Table of Contents
- I. The Early Protests in September 2022
- II. Bloody Friday: The Crackdown on September 30, 2022
- A. Friday Prayer in the Great Mosalla
- B. Massacre in the Great Mosalla
- C. Expansion of Protests to Makki Grand Mosque
- D. The Government’s Narrative: Police Self-Defense
- E. The People’s Account: Premeditated and Unprovoked Attack
- F. Expansion of Protests to Other Parts of the City
- G. Shocking Numbers of Fatalities
- H.Killing of Minors
- I. Unknown Fate of Detainees
III. Continuation of Horrors in Zahedan
Appendix I– The Victims Who Were Shot in the Head and the Heart
Appendix II – The List of the Dead
Reader advisement:
This report contains graphic images which depict violence.
Following Friday prayers on September 30, 2022, security forces in Zahedan, the capital of Sistan and Baluchistan Province and home to the long-oppressed Baluchi minority, cracked down on protesters. Security forces killed at least 94 people, including children, and wounded at least 350. The incident, which is the deadliest day since the beginning of recent nationwide protests against the Islamic Republic, has been called “Bloody Friday.” During the incident, security forces used excessive force, including live ammunition, in an attempt to quash the protests, massacring citizens as they ran to save their lives. Evidence from the event indicates that many victims were shot in the back or were targeted in the head or the heart. This report examines what transpired in Zahedan on that day.
I. The Early Protests in September 2022
When 22-year-old Mahsa (Jina) Amini died in custody of the morality police in Tehran on September 16, 2022, the situation in Sistan and Baluchistan Province was already tense.[1] Earlier in September, reports about the alleged sexual abuse of a 15-year-old girl by a chief police officer in the port city of Chabahar sparked widespread condemnation in the province, with people demanding justice and accountability.[2] Local media and activists published the news, and protests followed in Chabahar. In an incident on September 27, a government building was set on fire.[3] Local leaders, including Sunni clerics, requested a thorough investigation into the matter.[4] It has been reported that the accused police chief was released on bail and transferred to Tehran.[5]
Soon after the death of Mahsa (Jina) Amini, anti-government protests spread rapidly through Iran. People across the country began protesting the Islamic Republic chanting, “Woman, Life, Freedom,” while women removed their headscarves. People in Zahedan also protested against the death of Mahsa (Jina) Amini.[6] After a government-orchestrated rally of support for the government on September 23, the regional office of the Ministry of Intelligence (“MOI”) in Zahedan announced the arrest of several individuals who were allegedly involved in the protests amid the death of Mahsa Amini.[7] Although a few of those detained in Chabahar, including two teenage girls, have been released, there is no information available at the time of writing this report about the condition of others.[8]
II. Bloody Friday: The Crackdown on September 30, 2022
A. Friday Prayer in the Great Mosalla
On September 30, Friday prayers were held in the Great Mosalla of Zahedan, a large outdoor prayer site. The Great Mosalla, also known as Eidgah, is located on Razi Street in the western side of Zahedan, 800 meters away from Makki Grand Mosque. In an interview with the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC), an individual who attended the Friday prayer on September 30 explained that the atmosphere in the Great Mosalla was normal. According to the source, there was no tension among people, and no one had talked about holding a rally in front of Police Station #16.[9]
A typical Friday prayer ritual begins when the congregation stands for prayer. On September 30, the official time for the call for prayers was at 11:17 AM. According to IHRDC’s witness, the service usually continues until 12:10 PM to 12:20 PM, and after that, there may be a prayer for the departed or a general prayer. On September 30, a prayer for the departed was held, which is reported to have lasted less than 4 minutes. Afterward, some people gradually left the Great Mosalla, while others stayed for Nafl prayer.[10]
At around 12:30 PM, a small group of people gathered in front of Police Station #16, which is across the street from the Great Mosalla.[11] The group gathered to protest the death of Mahsa Amini and the allegations regarding the rape of a teenage girl in Chabahar.[12] Video from the first moments of the shooting show protesters chanting “Allahu Akbar (God is Great)” and other slogans.[13] Within a few minutes, security forces who had already been stationed on the rooftop of nearby buildings started shooting at people. Some of the protestors threw stones at the police station, and a few tried to break its door. [14]
Mohammad Omar, a Baloch rights activist in exile, also described a similar timeline of events in an interview with IHRDC.[15] Multiple sources report that protestors were unarmed and nonviolent.[16] Videos circulated on social media show that security forces responded to protesters, a small number of whom can be seen throwing rocks and beating on the police station door, with an excessive and disproportionate amount of deadly force. Given the limitations of independent media coverage and the ongoing internet shutdown in the province, it is difficult to determine exactly how the clashes began.
B. Massacre in the Great Mosalla
According to an informed source in Zahedan, most of the casualties occurred inside the Great Mosalla.[17] Another source stated to IHRDC that the shooting started about five to eight minutes after the end of the prayer at or around 12:30 PM. He described the quick turnaround of events: “I left the Great Mosalla right after the prayer for the departed [for a deceased person] and was heading home. I hadn’t reached Madani Street when the shooting started.”[18] Madani Street is about 1,500 feet away from the Great Mosalla of Zahedan.
