
Support IHRDC on Giving Tuesday

(December 3, 2013) – First Black Friday… then Cyber Monday… now Giving Tuesday!

Giving Tuesday is a movement to create a national day of giving. The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) is pleased to join the Giving Tuesday movement – which celebrates and encourages charitable activities that support non-profit organizations.  

As part of the Giving Tuesday movement, we hope you will consider making a tax-deductible, charitable donation to IHRDC to support our work moving into 2014. 

Some highlights of IHRDC’s work in 2013 include: 

* Publication of a 60-page report documenting the discriminatory laws and practices against Iran’s LGBT community, which prompted renewed engagement on the issue among decision makers.  

* Publication of the first-ever comprehensive English translation of Books One and Two and Book Five of Iran’s Islamic Penal Code, so as to provide English speakers and the international community with access and an understanding of Iranian criminal laws.  Since its release, the translations have been archived by academic institutions and online legal reference services.

* Publication of a 60-page legal commentary analyzing the impact of discriminatory laws on Iranian women, including the laws on the age of criminal responsibility for women, honor killings, compulsory veiling, a woman’s rights in marriage and family, and a woman’s right to serve in government, serve as a judge and receive higher education.  Since its release, the commentary has been archived and cited to by refugee services in the United States, Canada and Europe in support of Iranian asylum seekers. 

* Filing of a factum in a case currently before the Supreme Court of Canada seeking damages for the estate of Zahra Kazemi, an Iranian-Canadian photojournalist who was tortured to death in Evin prison in 2003. As part of its ongoing effort to combat impunity in Iran, IHRDC is acting as an intervener in the case on the issue of whether the Kazemi family can secure a fair trial in the Iranian legal system. 

* Creation of an execution tracking chart updated on a bi-weekly basis to tally the rising rates of executions of prisoners in Iran.  IHRDC’s execution chart has provided data points to UN experts and has been cited in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Guardian and other major media publications

… and much more.

With help from donations like yours, IHRDC can continue to document human rights abuses perpetrated by the Iranian government through IHRDC reports and witness testimony, and provide analysis of Iranian laws that aims to raise awareness and push reforms of discriminatory laws and practices. 

To support us in these efforts, please consider making a donation today.  To make a donation, click here.  For our organizational page on the #GivingTuesday website, click here.

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