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Arak revolutionary court issues final warrant to confiscate abed tavanchehs family home

          Arak Revolutionary Court Issues Final Warrant to Confiscate Abed Tavancheh's Family Home
          Written by admini
          Sunday, 06 June 2010 14:06 -
          HRANA — In an illegal move, the Arak Revolutionary Court has ordered the confiscation of
          Abed Tavancheh's residence. Mr. Tavancheh is a left-wing student activist.
          According to Daneshjou News, Arak Revolutionary Court has decided to illegally enforce the
          initial sentence issued for Mr. Tavancheh. The court has not informed Mr. Tavancheh or his
          lawyer about the verdict.
          Previously, Arak Intelligence Office agents had raided the home of Mr. Tavancheh's father
          several times in order to arrest this student activist, but were unsuccessful. These agents had
          threatened to seal the family residence if Mr. Tavancheh did not appear at the Revolutionary
          Court. The house had been used as collateral for his release.
          In January, the Arak Revolutionary Court had sentenced Abed Tavancheh, who is a leftist
          student activist and a former member of the Amir Kabir University Islamic Student Association,
          to one year in prison. The court, however, had strangely refused to issue a written sentence. As
          a result, Mr. Tavancheh and his attorney, Mr. Naser Zarafshan, refused to sign the sentence
          notification order, which was ambiguous and communicated to them verbally.
          Omran Aziz, the judge in charge of the case, then unlawfully sent the ruling to the enforcement
          unit without referring the sentence to the Appeals Court as required by the law. Immediately
          following this illegal act, Dr. Zarashan filed a comptaint against the judge, who presides over
          Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court, in the Judges Court. The complaint has been recorded in
          the Judges Oversight Office.
          However, under the pressure of the Arak intelligence authorities, the prosecutor's office in Arak
          has decided to treat the initial ruling as affirmed and is insisting on its enforcement.
          Failure to stop the enforcement of a judicial sentence where the issuing judge is himself under
          Arak Revolutionary Court Issues Final Warrant to Confiscate Abed Tavancheh's Family Home
          Written by admini
          Sunday, 06 June 2010 14:06 -
          investigation for failure to follow legal procedure in issuing the sentence is a crime in itself,
          which the Revolutionary Court is insisting on committing. According to this verdict, Mr.
          Tavancheh's bailor has been given 16 days to deliver Abed Tavancheh to the judiciary's
          enforcement unit. If this student activist fails to report to prison, the authorities will confiscate his
          family's residence in favor of the government.

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