At least one source inside Zahedan confirmed to IHRDC that he witnessed a group of men in black clothes stationed on the top of hills overlooking the Great Mosalla after 12:00 PM that day. “Right after the Friday prayers, I walked towards the hills which are next to the Great Mosalla. When I saw these men, I first thought they were hikers. They were together in groups of two.”[19]
Another informed source suggested that a group of snipers were on these hills before any protest took place in front of Police Station #16.[20] These hills are about 400 meters away from the Great Mosalla. According to a media report produced by the government-affiliated Iranian Student News Agency (ISNA) in 2014, the official uniform of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) snipers is black.[21] Since the early years after the 1979 revolution, the IRGC forces have had a noticeable presence in Sistan and Baluchistan Province. Upon the approval of the Supreme National Security Council in 1992, the IRGC became responsible for the security of Sistan and Baluchistan Province and established the Quds regional headquarters in the southeast of the country.[22]
Several videos show the moment the shooting possibly started.[23] In a video circulated on social media, people are chanting slogans, while a group threw stones and other objects at the police station.[24] On the roof of the police station, a person with a gun appears to be shooting at people.[25] In another video from a different angle, a group of people are watching those who throw objects toward the police station and seemingly try to break into it.[26] In a different video, the majority of people, including children, are seen at a distance from the half-opened door of the police station.[27]
At least one video shows a large group of people were in the Great Mosalla when the shooting started.[28] Several videos taken by bystanders show dead and wounded people being taken away amid sporadic gunfire in the background and plumes of smoke in the streets.[29] In one video, the person behind the camera refers to the dead as “martyrs” and says they had no “weapons of war.”[30] Moreover, it has been reported that security forces fired many tear gas canisters in the Great Mosalla, resulting in the death of at least one woman there.[31]
C. Expansion of Protests to Makki Grand Mosque
At least one video circulated on social media shows that the clashes expanded to the Makki Grand Mosque on Khayyam Street.[32] After that, a group of people ran towards Zahedan’s Darul-Uloom seminary, which is attached to the Makki Grand Mosque, in an attempt to save their lives.[33] One source told IHRDC, “Security forces had already surrounded the seminary and started shooting at people from the rooftops […] People were in Khayyam Street and Tohid Alley near the [Makki] Mosque [where] about 10 to 15 people were killed and wounded.”[34]
In an interview with IHRDC, another informed source stated:
“[On Sep. 30,] I saw plainclothes agents and IRGC members in their official uniforms but didn’t see any police personnel. I witnessed that [they] came close to the Makki Mosque from Madani 14 Street. In response to a group of angry youth, who were chanting [slogans] and throwing stones, [plainclothes agents and IRGC members] started shooting in the air. About one hour later, I saw them at the intersection of Khayyam Street and Razi Street firing teargas and shooting directly at the people who gathered in front of Makki Mosque. The sound of shooting was so intense that we could not hear each other. Around the evening, these forces retreated and returned again after that.” [35]
Another source described the scene of a shooting near the Makki Grand Mosque to IHRDC:
“There’s only one case of confirmed shooting by people at security forces. When a large group of plainclothes forces and cars without plate numbers went toward Makki Mosque and snipers shot at people and buildings, such as the seminary and the personal residence of Molavi Abdolhamid [the Friday prayer Imam of Zahedan], people thought that they intended to enter into the Makki Mosque and kill people there. At that moment a young man started shooting in defense of the mosque, during which the head of IRGC Intelligence in the province and several other IRGC [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] members were killed. This young man was also shot to death there.”[36]
An informed source in Zahedan identified the young man referenced above as Yaser Shahbakhsh, who was a skilled sniper and owned an AK-47. According to this source, different parts of Zahedan Darul-Uloom seminary, including classrooms and the office of the Sunni Online website, were damaged as a result of security forces’ shootings.[37] On October 5, Molavi Abdolhamid, the Sunni Friday prayer Imam of Zahedan, provided a similar description of the course of events.[38]
D. The Government’s Narrative: Police Self-Defense
In the government’s account of the events, a group of unidentified gunmen opened fire and threw Molotov cocktails at Police Station #16, leading to an intense firefight as the police officers tried to defend the station.[39] Iranian state TV published CCTV footage displaying several individuals forcing open the police station’s door. The report claims that police responded with live fire only afterwards.[40] A social media activist and filmmaker close to the government quoted a Basiji member present at Zahedan and alleged that the police and security forces first started shooting metal pellets into the crowd, but when a truck hit the wall of the police station, they fired live ammunition.[41] However, the CCTV footage published by Iranian state TV shows a city bus hitting the police station wall.[42] At least one informed source stated to IHRDC that the city bus driver intended to save his life and hit the wall of the police station by accident.[43] There is no information about the fate of this driver.
Evidence suggests that security forces have been specifically authorized by the government to exercise brutal force in response to protests. Amnesty International obtained official documents indicating that Iran’s highest military institution ordered the commanders of the armed forces in all provinces on September 21 to “resolutely and seriously” deal with the protesters who came to the streets after the death of Mahsa Amini.[44]
E. The People’s Account: Premeditated and Unprovoked Attack
According to Molavi Abdolhamid, the Sunni Friday prayer Imam of Zahedan, none of the protestors in front of the police station were armed.[45] In response to a few people who shouted slogans and threw stones at the police station, plainclothes security forces who were stationed on the roofs of the police station and the surrounding houses directly shot at the people present at the scene and even those who were inside the Great Mosalla. Molavi Abdolhamid stated, “Tear gas, plastic bullets, and water cannons are used all around the world to disperse people [in protests], but unfortunately, [they] targeted our people with war ammunition, and killed and wounded many in a short period of time.”[46] Molavi Abdolhamid stated that snipers shot people in the head and the heart.[47] He added that no terrorist group was involved in the Friday protests.[48]
In addition to Molavi Abdolhamid, several other Sunni clerics have publicly denounced the government’s allegation that Jaish al-Adl, a Sunni militant group operating mainly in southeastern Iran, is responsible for killing dozens of people on September 30. According to Molavi Abdul Ghaffar Naqshbandi, the Friday Prayer Imam of Rask in Sistan and Baluchistan Province, the protestors “were not rioters, but the martyrs in bloody shrouds and devoted soldiers.”[49]
F. Expansion of Protests to Other Parts of the City
After the crackdown on the Razi Street protestors, tensions continued to rise in other parts of Zahedan, including in the Bazar Moshtarak, Shirabad, and Jam-e Jam neighborhoods.[50] One source told IHRDC, “In almost every place where there was a police station or a Basij base, people threw stones at them. There were clashes all over the city, except in shopping centers and malls.”[51] Video uploaded to social media show shooting of unarmed protestors with at least one casualty near the Shirabad neighborhood.[52] Several police vehicles and banks were also set on fire in Shirabad.[53] According to Ahmad Taheri, the police commander of Sistan and Baluchistan, three police stations were attacked in Zahedan on September 30.[54] It has been reported that some people had gathered in protest in front of several police stations, and a group threw stones at the police buildings on September 30. IHRDC cannot independently confirm, however, that any attacks occurred as Taheri described.
G. Shocking Numbers of Fatalities
While the exact number of dead and wounded is not known yet, as of October 12, Baloch human rights activists confirmed that at least 93 people, including children, were killed and 350 have been wounded, many of whom are in critical condition.[55] Amnesty International confirmed on October 6 that at least 82 protesters and bystanders were killed across Zahedan since September 30.[56] There is still little or no information available about some of those who lost their lives after the Friday prayer of Zahedan on September 30.
