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Attacks on the Press 2008: Iran

          Attacks on the Press in 2008: Iran- Contttee to Protect Journalists http://wwwcpjorg /2009/02/attacks-on-the-press-in-2008-iranphp
          C Committee to ProtectJournalists
          Defending Journal is: s Worldwide
          Attacks on the Press in 2008: Iran
          President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's economic policies and human rights record drew widespread criticism from
          academics, activists, and journalists. In response, Ahmadinejad sought to suppress independent media by manipulating
          government subsidies, exerting censorship, and using the punitive tools of detention and harassment.
          Iran's official inflation rate surpassed 25 percent, an increase analysts said was fueled by government spending of
          surging oil revenue. On human rights, Ahmadinejad's government cracked down on free expression online and in
          traditional media, pressured and mistreated minority groups, and, according to Human Rights Watch, executed seven
          juveniles in 2008 alone.
          Since Ahmadinejad's election in 2005, the government has used official subsidies as a weapon against critical
          newspapers and magazines, according to analysts and news accounts. Reformist and critical newspapers reported
          losing subsidies for imported paper and equipment that remained widely available to pro-government news media. The
          newspaper Aftab Yazd Daily said it faced a 60 percent drop in government subsidies after the Ministry of Culture and
          Islamic Guidance, the agency in charge of monitoring the press, identified the newspaper in a 2007 report as a leading
          government critic.
          “The government is leading the press into a crisis with its adopted policies,” Mahmoud Shamsolvaezin, a prominent
          Tehran journalist, told the Aftab News Agency. “The government is striving to make the cultural products identical; that's
          why private institutions are hurting and becoming passive.”
          The administration used behind-the-scenes tactics as well, urging government institutions to withhold advertising from
          critical publications, CPJ sources said. With the economy largely government-based, publications relied heavily on ad
          revenue from government companies, banks, and agencies. Authorities also sought to control news coverage by quietly
          pressuring publications. Saeed Mortazavi, the powerful Tehran prosecutor, directed editors what to cover and how,
          using the threat of suspension as leverage, according to news accounts.
          Since he came to power, Ahmadinejad has directed a tough offensive against Iran's civil society. Dozens of civil
          organizations have been dissolved or barred from activity. In July, the Iranian Ministry of Labor threatened to disband the
          Association of Iranian Journalists, the country's only nongovernmental journalistic organization, citing supposed
          irregularities in the election of the group's leadership. In late year, after the association held new board elections, the
          government appeared to back away from its threat. With a membership of more than 4,000, the association has
          provided important support to local journalists.
          More than 30 journalists were investigated or arrested or spent time in prison during the year, according to human rights
          and press groups. Numerous published reports accused authorities of denying prisoners basic human rights. In many
          cases, detention locations were unknown, trials were held in secret, and access to defense attorneys was withheld.
          Though some imprisoned journalists had serious physical ailments, timely medical attention was not routinely made
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          Attacks on the Press in 2008: Iran- Contttee to Protect Journalists http://wwwcpjorg/2009/02/attacks-on-the-press-in-2008-iranphp
          Journalists defending women's rights faced a particularly strong backlash from the government. At least seven
          well-known women's rights writers were summoned to court during the year. Parvin Ardalan, who wrote for the Change
          for Equality Web site, faced two sets of charges, including accusations of endangering national security. The Sixth
          Branch of Islamic Revolutionary Court sentenced her to a six-month prison term, although she was free on appeal in late
          year. Ardalan received Sweden's Olof Palme Prize for human rights in 2007.
          The government continued to crack down on Kurdish, Azeri, and Arab publications, along with journalists who sought to
          cover the regime's treatment of ethnic minorities.
          At least five Iranian writers and editors were imprisoned when CPJ conducted its annual census on December 1, making
          the country the world's sixth-leading jailer of journalists. Four of those jailed had reported for critical ethnic outlets or
          sought to detail the government's treatment of minorities. All five were accused of various forms of antistate activity.
          The imprisoned included Mohammad Hossein Fallahiyazadeh, a television reporter serving a three-year term after
          recounting the government's harsh treatment of Iranian-Arab protesters in Khuzestan province. Adnan Hassanpour, editor
          of the now-defunct Kurdish-Persian weekly Aso, faced pending charges of espionage in late year. (Hassanpour's original
          2007 conviction and death sentence were overturned in September.)
          The roster of those jailed also included Mohammad Seddigh Kaboudvand, head of the Human Rights Organization of
          Kurdistan and managing editor of the weekly Payam-e Mardom, who was serving 11 years on antistate charges.
          Massoud Kurdpour, a freelance journalist in West Azerbaijan province, was sentenced in October to a year in prison on
          charges of “propaganda against the regime” after doing interviews with foreign media about the government's treatment
          of minorities. And blogger Mojtaba Lotfi was sentenced to four years in prison in November on antistate charges related
          to perceived criticism of Ahmadinejad.
          OpenNet Initiative, an academic partnership that studies Internet censorship issues, said in a May 2007 report that Iran
          engaged in “aggressive online censorship policies” and that political and social content was subject to pervasive filtering.
          As presidential elections approach in June 2009, the government appeared to ramp up its Internet censorship. The
          government issued regular bulletins to Internet service providers, identifying critical news, politics, women's rights, and
          human rights sites to block. The bulletins also marked a large number of personal blogs for censorship.
          MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA: Regional Analysis
          Pre-empting the Satellite TV Revolution ( 12009l02/satellite-tv-middle-east.php )
          MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA: Country Summaries
          (http:llwww.cpj.orql2009 102
          /2009 102/attacks-
          in-2008-morocco.php )
          Iran Sudan (h t tp://
          ( / 2009/02/attacks-on-the -
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          / 2009/02/attacks- press-in-2008-sudan.php)
          in-2008-iran.php )
          in-2008-tunisia.php )
          Yemen (
          press-in-2008-yemen.php )
          in-2008-israe l.php)
          Other Attacks and
          Developments in the
          Region (
          press-in-2008-m ideast-
          deve lopments.php)
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