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Amensty International Action Regarding Siamak Pourzand as Published by

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          Urgent Action Update - Siamak Pour vd
          12 December 2001
          Further information on UA 298/01 (M'DE 13/04612001, 27 November 2001) -
          Dis.apjpeaxa'n:ce/possib'Ie.extr judicial execution
          IRAN SiamakPourzand (m') intellectual and manager of the
          Majmiu:e-ye Farhangi-ye Hona ri-ye ijeLtran (Teh ran Cultural Centre)
          It appears that Siamak Pourzand was arrested aifier he leifi his sister's house in central
          Tehr ta on 24 November.. OEere has not. been, as far as Amnesty international is
          aware, offcial acknowledgement that he is in custody.
          On 7 tL)eceniber his sister, ‘Mahin P urzand . was repoitedly told to bring a c1ia ge of
          ck t.lnes for him. to the Ostad tah wi Street. offlec t& Comi ii ttee for P pag Li xi .
          of Virtue and Prohbit oi o Vice. WFen she asked. where her brother was and what.
          he had been charged wiII, she was re portedl told tt t. i..t was none of her business..
          This ogaoesati:on maintains discipline on matters of mo .raIity , such as. dress x.des ‘
          I P ” of alcoi o1 ar I mixirg of the sexes..
          On 10 December an Iranian television station based in the United States broadcast an
          interview with one o.f'his daughters, Banafsh h Zand. A student reportedly called the
          station aifierwards arid said he had seen Sian ak Pourzand “last week” at the
          Eshratabad prison, in north central Tehran. He apparently told them that Siamak
          Pourzand was “clean” and in good health.
          Amnesty International wrote to the Head of the Judiciary on the same day, seeking
          urgent clariffication of the fate of Siamak Pourzand.
          FURTHER RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as
          quickly as possible, in English, French or your own language:
          - urging the I-lead of the Judiciary and the Ministry of Intelligence to reveal where
          and when Siamak Pourzand was arrested, and to make public where he is detained
          and what charges he faces;
          - expressing concern that he appears to be a prisoner of conscience, arrested solely
          for the peaceful expression of his beliefs;
          -urging the authorities that, unless he is to be charged with an internationally
          recognised criminal oLence, Sian-iak Pourzand should be released immediately and
          - reminding the authorities of their obligations under Article 19 of the International
          Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states that: “Everyone shaft have the
          right to ffleedom of expression; this right shall include ffleedorn to seek, receive and
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          M lIizhabi.InkirmaIIm. Site Page 2 of 3
          impart infovrnatitin and ideas of aft kinds, regardless of fflontiers., eithet orafry, in
          writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any ether m di of bis choice.”
          APPEALS TO:
          Leader of t .1 s t iarri Republic:
          His Excefrbncy Ayatollah S'ayed ‘Au Khamenei,
          The Presidency, Palestine Avenue,
          Azerballan Intersection, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
          Telegra!m5: Ayatollah Khamenei, Tehran, Iran
          Sakitat:ion: Your Excellency
          Presid iat.
          His Excefrency Ho jato1e.siasn val Moslemin Sayed Moh .arnmad Khatami
          The Pr esidency, Palestine Avenue
          AzerFa:ijan Intersection, TII.tan, Islamic Republic of Iran
          Telegrams: Presidei t Khatarni, Tehran, Iran
          E-mail: khatarni
          Salutation: Your .xce-1lency
          Head of the Judiciary
          His Excefrency Ayatoftah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahrudi
          Ministry of Justice
          Park-e Shahr
          Islamic Republic of Iran
          Telegrams: Head of Judiciary, Tehran, Iran
          Faxes: + 98 21 879 6671 (number may be unreliable; please mark “care of
          Director of International Affairs, Judiciary”)
          Salutation: Your Excellency
          M .i iig
          His Excefrency Hojjatoleslam ‘Au Yoanesi
          Second Negarestan Street
          Pasdaran Avenue
          Tehran., Islamic Republic of Iran
          Telegrams: Intelligence Minister, Tehran, Iran
          Salutation: Your Excellency
          COPIES TO:
          Minister of Foreign . Affairs,
          His Excefrency Kamal Kharrazi
          Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Abdolinajid Keshk-e Mesri Av
          Tebran, Islamic Republic of Iran
          Telegrams: Foreign ALairs Minister, Tebran, Iran
          Faxes: + 98 21 390 1999 (number may be unreliable; please mark “care of
          the Human Rights Department, Foreign Ministry)
          Salutation: Your Excellency
           22001 news/I 21 2ai.htm 12/13/01
          Md1i 4habi htf rmation Site Page 3. qf
          Mohsen IIrn&ii Najafabadi
          Article 90 Commission (Kormsyon-e Asl-e Navad), M j1es-e hura-ye Eslami, Jrnar ,
          Khomeini Avenue, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
          Telegra .m Majies, Tehran, Iran
          Z142 32 ICAI IR
          + 98 21 646 1746 (Can be diff cult to reach, please be patient)
          Sahitation: Dear Sir
          PLEASE SEND APPE.ALS il tMEDI.ATELY. Check with the international
          Secretariat, or your sec tion aLl e, ifjscndihg appeals affier 23 January 2002
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