Areas of Sistan and Baluchistan Province are home to a number of undocumented persons. As such, members of the undocumented community who were killed during the September 30 clashes may not have yet been identified or included in lists of casualties.[57] According to Fardin Kadkhodae, a Baloch human rights activist, some of the protestors did not have a smartphone with a camera, and some of them did not have a cellphone at all.[58] Limitations such as these have affected the ability of human rights groups and others to confirm the true number of dead and wounded. They also serve as stark examples of the impacts of the cycle of poverty experienced in this historically oppressed region.
The government has acknowledged considerably fewer casualties than have been reported in the province. Hossein Modares Khiyabani, the governor of Sistan and Baluchestan, has stated that 19 people were killed and 20 wounded, including police personnel.[59] In addition to Ali Mosavi, the head of IRGC Intelligence in the province, three other members of IRGC regional headquarters in the southeast of Iran and two members of the Basij militia were killed during the clashes.[60]
H. Killing of Minors
Video evidence indicates that children were present throughout the clashes in Zahedan.[61] As of October 13, it has been confirmed that at least 13 children under 18 years old were killed during the clashes in Zahedan.[62] Most of the children, alongside other people, were killed in Great Mosalla. Haalvsh, a website that covers the news of Sistan and Baluchestan Province, reported that several children and young adults were killed by security forces in the Shirabad neighborhood.[63]
Security forces have continued to exercise excessive force since September 30, and children have continued to be caught in the line of fire. The youngest child killed in Zahedan was a 2-year-old who was shot dead by security forces on Jam-e Jam Boulevard on October 2, 2022.[64]
Mohammad Rakhshani, a 12-year-old, was shot in the heart at the intersection of Besat Street and Kowsar Street, where Basij forces were shooting at people, including children, from inside their station. His brother was also wounded in the back.[65] Mohammad Eghbal Nayeb Zehi (Shahnavazi), a 16-year-old and the only breadwinner in his family, was also killed on September 30.[66] It has been reported that he was undocumented.[67] Similarly, Omid Safar Zehi, a 16-year-old, was a child laborer living with no identification documents. He was shot in the head in the Shirabad neighborhood.[68] Due to the fact that some of those who were killed in the Shirabad neighborhood, including children, were undocumented, their identity has not been verified thus far.[69]
I. Unknown Fate of Detainees
Following the events of Bloody Friday, Ahmad Taheri, the police commander of Sistan and Baluchistan, declared that a group of separatists who attacked people on September 30 were arrested.[70] On October 5, Fars News Agency published the confession of two individuals who they claimed attacked the police station on September 30.[71] It is a common practice of Iranian authorities to extract forced confessions from detainees under torture, and such confessions are often broadcast on state media. According to an informed source in Zahedan, approximately 200 people are reported to have been arrested by MOI and IRGC intelligence for participation in the protests.[72] On October 4, five people were confirmed to have been taken into custody, and reports indicate many more have been arrested across the province.[73] There is no information about the condition nor whereabouts of many arrestees, including children.[74] The Islamic Republic has a well-established history of mistreating detainees and denying them basic due process rights. This remains a serious concern regarding those detained on September 30 and on subsequent days. A Baloch rights activist outlined the experience of one teenager who was in the custody of security forces for several days. “You don’t have an identification document […] I can kill you here like a dog,” the interrogator stated to the detained teenager.[75]
The information concerning protesters from local demonstrations prior to and on September 30 remains spotty. According to the UK-based Baloch Campaign, there is no information about the condition nor the whereabouts of Afan Malazahi (pictured), a 17-year-old, who was arrested during the protests of September 27 in Chabahar.[76]
III. Continuation of Horrors in Zahedan
Weeks after the deadly crackdown of protestors in Zahedan there is no accountability for the security forces’ attack on protesters. The number of casualties continues to increase with the identification of the dead, and there is little to no information about the condition of the detainees.
A. Deprivation of Proper Medical Care
Different reports indicate that Zahedan hospitals faced a severe shortage of blood due to a large number of patients wounded with live ammunition. It has also been reported that the security forces have prevented hospital personnel from helping injured persons.[77] In at least one case, the surgery of an injured person was deliberately delayed in a public hospital, resulting in his death.[78] Khodayar Lajaee, who was shot in the kidney and the leg during the protests in the Shirabad neighborhood, was admitted in the Tamin Ejtemaee Hospital in Zahedan, where he died.[79] According to an informed source at Bu Ali Hospital in Zahedan, there has been a high number of patients who have been hospitalized as a result of being shot by live ammunition. The lack of medical supplies, personnel, and facilities has forced medical personnel to make impossible triage decisions. According to the source, the medical staff had to “give priority to the surgery of those who were more likely to survive” especially on Friday and Saturday.[80]
On October 10, Haalvsh reported that an injured citizen was taken into custody at Tamin Ejtemaee Hospital in Zahedan.[81] Some Baluch activists also have reported that in Khatam Hospital, the injured were told to announce that they are “members of Jaish ul-Adl” so that the authorities would allow surgery to be performed on them.[82] An informed source inside Zahedan also stated to IHRDC that many of the injured in critical condition were discharged prior to the visit by Ahmad Vahidi, an IRGC commander and current Minister of the Interior, to possibly the give the impression that fewer critical patients were hospitalized as a result of the crackdown.[83] It has been reported that some of the wounded have not sought medical care due to fear of arrest at medical centers.[84]
Dr. Ashkan Pouyan, a neurosurgeon who treated the wounded in Zahedan, published a story on his Instagram account on October 6, confirming that many people, including a 13-year-old child, were shot from the back.[85] He later deleted the story. Since the time of the post, rumors of his disappearance circulated online.[86] At the time of preparation of this report, IHRDC confirmed, through correspondence with his relatives, that Dr. Ashkan Pouyan is not in custody, although he has been harassed by security forces.
