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As media arrests mount, Iran solidifies a dishonor

          As nedia arrests nxrnnt, Iran solidifies a dishomr. Connnittee to Protect http://cpj .org/2009/07/as•nedia•arrests-ntwt•iran•solidifles•a•dishonor.php
          C Committee to ProtectJournalists
          Defending Journal is: s Worldwide
          As media arrests mount, Iran solidifies a dishonor
          New York, July 22, 2009--The Committee to Protect Journalists has confirmed the detentions of another four journalists
          in Iran. CPJ research shows the continuing arrests have solidified Iran's dishonorable standing as the world's leading
          jailer of journalists.
          At least 41 journalists are now being hold in Iranian prisons, 35 of whom were jailed in the aftermath of the disputed June
          12 presidential election, CPJ research shows. Iran has supplanted China (hftp://cpi.orq/reports/2008/12/cpis-2008-prison-
          census-online-and-in-jail.php) as the world's worst jailer of journalists; CPJ's most recent survey found 28 journalists
          imprisoned in China ( E2%80%8E) .
          The Iranian government has responded harshly to those who have challenged the presidential elections results, cracking
          down on protests, obstructing local media, and expelling and vilifying (
          some-iournalists-vilifies-foreign-pr.php) foreign journalists. CPJ research shows that local newspapers are regularly
          censored ( .
          Today, CPJ called on the government to immediately release all detained journalists and to halt the obstruction of free
          expression. Among those unjustly jailed is Majid Saeedi, a freelance photographer for Getty Images, who has worked in
          Iran for years. CPJ posted a slideshow ( today showing the breadth
          and diversity of Saeedi's work.
          “Iranian authorities continue to hold dozens of journalists behind bars, the vast majority of them without charge. The
          numbers speak for themselves--and the world is taking note. It's an embarrassment for Iran to be the world's worst jailer
          of journalists,” said CPJ Middle East and North Africa Program Coordinator Mohamed Abdel Dayem. “The authorities
          must end their campaign against the media, and they should start by immediately releasing these unjustly detained
          Here are capsule reports on the four journalists whose detentions have been newly verified by CPJ. Following
          that are capsule reports for the rest of those detained.
          Shadi Sadr, Women in Iran
          DETAINED: July 17, 2009
          Sadr, prominent lawyer, women rights actMst, and journalist, was arrested by plainclothes agents on her way to Friday
          sermon on July 17, according to the U.S.-backed Radio Farda. According to the Los Angeles Times, Sadr works as an
          editor for the Web site of Women in Iran ( , a local women's rights group. Hossein
          Nilchan, Sadr's husband, said witnesses saw her forcibly pushed into a car and taken to an unknown location, Radio
          Farda reported.
          Korosh Javan, freelance photographer
          1 of 7 03/08 2010 14:36
          As nedia arrests nEunt, Iran solidifies a dishomr. Connnittee to Protect http://cpj .org /2OO9/O7/as-n dia-arrests-ntwt•iraxi•solidifles•a•dishonorphp
          DETAINED: July 9, 2009
          Javan, a freelance photographer, was arrested on July 9, according to multiple local news reports. Additional details
          were not immediately available.
          Marjan Abollahian , Hamshahri
          DETAINED: July 9, 2009
          Photo editor Abde lhayn was arrested on July 7, according to the BBC Persian service. She works with the Tehran-based
          Hamshaliri newspaper, according to local news reports.
          Satyar Emami, photographer
          DETAINED: July 9, 2009
          Emami, a photographer, was arrested on July 9, journalists told CPJ. The date and circumstances of his arrest is not
          available. His Web site ( has not been updated since July 8.
          Here are capsules reports on other journalists detained following the presidential election on June 12:
          Saeed Matin-Pour, Yar Pag and Mouj Bidari
          DETAINED: July 12, 2009
          A revolutionary court in Tehran convicted Saeed Matin-Pour of having “relations with foreigners and propagating against
          the regime,” according to local news reports, and sent him immediately to Evin Prison. Matin-Pour was initially arrested
          in May 2007 after he visited Turkey and was released on bail after nine months. The journalist worked for Yar Pag and
          Mouj Bidari newspapers in Azerbaijan province, western Iran, in addition to writing his own blog, according to local
          ( content&view=article&id=2814:2009-07-13-10-58-55&
          catid=6: 2009-04-01 - 10-24-33&Itemid=66) news reports.
