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Basij calls for Hejazi’s extradition

          11/11/2009 Press TV
          WI 1L*1F TV
          Basij calls for Hejazi's extradition
          Wed, 11 Nov 2009 09: 54: 09 GMT
          Hundreds of Basij members are expected to gather in front of the British Embassy in Tehran to call
          for the extradition of Arash Hejazi, the alleged witness of Neda Aghasoltan's death during Iran's
          post-election unrest.
          “Female Basij members are scheduled to congregate in front of the British Embassy on
          Wednesday at 2:00 PM local time,” the Fars news agency reported.
          The death by gunshot of 26-year-old Neda in central Tehran on June 20, amid the post-election
          unrest, has turned into a controversial issue.
          Iranian authorities say the incident was ‘premeditated scenario' to defame Iran.
          Arash Hejazi, an Iranian physician currently studying in England, however, has told the BBC that he
          witnessed the incident and that a member of the Basij had intentionally shot Neda — a claim
          vehemently denied by the volunteer force.
          According to Iran's Police Chief, Brig. Gen. Esmail Ahmadi-Moqaddam, Hejazi is charged with
          helping the Western media embark upon psychological warfare against Iran.
          Iranian authorities maintain that Hejazi's extradition can help resolve many ambiguities regarding
          the tragic incident.
          http://www. = 1... 1/1

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