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About imprisoned member of women's movement; Aliyeh Eghdam Doust

          The Feminist School
          About Imprisoned
          Member of
          Movement ;Aliyeh
          Eghdam Doust
          Saturday 14 February
          - The Feminist School's Website
          was Filtered Again
          - Na mes Mohammadi,Women
          and Human Rights Activist,
          was Hospitalised after being
          Released from Prison
          - On the First Anniversary of
          the 12th of June Presidential
          Election, Still 30 Women are in
          the Prison
          - The Iranian Women's Ouest
          for Equality: History,
          Strategies, & Demands
          - Feminist School Website has
          been Filtered
          - The Slides of the Second
          Gathering of The Green
          Coalition Movement of
          Women's Activists
          - Acknowledgment of the
          Iranian Women's and Student's

          Feminist School : Aliyeh Eghdam Doust
          [ http : //femschooL info/engjish t spiaphp?
          article48l imprisoned for participating in a
          peaceful demonstration at Haft e Tir square
          on June 12 .2006
          [ http : //femschool. info/enS h/spip.php?
          article 1 04].the peaceful gathering
          unanimously voiced condemnation of the
          entire discriminatory laws against women
          hence no reply has been given to demands.
          As a result that year in accordance with the
          resolution women gather again and will voice
          their demands including cancellation of
          polygamy, cancellation of one sided right to
          divorce, men's only right to guardianship of
          the child, should be equally shared, equal
          right in marriage ie. no conditions for work
          whether married or single. Change the age of
          consent for girls to 18, equal right as
          wideness in the court of law and women
          announce many other laws that have to
          change . the gathering stopped by the
          security forces and ended up with innocent
          people being bitten up and many arrested in
          Haft e Tir square, they arrestees were
          eventually freed but some have heavy
          sentences.Ahyeh is one of those who were
          participated in Haft e Tir sq.
          Ahyeh has been charged with 3 years arid 4
          month imprisonment and 10 lashes the court
          of appeal has reduced her sentence to 3
          years. During the proceedings Ahyeh
          8/10/2010 The Feminist School
          Movements in Italy Ihtw : //femschooL info/english/spip . php?
          - A letter From number of article234l fromher parents home inFouman
          activists from women's
          and taken to the Evin prison in Tehran Aliye
          movement To Mr Mousavi and
          Karoubi . is 57 years old and has masters in Persian
          - Stor Iran's Parliament from literature and has many years been teacher in
          Ratifying an Anti-Family Bill the education ministry which was sacked
          - 19 out of the 23 Activists after the revolution During the years of 1983
          from the Women's Movement , to 1989 Aliyeh was imprisoned as a result of
          Women Journalists and Civil
          her contacts with a political organisation, one
          Activists have been Released
          of her brothers, Mohammad Taghi Eghdam
          Doust , who was a political prisoner was shut
          by the fring squad in prison in Rasht during
          OThe Web the reign of the Shah. Aliyeh has no children
          OThe Feminist School and was divorced by her husband as an
          [ Google Search absentee claimant . Aliyeh has lost both her
          parents and has no next of keen to assist her
          in this turbulent times.

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