          Majid Saeedi, freelance photographer for Getty Images
          DETAINED: July 10, 2009
          Security agents arrested Saeedi, a well-known photographer ( with several reformist
          newspapers, at his home and took him to an unknown location, according to Getty Images. Jonathan Klein, the photo
          agency's CEO, describes Saeedi as a “dedicated photojournalist” who was simply trying to document events in Iran.
          Tohid Begi, photographer
          DETAINED: July 9, 2009
          The photographer for Mashrota News, affiliated with the defeated presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi, was arrested
          by security agents near Inqilab Square in Tehran on July 9, according to news reports.
          Kave Muzzafari, blogger
          DETAINED: July 9, 2009
          Muzzafari, blogger ( and women's rights activist, was arrested near his home in Tehran.
          He was a supporter of the campaign to collect “ One Million Signatures (http: / /
          / spip.php?article55l) ” urging the reform of Iranian laws that discriminate against women. His mother-in-law, who was
          with him at the time of his arrest, told the Tehran-based Sign for Change (http://www.sign4change .info
          / spip.php?article43O7) Web site that plainclothes police officers arrested Muzaffari while they were on thier way home
          2 of 7 03/08 2010 14:36
          As ntdia arrests ntunt, Iran solidifies a dishoiu- Committee to Protect .,. lfltp://cpj .org'2OO9/O7/as-n dia-arrests-n uzt-iran-solidifies-a-dislionorphp
          from a hospital.
          Muhammad-Reza Yazdanpana, freelance, blogger
          DETAINED: July 7, 2009
          Yazdanpana, freelance journalist and blogger for Yazdanpana ( , was arrested on the
          way home on July 7, according to local news reports. He has worked for several reformists affiliated newspapers such
          as Sharq, Karguzaran, and Yas Nu.
          Massoud Bastani, Jomhoriyat
          DETAINED: July 5, 2009
          Bastani, husband of detained journalist Mehamsa Amrabadi, was arrested when he was went to a Tehran court seeking
          information about his wife's whereabouts, according to multiple (http:/Iwww.ham local
          ( news (http: / /
          / showthread.php?s=96c35d9282f87330a331 dl 01 1735c75c&p=2867#post2867) reports (
          1news 13616076.html) . He works for Jomhoriyat, a news Web site affiliated with the defeated reformist candidate
          Mir-Hossein Mousavi. His wife, Amrabadi, was arrested along with two other journalists on June 15. According to local
          and international rights groups Amrabadi, who is pregnant, is being held at Evin Prison.
          Issa Sahar-Khiz, freelance
          DETAINED: July 3, 2009
          Sahar-Khiz, a freelance journalist and founding member of the Association of Iranian Journalists, was arrested while
          traveling in north of Iran, the Association said ( in a statement. It also
          reported that the family has been informed of the arrest by phone. Sahar-Khiz is the former director of the press
          department at the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and is a supporter of defeated candidate presidential Mehdi
          Karroubi, according to news ( Saharkhiz Bastani RSFII 770589.html) reports
          (,,4456832,00.html) .
          Hangameh Shahidi, blogger
          DETAINED: June 30, 2009
          Shahidi, a blogger and contributor to reformist newspapers, was arrested on June 30, according to local news reports.
          The details of her arrest are unknown.
          Sumaia Nusrati, Tehran Emrouz
          DETAINED: June 21, 2009
          Nusrati, a journalist with Tehran Emrouz and Hayat No, has been detained since June 21, according to local news
          reports. The details of her arrest are unknown.
          Abulfazl Abedini , freelance
          DETAINED: June 30, 2009
          Abidini, a freelance journalist and human right activist, was arrested in Ahwaz in southwest Iran on June 30, according to
          the U.S.-backed Radio Farda. Security agents searched his house before taking him, the radio station reported. Abidini
          was also arrested last year after he reported on a strike by workers at a factory in Ahwaz.
