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9 Reported Dead in Iranian Clashes, Bombings

          9 Reported flead, 6 Injared
          In Iranian Clashes, Bombings
          TEl - IRAN. Oct. 7 (Ufl)—At least
          nine people died and 26 were injured
          in widespread clashes and bombings
          1n western Iran, and demolition ex-
          perts dug up 27 mines planted on the
          I ran-aurop e railroad, press reports
          said today.
          The explosives were found yester-
          day by children playing near the tractc
          close to Saveh, west of I'ehran, the
          ICayhan newspaper reported.
          The track connects Iran to Turkey
          and Europe and is used by passenger
          and freight trains. A train blast in the
          southern Arab province of IChuzestan
          last Wednesday killed eight passen-
          • This weekend, three children who
          were playing with a grenade in the
          southern town of IChorra mabad died
          • when it exploded. The mother of one
          of the children repDrtedly died of
          shock she saw the bodies.
          • Security forces mounted a discreet
          alert in the West Azerbaijan, [ Curdis-
          tan and EChuzestan provinces bor-
          d em g Iraq, informed sources said, but
          the measure was not announced. The
          alert was in response to eight days of
          violence that included Arab guerrilla
          sabotage of an oil pipeline.
          Among the latest incidents:
          • A land mine blew up a ear yester-
          day on a highway near Ahwaz, provin-
          cial capital of [ Chuzestan where most
          of the violence had been concentrated
          during the past week. One of the two
          occupants was killed.
          • Two government guardsmen died
          In a ICurdish ambush in the western
          city of ]!Vlahabad yesterday, reports
          said. About 1,500 students staged a
          protest rally in Sanandaj, capital of
          [ Curdistan Province, yesterday to
          mark the 40th day of mourning for
          nine [ Curds executed as rebels.
          Today, a firing squad executed a
          former officer of the Iranian national
          police convicted of murder and tor-
          ture, the official news agency Pars re-

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