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Baha’is being butchered in Iran: U.N. intervention sought for Iranian Baha’is

          Baha'js fear that if the pre-
          sent course of persecution in
          Iran is left unchecked and
          governments of the free world
          del t.y effective intervention on
          behalf of this beleagured com-
          munity, those in authority in
          Iran may pursue their admit-
          ted design, and continue the
          campaign of terror with a
          view to exterminate the inno-
          cent and defenceless Baha'i
          minority in Iran. At present
          the authorities have a list of
          about 4,000 key Baha'is for
          The present state of affairs
          is the cWirnjnation of a syste-
          matic caw aigo of intimida-
          tion aga insi the Iranian Baba'i
          communIty that has taken
          the f'z;:u of forcing in-
          divjdaE j Baha'js to recant
          their faith, of economic
          repress ion, vi!ification false
          accusation, assassination and
          wrongi ul arrest, imprisonment
          and execution, and has called
          forth protests from the hignest
          international authorities.
          The National Spiritual
          Assembly of the Baba'is of
          India are left with no choice
          but to appeal, through the
          free press of India, to the
          hearts and conscience of our
          people and Government to
          intervene on behalf of the
          defenceless .Baha'is of Iran.
          Moscow Aug, 29 (1
          Arms control and stren
          ing of European securit:
          b among many topics
          discused at the 31 st Pu
          Conferecce which ope
          the Caudian resort tot
          Banif, yesterday
          Over 200 scietktjsts fr
          countries are attendjg
          six-day conference, r
          State from. Banff W
          The conference devot
          the quest peace in a
          Ridded dworld expressec
          cern over, the us decis
          go ahead with producti
          neutron bombs and the I
          plan to deploy new US
          urn range nuclear rnissh
          Western Europe.
          The scientists dem
          taking up early mea ur
          check the arms race, espe
          nuckar ones to stren
          mutual .eonfidence ai
          countries and to eni
          They also called for
          control talks. between th
          and the Soviet Union a
          earliest possible date.
          The Pugwasb move.
          was founded in 1956
          Albert Einstein and Bet
          Ruseil issued a joint n
          festo calling all. scientist
          pool their efforts and pre
          a nuclear catastrophe.
          Angola aske
          OAU. br he!
          Lisbon, Aug. 28 (Rent
          The Government of An
          tonight ached Member St
          of the Organ isation of Afr
          Unity (OAU) to help e.
          South African forces f
          Angolan territory.
          The Angolan News Ag
          ANGOP said the Counci
          Ministers isued a staten
          calling on all OAU memi
          to contribute aid to “e
          the attacking army of So
          Africa's racist regime ft
          Angolan territory”.
          The Statement said So
          African forces were still
          Angola's Southern Kurt
          Province. It said access to,
          ta the provincial capital of
          giva werc being cut and
          town itself was being bomb
          BPOOOS3°4. ,
          Bahai's >being
          U. N. intervention sought for
          Iranian Baha'is
          Pune, Aug. 29: The Baha'is of India have appealed to Dr. Kurt
          Waldheim to send a special representative or a Commission to as certain
          for himself the plight of the Baha'is in Iran. Recent exécu jons of lead-
          ing Baha'.is on trumped-up charges clearly indicate that having destroy-
          ed the ecoflomic base of the. community and confiscated their spiritual
          administrative centres,. The authorities are now coneentratThg on des-
          troying the Baha'i leadership at the city, provinci i a i1 n itiona level.
          The cream of tbe.Baha's community are either in riso or have been
          killed. The execution of seven highraaking Bah ' s in X ezd last Sept-
          ember was followed by the murner o prominent. h h vers in Tehran and
          Azerbaijan. . Last week, seven leading members if the. B ha'i- Assembly
          of Hamadan were executed. Seven most active• at d .intporfant Baha'is
          of Tehran were executed by the firing squad after icg1i'eld in solitary
          Confinement for nearly two years. Baha'is fear ii unless nteroatjonal
          action and support is. mobilized, their com'nity in Iran wili;be
          obliterated. . . . .
          By now, torture and killings bank accounts confiscated, Iiquid j .W rld-wjde app.
          of Baba'is have assumed ajprivateeàt.erprises were looted edis have Jiai4jttie. effect on
          kind of legality by. the appro-. oi wreaked, farms and or- the Goverurnent of Iran and
          vat given to it by the Supreme ëhhrds were burned, and the ominous portends . of a
          Judicial Council in Tehran.j thousands of Baha'is were religious genooae are looming
          The Times. of London coin- dischárged from public andl large. In it of even the
          mented: “What makes the private employment. . best efforts -last year, the
          new wave of persecutions so holiest sht jne of1he .Baha'js
          alarming ‘is that. courts are A campaign to terrorize the ‘in Iran-the House of the Baha
          beginning to presecute and community , was let loose in Shiraz' was obliterated,
          when infiamatory sermons 0f bearing ample evidence of the
          even legitimize executions, the Shi'ih clergy preceded determination of the present
          on the ground that the accus-
          ed person is a Baha'i” ‘ attacks by mobs that destroy- authorities to eradicate the
          The oppression of the ed Baha'i shrines and holy Baha'i co nmunjty.
          Baha'is entered a nighly sinis- places, desecrated cemetrjes
          ter and systematic phase and raped and beat up meni-
          when, about two years ago, bers of the Faith in scores of
          the National Ba'ha'j Centre tOWn and villages. To make
          Tehran was seized and corn- matters worse, the controlled,
          plete records of the Baha'is Iranian media collaborated
          were taken away. This action by giving wide publicity to
          provided those responsible for hate propaganda against
          the persecution with the means Baha'is
          of identifying members :‘of the
          Baha'i Community throughout
          Iran. Leading Baha'i in the
          country were then arrested
          one by one.' It appears that
          an execution list has been
          prepared which is now being
          implemented in stages.
          Following the seizure of
          Baha'i statistical records, there
          began a campaign of systema-
          tic destruction of the economic
          base of the community. Baha'i
          :assets were arbitrarily seized,
          pensions were cancelled and

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