          Kambiz Nouroozi, Association of Iranian Journalists
          DETAINED: June 28, 2009
          3 of 7 03/08 2010 14:36
          As ntdia arrests ntunt, Iran solidifies a dislioiu- Committee to Protect .,. lfltp://cpj org'2OO9/O7/as-n dia•arrests-ntunt-iran-solidifies-a-dislionorphp
          Uniformed officers arrested Nouroozi, director of legal affairs at the Association of Iranian Journalists, in Tehran, the
          Persian service of the BBC reported ( nm ir88 brief norouzi.shtml) .
          He contacted family members to inform them that his case will be referred to the Revolutionary Court, the BBC reported
          ( liran/2009 106 1090629 nm ir88 _ brief _ norouzi.shtml) .
          Mujtaba Tehrani, Etemad e Melli
          DETAINED: June 27, 2009
          Tehrani, a reporter with Etemad e Mel/i, the newspaper owned by defeated presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi, was
          arrested on his way home, according to Saham News, a news Web site affiliated with Karroubi. According to Saham
          News, Tehrani had informed his family that he was returning home from work, but never arrived. The following day police
          visited his home, searched it, and took his computer, the Web site reported.
          Names unknown (3), Kalameh Sabz
          DETAINED: June 22, 2009
          Twenty-five staffers of Kalameh Sabz, a newspaper owned by defeated presidential contender Mir-Hossein Mousavi,
          were initially detained. Ayande News, a self-described independent news Web site, reported on June 29 that most were
          later released. Three unidentified staffers are believed to be still in custody.
          Alireza Beheshti, Kalameh Sabz
          DETAINED: June 22, 2009
          Beheshti, editor-in-chief of Kalameh Sabz, was arrested on June 22 as he was leaving the newspaper, according to
          several local news reports. His arrest came hours after security agents detained about 25 of his staffers, local press
          Maziar Bahari, Newsweek
          DETAINED: June 21, 2009
          Security agents arrested Newsweek's Tehran correspondent, Maziar Bahari, the magazine reported
          ( http: / / ) . The officers, who did not identify themselves, took Bahari's laptop and several
          videotapes, according to Newsweek. On July 15, more than 100 prominent journalists from 47 countries sent a petition
          ( http:llcpi.orq/2009/O7lfree-maziar-bahari-100-qlobal-iournalists-petition.php ) to the Iranian government calling for his
          immediate release.
          Zhila Bani-Yaghoub, Iranian Women's Club
          Ahmadi Omavi, affiliation unknown
          DETAINED: June 19, 2009
          Bani-Yaghoub and Omavi, who are married, were arrested by security forces in Tehran, the U.S.-funded Radio Farda
          reported ( JILA BAHMAN ARRESTII759O4O.html) . Bani-Yaghoub is the editor-
          in-chief of the /ranian Women's Club, a news Web site (http:/lirwomen.netl) focusing on women's rights. Ishrat Awliai,
          Bani-Yaghoub's mother, told the Iranian Women's Club on July 1 that since her arrest Bani-Yaghoub has contacted her
          family just once from Evin Prison.
          Rajab-Ali Mazroui, Association of Iranian Journalists
          DETAINED: June 19, 2009
          Mazroui, director of the Association of Iranian Journalists, was arrested on June 19, according to multiple local news
          reports. The details of his arrest in Tehran remain unknown.
          4 of 7 03/08 2010 14:36
          As ntdia arrests ntunt, Iran solidifies a dislioiu- Committee to Protect .,. lfltp://cpj org'2OO9/O7/as-n dia•arrests-ntunt-iran-solidifies-a-dislionorphp
          Muhammad Ghouchani, Etemad e MeIIi
          DETAINED: June 19, 2009
          Ghouchani, editor-in-chief of Etemad e Me/li, which is owned by defeated presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi, was
          arrested on June 19 by Ettelaat intelligence agents, the BBC Persian service reported (
          / Igliran/2009/06 1090620 _ ba-ir88-qhouchani.shtml) . On June 30, Javan, a newspaper aligned with President Mahmoud
          Ahmedinejad, published a “confession” allegedly given by Ghouchani, identifying him by his initials. The newspaper
          reported that Ghouchani confessed to having been trained in a Persian Gulf country in preparation for a revolution.
