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Ahmadinejad: Punish protest leaders

          ltp://englisbaljazeera.rct'news/ndddleeast/2009/08/2009828 11392958.,.
          ALJAZEERA.. NET
          UPDATED ON:
          FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2009
          16:12 MECCA TIME, 13:12 GMT
          Ahmadinejad: Punish protest leaders
          Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's
          president, has called for opposition
          leaders to be punished over
          post-election violence in the
          The leader, speaking to a crowd in
          Tehran, the capital, before Friday
          prayers, said activists currently on
          trial for the unrest should not be
          the only ones prosecuted.
          “Serious confrontation should take
          place with the leaders and main
          instigators of the incidents,” he said
          “Those who provoked, organised and
          confronted firmly.”
          implemented the enemy's line should be
          Around 4,000 people were initially arrested over protests following the June 12
          poll in which Ahmadinejad was re-elected.
          More than 100 pro-reform activists and politicians, including many who have
          made public confessions, are currently on trial for seeking a “soft overthrow” of
          the government.
          ‘Shameful acts'
          Human rights groups and others say protesters were coerced into making public
          confessions through threats and abuses while they were in custody.
          Ahmadinejad has denied any government involvement, saying: “These actions
          that were carried out in custody ... were part of the enemy's scenario.
          “Security, military and intelligence forces are free from these shameful acts.”
          Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets following the election to take
          part in week-long protests, during which dozens of people were killed.
          The president said prominent activists who are currently standing trial have to be
          treated with “Islamic mercy,” portraying them as having been “deceived” into
          taking part in the unrest.
          Many pro-government figures and members of the Revolutionary Guard have
          publicly called for the arrest of defeated presidential candidates Mir Hossein
          Mousavi and
          -- H I
          Ahmadinejad made the comments in a speech to
          crowds in Tehran before Friday prayers [ AFP]
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          10/19/2009 1:43 PM
          http://english.alj azeera.netlnews/middleeastl2009/08/2009828 11392958...
          Mahdi Karroubi and former president Mohammad Khatami.
          But opposition leaders including Mousavi and Karroubi have condemned the
          !!show trials”, refusing to recognise Ahmadinejads presidency and vowing to
          Source: Agencies
          2 of 2 10/19/2009 1:43 PM

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