B. Pressure on Families of Victims and the Wounded
There are reports that security forces are threatening the families of those who were killed in Zahedan, pressuring them to join the Basij militia or face charges in connections with membership in armed groups.[87] At least one source has reported that a delegation from Tehran met with these families promising monetary compensation contingent on their silence about the massacre.[88]
C. Continuation of Sporadic Clashes
Eyewitnesses have reported that military helicopters continuously patrolled the skies of Zahedan following the events of September 30. On October 3, they allegedly fired at a car in the north of Zahedan and killed all four passengers inside the vehicle.[89] It has also been reported that military helicopters shot at cars in a parking lot, resulting in severe damages.[90]
Haalvsh reported that plain-clothes security forces have disguised themselves as locals and burned down a number of schools and other public places in Zahedan in order to intimidate people.[91] An informed source in Zahedan also confirmed that recently many non-local people in Baluchi clothes have been seen in different parts of the province. The source told IHRDC, “Several stores and shopping centers belonging to Baluchi people were burned to the ground by unknown individuals who were in local clothing. Golestan and Royal shopping malls at Rasouli Crossways were set on fire, and local businesses incurred serious damage.”[92]
Abdullah Aref, an organizer of the Baloch Activists Campaign, confirmed that the protests in recent days have continued within neighborhoods, and it is not clear whether they are organized or not. “Most of the protests take place in the Shirabad neighborhood, which is a severely poor and deprived area. In fact, it is a ruined part of the city that has been left to itself. As the streets of this area are narrow and crowded, youths can protest and then run away. It is not easy for the security forces to catch them in this place. There are still shootings in this area.”[93]
IV. Conclusions: Excessive Use of Force and Disregard for Human Life
Following analysis of video footage, photos, and witness testimony, IHRDC can confirm that security officials used excessive force and waged a highly disproportionate response to unrest in Zahedan on September 30, resulting in mass casualties, including the death of at least 13 children. While it is not possible to confirm that every protester was entirely nonviolent, evidence suggests that the majority of protesters were peaceful and that some protesters had only thrown rocks, which does not amount to action warranting the use of live ammunition by the security forces. Only one witness testified to an instance of a single protester shooting, which was reportedly in response to firing by security forces. The events of September 30 amount to a massacre of protesters by security forces.
In the aftermath of the shootings, reports indicate that medical care was limited or outright denied for some citizens. The families of the dead and wounded have reportedly been intimidated and pressured to keep silent about the events of September 30. Very young children, including a two-year-old, have been killed in clashes following the massacre. Since Bloody Friday, government-imposed internet outages have also continued in Sistan and Baluchistan Province, limiting the free flow of information.
Perhaps most disturbing are the footage and accounts of targeted firing into the Great Mosalla, where thousands of peaceful civilians who were not a part of the protest were conducting afternoon prayers. The authorities’ use of live ammunition against civilians demonstrates a clear disregard for human life. The government’s total denial of responsibility for the massacring of citizens by its security apparatus is consistent with similar past denials and is evidence that internal calls for investigation of such crimes are insufficient. As the death toll continues to rise from Bloody Friday, the Iranian government must be held accountable for authorizing security forces to exercise excessive force to quash protests with disregard for protesters’ life.
Reader advisement:
The appendices which follow this report contain graphic images which depict violence.
Appendix I– The Victims Who Were Shot in the Head and the Heart
Appendix II – The List of the Dead
This list is accurate to the knowledge of IHRDC staff as of October 14, 2022. IHRDC recognizes that further information may come to light from the time of writing and of publication concerning the details of deaths which occurred as a result of the September 30 crackdown.
ID | Name | نام | Age & Other Details | Place of Death | Date of Death |
1 | Arman Hassan Zehi | آرمان حسن زهی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
2 | Ebrahim Gorgij | ابراهیم گرگیج | Not found | Not found | Not found |
3 | Abubakr Alizehi | ابوبکر علی زهی | Father: Abdul Shakoor. He was 23-year-old and was shot in the heart. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
4 | Abobakr Nahtani | ابوبکر نهتانی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
5 | Ahmad Sarani | احمد سارانی | Father: Aman Allah. He was 26-year-old was shot in the chest and the neck. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
6 | Ahmad Sargolzaei | احمد سرگلزایی | Not found | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
7 | Ahmad Shah Bakhsh | احمد شه بخش | Not found | Not found | Not found |
8 | Ismaeel Abil | اسماعیل آبیل | Father: Abdul Rahman – Nabovat Surgery Center | Karimabad neighborhood, Zahedan | Not found |
9 | Esmaeil Hossein Zehi | اسماعیل حسین زهی | Father: Mohammad Slim | Not found | Not found |
10 | Eghbal Shahnavazi | اقبال شهنوازی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
11 | Omid Sarani | امید سارانی | Father: Khaleghdad. He was 13-year-old and was killed by gunshots to the chest and the heart. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
12 | Omid Safar Zehi | امید صفرزهی | Father: Naeim. He was 17-year-old and was shot in the head. | Not found | Not found |
13 | Amir Hossein Parnian | امیرحسین پرنیان (میرکازهی ریگی) | Farher: Ebrahim. He was 19-year-old and was shot in the head and heart from behind. | Not found | Not found |
14 | Amir Hamzeh Shahnavazi | امیرحمزه شهنوازی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
15 | Amin Allah Gholjaei | امین الله قلجائی | Seminary student | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
16 | Amim Golebache | امین گله بچه | Not found | Not found | Not found |
17 | Balal Anshini | بلال آنشینی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
18 | Balal Rakhshani | بلال رخشانی | Name of father: Abdulvahab | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
19 | Behzad Rigi | بهزاد ریگی | Name of father: Reza. He was 30 year old and was shot in the head. | Not found | Not found |
20 | Jaber Shiru Zehi | جابر شیروزهی | Name of father: Ahmad. He was12-year-old. | Shirabad, Zahedan | Not found |
21 | Jalil Rakhshani | جلیل رخشانی | Name of father: Majid | Not found | Not found |
22 | Jalil Ghanbarzehi | جلیل قنبرزهی | Name of father: Rahman | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
23 | Jalil Mohammad Zehi | جلیل محمد زهی | Name of father: Abdulrahman | Not found | Not found |
24 | Jamal Abdulnaser Mohammad Hasani (Barahoei) | جمال عبدالناصر محمد حسنی
(براهویی) |
Not found | Not found | Not found |
25 | Javad Poushe | جواد پوشه | Name of father: Ahmad. He 11-year-old. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
26 | Hamzeh Naroei | حمزه ناروئی | Name of father: Mohammad. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
27 | Hamzeh Naroei | حمزه ناروئی | He was shot in the leg and kidney. | Not found | Not found |
28 | Hamid Isazehi | حمید عیسی زهی | Not found | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