          Saeed Laylaz, Sarmaia
          DETAINED: June 17, 2009
          Lilaz, a journalist for the daily business journal Sarmaia and a vocal critic of President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad's
          economic policy, was arrested in his home on June 17, his wife, Sepharnaz Panahi, told the BBC Persian service
          ( op ir88 arrests continue.shtml ) ' . She said that officers searched
          their home and confiscated videotapes, hard disks, and letters. The family doesn't know where Lilaz is being held, the
          BBC reported. Sarmaia also reported (http:/lwww.sarmayeh.netlPDFl88-03-28 1P2.pdf) the arrest.
          Karim Arghandehpour, blogger
          DETAINED: June 17, 2009
          Arghandehpour, a journalist who blogs at Futurama (http:llfuturama.iri9 , was arrested on June 17, according to news
          reports. Arghandehpour wrote for the now-defunct reformist newspapers Salaam and Vaghaa-ye-Ettefaaghyeh,
          according to the Tehran Bureau, a news Web site.
          Mohammad Ali Abtahi, blogger
          DETAINED: June 16, 2009
          The well-known blogger Abtahi ( , an adviser to the defeated presidential candidate
          Mehdi Karroubi and vice president during Mohammad Khatami's presidency, was arrested on June 16, the BBC Persian
          service reported ( l 6 _ he _ ir88 _ abtahi-arrest.shtml) . A blog entry
          ( on his site states that he will resume writing as soon as he is released. His wife,
          Fatima Abtahi, told the BBC that three men in plainclothes visited their home in Tehran and took him away.
          Sumaia Tawhidlu, blogger
          DETAINED: Mid-June
          Tawhidlu, who blogs at Sahel e Salamat ( http:/Iwww.smto.iri9 and is a supporter of defeated reformist candidate
          Mir-Hossein Mousavi, was arrested in mid-June in Tehran, according to local news reports. The precise date of her
          arrest is unknown.
          Ahmad Zaid-Abadi, Rooz Online
          DETAINED: Mid-June
          Zaid-Abadi, a well-known journalist who writes a weekly column for Rooz Online, a Farsi and English reformist news
          Web site, was arrested in mid-June in Tehran. Zaid-Abadi is also the director of the Organization of University Alumni of
          the Islamic Republic of Iran and a supporter of the defeated candidate Mehdi Karroubi. The details of his arrest remain
          Mehamsa Amrabadi, Etemad e Melli
          Behzad Bashbo, affiliation unknown
          5 of 7 03/08 2010 14:36
          As ntdia arrests ntunt, Iran solidifies a dishoiu- Committee to Protect .,. lfltp://cpj .org'2OO9/O7/as-n dia-arrests-n unt-iran-solidifies-a-dislioiior ,php
          KhaIiI Mir-Ashrafi, affiliation unknown
          DETAINED: June 15, 2009
          Amrabadi, a reporter for Etemad e Mel/i newspaper, was arrested on June 15, her mother, Maryam Naqi, told
          ( ba-1r88-qhouchani.shtml) the BBC Persian service. Naqi told the
          BBC that the Ministry of Justice informed her on June 18 that her daughter was being held at Evin Prison. On June 17,
          Ham Mi/ ian, a news Web site, reported that the cartoonist Bashbo and television producer Mir-Ashrafi were guests at
          Amrabadi's home in Tehran when all the three were detained.
          Shiwa Nazar-Ahari, blogger
          DETAINED: June 14, 2009
          Nazar-Ahari, a blogger (http:/ and a member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters,
          a local watchdog group, was arrested by Ettelaat intelligence agents in her Tehran office on June 14, the committee
          reported ( .
          Kayvan Samimi , Nama
          DETAINED: June 14, 2009
          Samimi, manager of the now-defunct monthly magazine Nama, was arrested on June 14 in Tehran, according to multiple
          online articles.
