FT Attends Memorial for Slain, Imprisoned Baha i
I attended the memorial service for the 16 executed oppression, then you must speak out against the
members of the Baha'i religion held oniuly9at TheCivic oppression of others
Many of the 3OO1R aha'is in Iran have been impnsoned At the service which lasted 45 minutes, a woman
or killed by the Muslim-dominated government in its chanted in Arabic The prayer was in English and could
current period of religious persecution. [ was greeted very be applied to any religion. One member said there were
cordially by members of the Bahal faith. I told them I W S other services like this held on the same day throughout
• Jewish and I showed them my Jewish star. One of the the world. President Reagan made a public statement on
• members of the Bahai faith showed me a necklace with that day, and the problem had been broadcast through the
their symbol. They asked me why I came. I said I had television media. The struggle for life goes on.
wanted to do something, and this was my opportunity.
They expressed their gratitude. .
• If you expect someone to speak out against your
Shaker Hei j
W. 17,479
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