29 | Hamid Narouei | حمید ناروئی | Name of father: Mohammad Ali | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
30 | Hamid Narouei | حمید ناروئی | Name of father: Rashid | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
31 | Khodanoor Lajei | خدانور لجعی | Name of father: Issa. He was shot on the back. | Tamin Ejtemai Hospital, Zahedan | October 3, 2022 |
32 | Zolfaghar Hassan Zehi | ذالفغار حسن زهی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
33 | Samer Hashem Zehi | سامر هاشم زهی | Father: Haj Abdulnabi. He was 16-year-old. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
34 | Sami Hashem Zehi | سامی هاشم زهی | He was 33-year-old. | Not found | Not found |
35 | Sudis Keshani | سدیس کشانی | 14-year-old. | Not found | Not found |
36 | Salman Maleki | سلمان ملکی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
37 | Soleyman Arab | سلیمان عرب | Name of father: Sardar Mohammad | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
38 | Salah Aldin Gomshadzehi | صلاح الدین گمشادزهی | Name of father: Haji Nemat Allah | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
39 | Abdul Jalil Rakhshani | عبدالجلیل رخشانی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
40 | Abdul Khalegh (Omar) Shahnavazi | عبدالخالق (عمر) شهنوازی | Name of father: Mohammad Sharif | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
41 | Abdul Rahman Baluchi Khah | عبدالرحمن بلوچی خواه | Name of father: Shahi | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
42 | Abdulsamad Barahoei | عبدالصمد براهویی | Name of father: Sakhidad | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
43 | Abdulsamad Sabetizadeh | عبدالصمد ثابتی زاده | Name of father: ShirAli | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
44 | Abdulghafor Dehmardeh | عبدالغفور دهمرده | Not found | Not found | Not found |
45 | Abdulghafor Noor Barahoei | عبدالغفور نوربراهویی | Name of father: Zaher. He was shot in the heart. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
46 | Andullah Shahbakhsh | عبدالله شه بخش | Name of father: Jome | Not found | Not found |
47 | Abdullah Naroei | عبدالله نارویی | Name of father: Abdul Majid | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
48 | Abdulmajid Rigi | عبدالمجید ریگی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
49 | Abdulmalek Shahbakhsh | عبدالملک شه بخش | Not found | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
50 | Abdulmanan Rakhshani | عبدالمنان رخشانی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
51 | Abdulvahid Tohidinia | عبدالوحید توحیدنیا | Name of father: Rahim. He was shot in the chest. | Shirabad, Zahedan | Not found |
52 | Azizallah Kabdani | عزیزالله کبدانی | Name of father: Habibollah. (reported by Haalvsh) | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
53 | Ali Akbar Halghebeghoosh | علی اکبر حلقه بگوش | Not found | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
54 | Ali Agheli (Naroei) | علی عاقلی (نارویی) | He was 26-year-old. | Not found | Not found |
55 | Omar Shahnavazi | عمر شهنوازی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
56 | Omran Hassan Zehi | عمران حسن زهی | Name of father: Haj Ali | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
57 | Farzad Shahbakhsh | فرزاد شه بخش | Father: Zaher – He was shot in the heart. | Makki Mosque, Zahedan | Not found |
58 | Gangur Zehi Rigi (Unknow First Name) | گنگوزهی ریگی (نام نامشخص) | Not found | Not found | Not found |
59 | Laal-Mohammad (Lalbakhsh) Anshini | لال محمد آنشینی – لالبخش | Construction worker. Name ofather: Sharif | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
60 | Lal Mohammad Aali Zehi | لال محمد عالی زهی | Name of father: Zarif | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
61 | Mah Aldin Shir Zehi | ماه الدین شیروزهی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
62 | Matin Qanbar Zehi | متین قنبر زهی | He was 18-Year-Old. | Not found | Not found |
63 | Majid Baluch Zehi Shahbakhsh | مجید بلوچ زهی شه بخش | Name of father: MehrAllah | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
64 | Mohammad Gomshad Zehi | محسن گمشادزهی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
65 | Mohammad Eghbal Nayeb Zehi (Shahnavazi) | محمد اقبال نایب زهی – شهنوازی | Name of father: Niaz Mohammad. He was 16-year-old. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
66 | Mohammad Barhoei | محمد براهویی | Seminary Student | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
67 | Mohammad Rakhshani | محمد رخشانی | Name of father: Abdulqader. He was 12-year old and was shot in the head. | Intersection of Kowsar Street and Besat Street, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
68 | Mohammad Rigi | محمد ریگی | Not found | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
69 | Mohammad Sadigh Naroei | محمد صدیق ناروئی | Name of father: Serajodin. He was 23-year-old | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
70 | Mohammad Gholjani | محمد قلجائی | Not found | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
71 | Mohammad Amin Gomshadzehi | محمدامین گمشادزهی | Name of father: Abdul Hamid. He was 17-year-old. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
72 | Mohammad Reza Adib Totazehi | محمدرضا ادیب توتازهی | Name of father: Seyed Mohammad | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
73 | Mohammad Ali Ismaeil Zehi | محمدعلی اسماعیل زهی | Name of father: Abdulvahed | Makki Mosque, Zahedan | Not found |
74 | Mohammad Ali Gomshad Zehi | محمدعلی گمشادزهی | Father: Abdul Hamid. He was 18-year-old. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
75 | Mohammad Farogh Rakhshani | محمد فاروق رخشانی | Not found | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
76 | Mahmood Barahoei | محمود براهویی | Seminary Student. He was 18-year-old. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
77 | Mahmood Hassan Zehi | محمود حسن زهی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
78 | Morteza Hassan Zehi | مرتضی حسن زهی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
79 | Mostafa Barichi | مصطفی بریچی | Name of father: Hassan. He was 24-year-old and was killed by 2 gunshots. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
80 | Mansoor Rakhshani | منصور رخشانی | Not found | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
81 | Mehdi Anshini | مهدی آنشینی | Not found | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
82 | Mosa Anshini | موسی آنشینی | Name of father: Aziz | Not found | Not found |
83 | Mosa Virah (Naroei) | موسی ویراء (نارویی) | Name of father: Abdulgheys. He was 18-year-old | Not found | Not found |
84 | Molavi Omid Shahnavazi | مولوی امید شهنوازی | Name of father: Ahmad. He was shot in the heart. | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
85 | Mirshekar | میرشکار | 2-year-old. The first name is unknown. | Jam-e Jam Boulevard, Zahedan | Oct. 2, 2022 |
86 | Not found | نامشخص – زن(هویت نامشخص/مصلی زاهدان) | Not found | Not found | Not found |
87 | Not found | نامشخص – کودک(هویت نامشخص/منطقه شیرآباد) | Not found | Not found | Not found |
88 | Not found | نامشخص – یک مرد (هویت نامشخص/اهل شیرآباد) | Not found | Not found | Not found |
89 | Not found | نامشخص – یک مرد(هویت نامشخص/اهل شیرآباد) | Not found | Not found | Not found |
90 | Najmodin Tajik | نجم الدین تاجیک | Name of father: Hafiz Allah – Afghan Citizen | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
91 | Nemat Allah Kabdani | نعمت الله کبدانی | Not found | Great Mosalla, Zahedan | Sep. 30, 2022 |
92 | Yasir Sahu Zehi | یاسر شاهوزهی | He was 16-year-old and was shot in the heart. | Not found | Sep. 30, 2022 |
93 | Yaser Shahbakhsh | یاسر شه بخش | Name of father: Haji Taj Moahammad – Shahdad | Tohid Street, Zahedan | Not found |
94 | Younes Naroei | یونس نارویی | Not found | Not found | Not found |
[1] Mahsa Amini was arrested for allegedly not having proper hijab.
