Tehran, lxi (*euler)—Unidentlf led attackers massa end 46 Kurdish villagers at the height of the antl.govern . ment rebellion in Kurdlstan, the governor general of West 2 janpro,JmsMdHa u ,saldySerdaY . Mr. Haqgu said the massacre took place at Gbarneh, nearthernala road toNaghsdeh notfarfrom where 151s lainic revolutionary guards were killed September 2 in an attackon their bus byKurdish guerrillas lie said the villagers were killed after the bus attack and that the two incidents were connectecL it was an at. tempt, he said, to provoke unrest between neighboring Kurdish and Turkisb.speakhigcom inunlt les. “The attackers were not revolutionary guards, neither were they Kurds orTtrks. They were just counter-revolu . tionarles. This was a plot to start a fight between Kurds and Turks 1 ” Mr. liaqgu said in the West Azerbaljancapltal .ofUrumteb. Mr llaqgu said be had sent Investigators to try to iden. Wy the attackers. Sources In the banned Kurdish Democratic party, whose militants have fled to the Kurdistan hills after the defeat of their rebellion in the towns, said four women, ‘seven children anda number of old menwere among those ñiassacredatGbarneh. They alleged a number of the victims were beheaded, Includlngthe locatMuslim priest Mr. Haqgu said be bad not seen the bodies but bad been told the v thus were brutally killed. The Kurd ish sourcessald the massacre took placeSep tembert. Mr. Haqgu would only acknowledge It had taken. place during the last weet The official Pars news agency said yesterday that three revolutionary guards were killed In the Kurdish town of flukan Saturday night in clashes with demonstra-; tors 1 butgavenodeta lls. A one.nlght curfew was Imposed on Bukan last week after revolutionary guards fired Into the air to disperse demonstratorashouting anticlerical slogalt The Incident happened soon alter government troops took over the. town, which had been held previouslyby rebel fortes. In the former rebel capital of Mababad, Ayatollah Sadeq Rhalkhali, head of Iran 's jslamlc revolutionary courts, banned all demonstrations. Since the town fell to the government last week, local Kurt bave demonstrated at leasttwlcelnsupportoftbelrl banned spiritual leader, Sheik Ezzedd i n ltoese1nl I Tehran'a Islamic revolullonast prosecutoz Ayato)lahj Abroad Atari Qomi, Issued an order yesterday cooflscat-( log property of the owners of Tebran's leading evenlng newspaper, Ete la'af. - 46 Kurds massacred, Iranian official reports The Sun (183 7-1985); Sep 10, 1979; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Baltimore Sun, The (1837-1986) pg. A4 46 Kurds massacred, Iranian official reports Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.