          Here are capsule reports on journalists who were imprisoned prior to the June 12 election:
          Hossein Derakhshan, blogger
          DETAINED: November, 2008
          Derakhshan, an Iranian-Canadian who is widely credited for developing software that enabled Farsi speakers to blog in
          their native tongue, was arrested in November. The exact date of his arrest is unknown, but the news first appeared on
          November 17 on Jahan News, a news web site that is close to the Iranian intelligence apparatus. Jahan News reported
          that Derakhshan had confessed “spying for Israel” during the preliminary interrogation. The crime carries the death
          penalty. Ali Reza Jamshidi, spokesman for the Iranian judiciary, confirmed in a press conference on December 30 that
          Derakhshan had been arrested in connection with remarks he allegedly made about a top Shiite cleric, according to local
          and international news reports.
          Mohammad Hossein Fallahiyazadeh, Al-Alam
          DETAINED: November 1, 2006
          Authorities arrested Fallahiyazadeh, 33, on November 1, 2006, and transferred him to Tehran's Evin Prison, according to
          the Iran-based human rights group Human Rights Activists in Iran . His detention stemmed from his reporting on the
          government's harsh treatment of Iranian-Arab protesters in the Khuzestan provincial capital, Ahwaz, the group said. A
          Revolutionary Court convicted him during closed proceedings and sentenced him to a three-year prison term for
          spreading propaganda against the Islamic regime and for communicating with opposition groups, according to Human
          Rights Activists in Iran and Amnesty International. Fallahiyazadeh, who belongs to Iran's Arab minority, was denied
          access to a lawyer, the groups said.
          Adnan Hassanpour, Aso
          DETAINED: January 25, 2007
          Security agents seized Hassanpour, a journalist and former editor for the now-defunct Kurdish-Persian weekly Aso, in his
          6 of 7 03/08 2010 14:36
          As nedia arrests nEunt, Iran solidifies a dishomr. Connnittee to Protect http://cpj .org/2009/07/as•nedia•arrests-ntwt•iran•solidifles•a•dishonorphp
          hometown of Marivan, in Kurdistan province, according to news reports. A Revolutionary Court convicted him in July
          2007 of endangering national security and engaging in propaganda against the state, one of his attorneys, Sirvan
          Hosmandi, told CPJ. Hassanpour was sentenced to death. A court of appeals overturned the death sentence in
          September 2008 and ordered a new trial on charges of “working for outlawed parties” and espionage, according to the
          BBC and a CPJ source.
          Mohammad Seddigh Kaboudvand, Payam-e Mardom
          DETAINED: July 1, 2007
          Plainclothes security officials arrested journalist and human rights activist Kaboudvand at his Tehran office, according to
          Amnesty International and CPJ sources. He was being held at Evin Prison in Tehran. Authorities accused Kaboudvand,
          head of the Human Rights Organization of Kurdistan and managing editor of the weekly Payam-e Mardom, of acting
          against national security and engaging in propaganda against the state, according to his organization's Web site.
          Tehran's Revdutionary Court sentenced him to 11 years in prison.
          Massoud Kurdpour, freelance
          DETAINED: August 9, 2008
          Security forces arrested Kurdpour, a freelance journalist and human rights activist, at his home in Bokan, a Kurdish city in
          northwest Iran, his brother, Jaafar, told CPJ. He was charged with “propaganda against the regime” because of
          interviews he did with foreign media, including the BBC, Radio France Internationale, and the U.S.-government funded
          outlets Radio Farda and Voice of America (VOA). Defense attorney Abbas Jamali said Kurdpour was sentenced in
          October 2008, to one year in prison. Authorities did not single out specific interviews or topics, but Kurdpour often
          addressed the regime's harsh treatment of minorities.
          Mojtaba Lotfi, freelance
          DETAINED: October 8, 2008
          A clergyman and a blogger, Lotfi was arrested by security forces on a warrant issued by the Clergy Court in Qom.
          Authorities accused him of publishing the views of Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri, who has criticized Ahmadinejad's
          positions. Authorities did not specify particular articles or publications in which the views were supposedly cited. A court
          in Qom convicted Lotfi of several charges, including the spread of antistate information, and sentenced him to four years
          in prison, according to news accounts published November 30.
          July 22, 2009 4:15 PM ET I Permalink (http:Ilcpi.orq/2009/07/as-media-arrests-mount-iran-solidifies-a-dishonor.php )
          7 of 7 03/08 2010 14:36

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