[2] Friday Prayer Imam of the City of Rasak Confirmed the “Horrific” Rape of a 15-Year-Old Girl by the Chabahar Police Chief, Radio Farda (Sept. 27, 2022), https://www.radiofarda.com/a/32054153.html See also The People of Chabahar Gathered in Protest Against the Rape of a Teenage Girl by the Police Commander” and the Murder of Mahsa Amini, Persian Radio France Internationale (Sept. 28, 2022), available at https://bit.ly/3SXruFH
[3] “The Rape of Chabahari’s Girl”; Angry Protesters Set Fire to “a Government Building,” BBC Persian (Sept. 27, 2022), https://www.bbc.com/persian/iran-63056246
[4] The Police Chief Raped a 15-Year-Old Girl in Chabahar; Threatening the Family to Keep Them Quiet, IranWire (Sept. 30, 2022), https://bit.ly/3ylouL3
[5] [Cited] Mihan Newspaper: Ebrahim Kochzai, the Perpetrator Chief Police of Chabahar, Has Been Transferred to Tehran and is Now Free on Bail, Haalvsh (Oct. 13, 2022), https://bit.ly/3MweoNb
[6] Zahedan; The Gathering of Citizens Protesting the Death of Mahsa Amini, HRANA (Sept. 21, 2022), https://t.me/hranews/72338 See also Massive Demonstrations and Continued Protest in Different Cities of Iran, Sep. 21, Zahedan, VOA (Sept. 21, 2022), available at https://t.me/farsivoa/133769 See also Omar Baloch (@freemakoran), Twitter (Sept. 27, 2022, 5:48 PM), available at https://twitter.com/freemakoran/status/1574893677478125568
[7] March of People in Zahedan against Rioters, Fars News Agency (Sept. 23, 2022), https://t.me/farsna/263329 See also The Arrest of a Number of Traitors and Rioters in Zahedan, IRNA (Sept. 24, 2022), available at https://bit.ly/3RXZyQP
[8] The Release of One of the Detained Baloch Girls in Chabahar, Haalvsh (Oct. 12, 2022), https://bit.ly/3EDhg9e See also Continued Detention and Lack of Information about the Conditions of Four Baloch Citizens in Chabahar, Baloch Campaign (Oct. 13, 2022), available https://bit.ly/3EGqe5F
[9] IHRDC Interview with Witness No. 1 in Zahedan (Oct. 12, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[10] Id.
[11] Id.
[12] BBC NEWS فارسی (@bbcpersian), Twitter (Oct. 2, 2022, 2:27 PM), https://twitter.com/bbcpersian/status/1576655206045126656
[13] Free Balochistan Movement (@FreeBaluchMovt), Twitter (Sept. 30, 2022, 12:14 PM), https://twitter.com/FreeBaluchMovt/status/1575896983755030528 See also IHRDC (Oct. 6, 2022), https://bit.ly/3rUAS1f
[14] IHRDC Interview with Witness No. 1 in Zahedan (Oct. 12, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[15] IHRDC Interview with Mohammad Omar (Oct. 5, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[16] Molavi Abdolhamid: “Jaish ul-Adl” Had No Role in the Zahedan Incident, Iran Emrooz (Oct. 6, 2022), https://www.iran-emrooz.net/index.php/news2/103009/ See also Maulavi Gergij Called the Shooting by the Security Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the Protesters in Zahedan as “Horrific,” Radio Farda (Oct. 4, 2022), available at https://www.radiofarda.com/a/zahedan-killing/32065316.html
[17] IHRDC Interview with Mohammad (alias name) (Oct. 5, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[18] IHRDC Interview with Witness No. 1 in Zahedan (Oct. 12, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[19] IHRDC Interview with Witness No. 2 in Zahedan (Oct. 13, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[20] IHRDC Interview with Witness No. 3 in Zahedan (Oct. 12, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[21] The Special Forces of the Velayat Guard + photo, ISNA (Aug. 26, 2014), https://bit.ly/3euAHGw
[22] Ehsan Mehrabi, 40 Years Presence of IRGC in Sistan and Baluchistan; From the Quds Camp to Salman’s army, IranWire (Feb. 26, 2021), https://iranwire.com/fa/features/46540/
[23] IHRDC (Oct. 6, 2022), https://bit.ly/3rUAS1f See also These Videos Show the Moment of the Start of the Shooting Toward the Protesters in Zahedan, Which Gradually Increases, BBC Persian (Sept. 30, 2022), available at https://t.me/bbcpersian/145389 (The video shows Police Station 16, while the post mistakenly refers to Police Station 14 in Imam Khomeini Street).
[24] Free Balochistan Movement (@FreeBaluchMovt), Twitter (Sept. 30, 2022, 12:14 PM), https://twitter.com/FreeBaluchMovt/status/1575896983755030528
[25] Id.
[26] تلویزیون ایران آزادی (@IranAzad_TV), Twitter (Sept. 30, 2022, 6:48 PM), https://twitter.com/IranAzad_TV/status/1575814859177881600
[27] Archen Baloch (@ArchenBaloch), Twitter (Sept. 30, 2022, 11:38 AM), https://twitter.com/ArchenBaloch/status/1575887714829729798
[28] Agrin / آگرین (@_Agrin_q), Twitter (Oct. 2, 2022, 9:39 AM), https://twitter.com/i/status/1576582725238038528
[29] These Videos of the Protests in Zahedan and Shooting at the Protesters Have Been Published, in Which Some of the Injured Are Being Moved, BBC Persian (Sept. 30, 2022), https://t.me/bbcpersian/145385
[30] Zakaria Fatahi (@zakaria_fatahi), Twitter (Oct. 3, 2022, 12:41 PM), https://twitter.com/zakaria_fatahi/status/1576990837321310209
[31] Report Based on People’s Testimonies in Zahedan; 58 Killed and More Than 270 Wounded by Military Forces, Baloch Activists Campaign (Sept. 30, 2022), https://bit.ly/3RBLDQn
[32] BBC NEWS فارسی (@bbcpersian), Twitter (Oct. 4, 2022, 7:35 AM), https://mobile.twitter.com/bbcpersian/status/1577276152791588864
[33] IHRDC Interview with Mohammad (alias name) (Oct. 5, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[34] Id.
