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An Open Letter to the Government of Iran (The New York Times – 8/7/1983)

          An, Open Letter to the Government of Iran: / 1 —
          ‘We, p I listS In Iranian and islamk studIes, protest the han flg
          •of 16 Bahá'f s, jnc ludiflg seven women and thi ee teen age girls,bY the authorities
          of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the city of ShiraZ on: June 16 and 18, 1983.
          The iranian Bahá'fS have repeatedlY expressed and demonstrated their loyalty to Iran.
          nevertheleSS, they have been systemat 1 C Y persecuted for th mere fact
          that they adhere to a religion other than Islam. Such persecution and these cruel
          and unjUSt execUtioflS seem to us a contradiction of all that is best in the traditions
          of i lan1 end the iranian people.. . .
          Errand Abrahaflhlan, Baruch College, CUNY Nicholas fleer, UniversitY of Washington
          Charles i Adams, McGill UniversitY . Renata Holod, UniversitY of Pennsylvania
          Fouad Ajanhl, Johns Hopkins UniversitY George Hourani, SUN? at Buffalo
          Mebrdad Amanat, UCLA . Richard HovannlS iahl, UCLA
          Nazlb Ayubi, UCLA . Stephen Humph r eY s, UniverSitY of Wisconsin
          Gulty AzarPay, .IJC BerkeleY Charles Issawl, PrincetOfl.Um emt '
          Jere L. .BachraCb, UniversitY of ashingt0fl Noury S. AI.KhaledY, portland State UniversitY
          - MniU Banafli, UCLA .. Edward KeñnaU, Harvard UniversitY
          All Banuazizi, Boston College . Jean-LUC KrawCzYk, UCLA
          • iraJ Rashirl, University of Minnesota . 1 Carla Klau sner, UniversitY of Missouri
          Ulku Bates, Hunter college, CLJNY. . :. James Krltzek, Un.iverSitY of Utah
          Lawrence V. Berman, Stanford UniversitY George encZoW 5 1 j, UC Berkeley
          Andrea odrogIigeti, UCLA . Michael Loralne, University of Washiflgt 0fl
          • Gerhard Bowering, UniverSitY of Pennsylvania Aim Luther, UniverSitY of Michigan
          Peter' Brown, uc BerkeleY . • .. Jail MahiflOUdi, UniversitY of Utah
          Richard W. Bulliet, Columbia University . .. . George MakdlSi, UniversitY of PennsYlvania
          Jerome Clinton, Princeton UniversitY . Afaf Lutfl.a SaYyldMmbot , UCLA
          Richard Cottam, UniverSitY of pjttsburgh . . Bradford Martin, Indiana UniversitY
          Kenneth Cuno, UCLA . . : BrinkleY Messick, Princeton UniverSitY
          Eric Davis, Rutgers University . : Heshfllat MoaYYad, UniversitY of Chicago
          Peter Duigflafl , Stanford University .. James Monroe, CBerke1ey
          • . . Richard Eaton, University of Arizona Michael MoroflY, UCLA
          • Daniel Elton, University of Hawaii : . Kbosrow Mostoft, UniverSitY of Utah
          Ainslee Embree, Columbia UniversitY • .. . Roy P. Mottahedeb, Princeton University
          Asghar Fathi, UniversitY of CalgarY •• ; Guity Nashat, UniversitY of Illinois
          • Adele K. FerdowS, University of LOU1SVII 1 C ‘ . Pierre Oberimng, Hunter College, CUNY
          Michael Fischer, Rice University.. . Daniel Pipes, Harvard University'
          Joseph Fletcher, Harvard njversity . David Powers, Cornell University
          • Richard Frank, Catholic UniversitY of America Vaziur Rahmafl, University of Chicago
          Richard N. Frye, Harvard University . ROUhOll& 1 K. Ramlizani, University of Virginia
          • . Gene GarthWalte, Dartmouth College . Amal Rassain, QueeflSC01le ge CUNY
          Raymond D. Gastil, Freedom House .. NosratOl 1 a 1 . RasSekh, Lewis' and Clark College
          Clifford Geedz, Institute for Advanced Studies, NadaV Safran, Harvard University
          princeton ‘.. . . . •. . . Stanford 3. Shaw, UCLA
          S.D. Goitein, institUt for Advanced Studies, FadiaShehad, Rutáer; University
          PrincetOn . . JJ• Smith, Harvard university
          Arthur E. GoldsCbmldt, Pennsylvania State John Muon Smith, uc Berkeley
          •.. . UniversitY . . .. GIrd h al 1 Lal TikkU UniversitY of Illinois
          Lena E. Goodman, univerSity of Hawa . She Vatter, UC A
          • Oleg Grabar, Harvard U versity. • Sperm VryoDlS Jr., UCLA
          Peter Gran, Temple University : Wayne S. Vucinich, Stanford University
          • Robed L. Guilck Jr., American Graduate School G.M. WIckens, UniversitY of Toronto
          - of international anagemeflt . .. Wifilam Young, UCLA
          • . . Gerry. A. Hale, UCLA . . . ‘ , WillIam 1. Zadman, Johns Hopkins University
          - Andras Hamorl, Princeton UniverSitY Farhat Zladeh, University of Washington
          iliiam HanaWaY, University of Pennsylvania Marvin Zonis, University o Chicago
          John Hayes, UCLA .. :. .
          • . ... : in Banani .
          Department of Middle Eastern
          UC s ,C )O24 ‘.:. ‘
          kb j I —— C

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