauhu Shiraz has been he Icquent scene of anti-shah demonstrations since civil unrest started 11 months ago throughout Iran. As the unrest grew, Shiite Moslems put the pressure on the sluih to dismiss members of the rCt in influential 0 ositiOflS. AhvDhab....4300u$i G Mgeoa 2J5Dü ' lc A tna l2S I ' ,dia 8o iwarn 0.415 i ko , k4 n , 23 8.F . Ivol Cypr i 250MbI$ y. DeNno ,k J5 Des. Jo, o 40.1,. Kent Egyp i 40P. iZ w, 22P. tebo y lr4ond 3.OOF.M. Liby, Fiance 3F. t , ee G.in any....1.5O0M t .¼d Oceat Bs tom 20P. . Sbe1kh M9flud i dt Y wti OPEC ()flhi Plan 1.0 1{ai AlIt) DI IA hI, ?I ti ‘ laiuiraic., Ike. I “ (A )') tai'y—Genci'al Au InitIal ' oh the ganiz ition ol I 'cttoletm—F.xp'' Countries (OPh C) co tinned t' that world oil prothi ets intel' raise the price o t oil at their end price meeting this wed but he refused to speculate ot precise outcome. Mr. Jaidah also said that si induced reduction of oil produ in Iran will have no immedia' feet on OPEC pricing. But he that he was optimistic that Jr oil production will pick up and that other OPEC natio any case could raise their pr tion to “alleviate the problcr declining Iranian output On the price issue, Algeria Minister A.hmed Ghozali san “We won't accept sonic pale) small adjustnscn I that wituki us look ridiculous belo ' r inn BP0005 Published with The New York Times and The Washington_Post PARIS, SATURDAY-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16-17, 1978 isrinland Egypt at a later date.” Later, aides said this was meant as an assurance to both sides that even if the United States turned its attention to othet' mailers, it would not give up on icuelting an eventual seUlement. Asked to speuly the other pressing inierniutional pi bls ins demanding his attention, the pies i ' dent cited the tension between Ai ' gentina and Chile over the owner- ship of disputed islands, Ike ;uetl n tion efforts in Nicarn u4t and the negotiations with the Soviet )niitui over a new strategic mitts liuitttatiolt agreement. There are about 700,000 Bahas in Iran and the sect has always played a prominent role in the country's social, economic and military life. In an attempt to pacify religious opponents, the shah replaced bank presidents, several generals and the president of Iran Air, retired Ai Force Gen. Ali Mohammed Khade- ml. Gen. Khademi later committed suicide because of accusations that he had misapprOpriateel funds of the national air carrier, the govern- ment had said. The military governments mean- day night before they were gunned while, maintained official silence down. about reports that rebellious troops - The government has declined to shot and killed at least 12 imperial comment on the version reported guard officers and wounded more by. informed sources, that the at- than 20 this week in a camp close tack on the officers mess was made to the shah's Niavaran Palace resi- by three troo ers on Monday dence. whose fate is an nown. Official sources yesterday claimed that three terrorists dressed The government tried to et the in military uniforms sprayed a bar- economy rolling, again srit on- racks with bullets from their auto- certed efforti to soh'e ' cripphng matic weapons. wounding at least strike by 37,000 oil field workers 20 soldiers at Levizan camp Tues- now in its 12th day. Iran Oil Production Reported Very Low PARIS, Dcc. 15 (AP) — Iranian offshore oil production came to a cornpletc halt this week, while onshore crude oil for export dwin- dled to a trickle of 600,000 barrels a day, according to a confidential report obtained here today. The little oil being exported is exclusively for Consortium mem- bets, according to the report h)' oil ntIiu si ty experts that is being circu— l; ,tcd among miii c4imnpanics. iliose incmnhcrs CoilSist it a luinillill of large, mostly nun—A nmc.mica ii, cm am panics. The report was shown to the As- sociau d Press-Dow Jones news ser- vice on condition that the source remain unidentified. It sai .l the virtual halt in produc- tion came two days ago. Daily pro- duction now stands at 1.1 million barrels — one si tth of its usual rate —with the unexported crude going for domestic consumption.. Iran had 35 producing oilfields in 1976,22 of them on land. - 1ran's oil industry has been crip- pled by strikes. Before the civil strife in the country, iran was the world's second largest exporter of crude, and it produced about 6 mil- lion barrels a day. ihe mepori said productioli was so bmw that the National Iranian Oil (.o. was lryin to purchase products primarily jet fuel, on. thc/ international market. But consumer intake terminals in Iran were not functioning, and it ‘Broad Gaiiuut' • .“There's such a broad ‘gamut of things that I need Secretary Vance back here,” he said, explaining why he had ordered the secretary to cnd his Middle East shuttle and return home today. Mr. Carter said the Argentina- Chile dispute “could erupt into a conflict.” But other administration officials said that despite this, a major purpose in recalling Mr. Vance was to jolt the Israelis into serious consideration of the latest (Continued on Page 2, Col 3) - Carter May Call China Sumnilt WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 (AP) — President Carter hastily ar- ranged a televised address to the nation late this evening amid re- ports that he would announce plans for a U.S-Chinese summit and resumption of, full diplomatic rela- tions. • - An administration source said ‘‘- . .‘ . r -” ii.. was difficult to tell how imported oil would reach its destination, the report added. Russians Seen Hurt By Iran. Oil Strike. • BRUSSELS, Dec. 15 — The oil strike in Iran has cut the flow of Iranian, natural gas to the Soviet Union and threatened tO interfere with an important Soviet trade agm'ccnscnt in Western Europe, dip- lomat ic sources said yesterday. l'hc Soviet Union imports sub- stantial quniltitieS of Iranian gas, then delivers domestic gas to West- ern Europe, which pays for it in brirs iit reflCii 'f that are much in