[35] IHRDC Interview with Witness No. 1 in Zahedan (Oct. 12, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[36] IHRDC Interview with Mohammad (alias name) (Oct. 5, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[37] IHRDC Interview with Witness No. 1 in Zahedan (Oct. 12, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[38] Molavi Abdolhamid: Neither Jaish al-Adl Nor Any Other Group Played a Role in the Killing Incident of Last Friday in This City, Saham News (Oct. 6, 2022), https://t.me/s/sahamnewsorg?q=%D9%85%D9%88%D9%84%D9%88%DB%8C+%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%85%DB%8C%D8%AF
[39] Armed People Attacked the Police Station in Zahedan, EtemadOnline (published the IRIB News Report), (Sept. 30, 2022), https://t.me/EtemadOnline/264476
[40] Video | The New Report of Iranian State TV about the Events in Zahedan, Aftab News (Oct. 5, 2022), https://bit.ly/3SHJHa8
[41] The Account of the Fundamentalist Filmmaker of the Repression in Tehran and Zahedan: The Basiji Militias Beat and Cursed Me, IranIntl (Oct. 6, 2022), https://www.iranintl.com/202210059908
[42] The Latest Documentary Images from CCTV Cameras Show People Rush to Zahedan Police Station 16, Youtube (Oct. 5, 2022), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmYgGlZUKKU (From 1:28 to 1:32 in the video, a city bus is seen hitting the police station’s wall).
[43] IHRDC Interview with one Witness Zahedan (Oct. 15, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[44] Amnesty International: Leaked Documents Show Orders from high Levels to “Mercilessly” Suppress Iranian Protesters, BBC Persian (Sept. 30, 2022), https://www.bbc.com/persian/articles/c0dw3dzdzljo
[45] Molavi Abdolhamid: Neither Jaish al-Adl Nor Any Other Group Played a Role in the Killing Incident of Last Friday in This City, Saham News (Oct. 6, 2022), https://t.me/s/sahamnewsorg?q=%D9%85%D9%88%D9%84%D9%88%DB%8C+%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%85%DB%8C%D8%AF
[46] Baloch Tribes Demanded the Dismissal of the Provisional Governor of Sistan and Baluchistan, Deutsche Welle Persian (Oct. 5, 2022), https://bit.ly/3ea3zUt
[47] Friday Prayer Imam of Zahedan: Snipers Shot the Hearts and Heads of the Worshipers, Anadolu Agency (Oct. 1, 2022), https://bit.ly/3RGllMH
[48] Molavi Abdolhamid: Neither Jaish al-Adl Nor Any Other Group Played a Role in the Killing Incident of Last Friday in This City, Saham News (Oct. 6, 2022), https://t.me/s/sahamnewsorg?q=%D9%85%D9%88%D9%84%D9%88%DB%8C+%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%85%DB%8C%D8%AF See also In a Statement, the Armed Group of Jaish ul-Adl Denied That its Members Were Killed During the Clashes on Friday and Called the Regime’s Narratives Pure Lies, Haalvsh (Oct. 1, 2022), https://bit.ly/3Ek0nQV
[49] Official Channel of Molana Abdul Ghaffar Naqshbandi (@naghshbandi_hafez), Telegram (Oct. 2, 2022), https://t.me/s/naghshbandi_hafez
[50] BBC NEWS فارسی (@bbcpersian), Twitter (Oct. 2, 2022, 2:27 PM), https://twitter.com/bbcpersian/status/1576655206045126656
[51] IHRDC Interview with Mohammad (alias name) (Oct. 5, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[52] بیورغ بلوچ (@thebeuragh), Twitter (Oct. 4, 2022, 3:37 AM), https://twitter.com/thebeuragh/status/1577216339369811971
[53] Video of Special Forces Vehicle Being Set on Fire in Shirabad, Zahedan, IranKar.com (Oct. 1, 2022), https://bit.ly/3RC6nr3
[54] Details of Zahedan’s Deadly Shooting / Simultaneous Attack on 3 Police Stations / Official Statistics, 19 dead and 20 injured / Zahedan’s Schools Were Closed and [Classes] on Universities Became Remote, Khordad News (Sept. 30, 2022), https://bit.ly/3CewMp7 See also The Number of Martyrs of Zahedan Riots Reached 6 People, IRNA (Oct. 5, 2022), https://bit.ly/3EtQ24G
[55] 93 Killed and More Than 350 Wounded; Reliable Statistics on the Number of Protesters Killed in Zahedan, balochcampaign (Oct.12, 2022), https://bit.ly/3T1MqLN See also The Seventh Report of Haalvsh News Agency about the Dead of the Zahedan Protests from Friday, September 30, to October 14, 2022, Haalvsh (Oct. 15, 2022), available at https://bit.ly/3EW2MBn (Haalvsh News Agency confirmed at least 103 dead as of October 14, 2022).
[56] Iran: At least 82 Baluchi protesters and bystanders killed in bloody crackdown, Amnesty International (Oct. 6, 2022), https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/10/iran-at-least-82-baluchi-protesters-and-bystanders-killed-in-bloody-crackdown/
[57] The Fourth Report of Haalvsh News Agency About the Dead in the Zahedan Protests from Friday, September 30 to October 5, 2022, Haalvsh (Oct. 5, 2022), https://bit.ly/3MaMczm
[58] Farzin kadkhodaei (@farzinkadkhodae), Twitter (Oct. 11, 2022, 11:59 AM), https://twitter.com/farzinkadkhodae/status/1579864264806129664
[59] Provisional Governor of Sistan and Baluchistan: 19 People Died in the Terrorist Incident in Zahedan, IRNA (Sept. 30, 2022), https://bit.ly/3rzQKG7
[60] Haalvsh News Agency/ A Document of the Crime Committed on Friday, September 30, 2022, in Shirabad, Zahedan, by the Military Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran against Children and Defenseless People, Haalvsh (Sept. 30, 2022), https://bit.ly/3V8ANUG
[61] ایران آزادی (@iranazadi1395), Twitter (Sept. 30, 2022, 6:21 AM), https://twitter.com/iranazadi1395/status/1575808057279279105 See also Zahedan, Kowsar Street, Vahid Online (Sept. 30, 2022), available at https://t.me/VahidOnline/47937
[62] With the Identification of a 12-Year-Old Baloch Child Among Those Killed on Bloody Friday in Zahedan, the Death Toll Reached 92, Haalvsh (Oct. 9, 2022), https://bit.ly/3rQsDTH
[63] Haalvsh News Agency/ A Document of the Crime Committed by the Military Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran against Children and Defenseless People in Shirabad, Zahedan, on Friday, September 30, 2022, Haalvsh (Oct. 1, 2022), https://bit.ly/3V8ANUG
[64] A Two-Year-Old Child Was Killed during the Zahedan Protests by Direct Fire from Military Forces, Haalvsh (Oct. 4, 2022), https://bit.ly/3en5Iwd
[65] With the Identification of a 12-Year-Old Baloch Child Among Those Killed on Bloody Friday in Zahedan, the Death Toll Reached 92, Haalvsh (Oct. 9, 2022), https://bit.ly/3rQsDTH
[66] Farzin kadkhodaei (@farzinkadkhodae), Twitter (Oct. 11, 2022, 11:13 AM), https://twitter.com/farzinkadkhodae/status/1579852815236988930
[67] پسر ساحل (@Sonofthebeach33), Twitter (Oct. 5, 2022 4:41 PM), https://mobile.twitter.com/Sonofthebeach33/status/1577761017303629824
[68] Omid Safar Zahi, a 17-Year-Old Baloch Child, Is Among Those Killed on Bloody Friday in Zahedan and Has No Proof of Birth Certificate, Haalvsh (Oct. 12, 2022), https://bit.ly/3rUzxHG
[69] Haalvsh Website Reported that 91 People Were Killed on Bloody Friday in Zahedan; At Least Seven Children Were Among the Dead, IranIntl (Oct. 6, 2022), https://www.iranintl.com/202210067929
[70] The Arrest of a Number of Attackers and Terrorists of Today’s Conflict in Zahedan, Mehr News (Sept. 30, 2022), https://bit.ly/3rzYDeH
[71] The Story of the Terrorist Attack in Zahedan from the Arrested Criminals, Farc News (Oct. 5, 2022), https://t.me/farsna/263953
[72] IHRDC Interview with Mohammad (alias name) (Oct. 5, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[73] The Arrest of Five Baloch Citizens with the Attack of Military Forces to Zahedan’s Besat Neighborhood, Baloch Campaign (Oct. 4, 2022), https://bit.ly/3rA7w7T
[74] The Arrest of Baloch Young Man by Military Forces in Zahedan, Baloch Campaign (Oct. 9, 2022), https://bit.ly/3yCNPjV
[75] Haalvsh Website Reported that 91 People Were Killed on Bloody Friday in Zahedan; At Least Seven Children Were Among the Dead, IranIntl (Oct. 6, 2022), https://www.iranintl.com/202210067929
[76] Continued Detention and Lack of Information about the Situation of the Baloch Child Arrested in Chabahar, Balochcampaign (Oct. 12, 2022), https://bit.ly/3TfbWwJ
[77] Baloch Human Rights Activists: At least 80 People, Including Two Children, Were Killed During the Unrest in Zahedan, EuroNews (Oct. 4, 2022), https://per.euronews.com/2022/10/04/unrest-iran-zahedan-violence-baloch-movement-hijab-protests-sistan-baluchistan
[78] Khondanur Lajaee Was Killed by Khamenei’s Repressive Forces, Rasadbalochistan (Oct. 4, 2022), https://t.me/s/rasadbalochistan?q=%D8%AE%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%88%D8%B1+%D9%84%D8%AC%D8%B9%DB%8C See also 1500tasvir (+۱۵۰۰تصویر), Instagram (Oct. 2, 2022), available at https://www.instagram.com/p/CjSVvshqFZa/?hl=en
[79] The Death of a Baloch Citizen Following the Shooting of Military Forces in Zahedan City, Haalvsh (Oct. 6, 2022), https://bit.ly/3Tl87pS
[80] The Execution of Four Baloch Prisoners at the Same Time as Creating a Security Environment in Baluchistan, Deutsche Welle Persian (Oct. 5, 2022), https://z-upload.facebook.com/dw.persian/posts/6251948684820025
[81] The Arrest of an Injured Baloch Citizen by Security Forces in Zahedan Social Security Hospital, Haalvsh (Oct. 10, 2022), https://bit.ly/3Evq693
[82] Haalvsh Website Reported that 91 People Were Killed on Bloody Friday in Zahedan; At Least Seven Children Were Among the Dead, IranIntl (Oct. 6, 2022), https://www.iranintl.com/202210067929
[83] IHRDC Interview with Witness No. 1 in Zahedan (Oct. 12, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[84] IHRDC Interview with Witness No. 3 in Zahedan (Oct. 12, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[85] Habibollah Baloch (@HbSarbazi), Twitter (Oct. 5, 2022, 4:20 PM), https://twitter.com/HbSarbazi/status/1577770647261962240
[86] There Is No News About the Condition of Dr. Ashkan Pouya, Who Stated: “Military Forces Targeted the Protesters in Zahedan From Behind,” Haalvsh (Oct. 6, 2022), https://bit.ly/3yigQRG
[87] Farzin kadkhodaei (@farzinkadkhodae), Twitter (Oct. 11, 2022, 7:05 PM), https://twitter.com/farzinkadkhodae/status/1579971483212066816
[88] With the Identification of a 12-Year-Old Baloch Child Among Those Killed on Bloody Friday in Zahedan, the Death Toll Reached 92, Haalvsh (Oct. 9, 2022), https://bit.ly/3rQsDTH
[89] Baloch Human Rights Activists: At least 80 People, Including Two Children, Were Killed During the Unrest in Zahedan, EuroNews (Oct. 4, 2022), https://per.euronews.com/2022/10/04/unrest-iran-zahedan-violence-baloch-movement-hijab-protests-sistan-baluchistan See also Omar Baloch (@freemakoran), Twitter (Sept. 30, 2022, 8:32 AM), available at https://twitter.com/freemakoran/status/1575841094150987776
[90] Habibollah Baloch (@HbSarbazi), Twitter (Oct. 2, 2022, 8:24 AM), https://twitter.com/HbSarbazi/status/1576201421036617729
[91] The Picture of One of the Schools in Shirabad, Zahedan, Which Was Set on Fire by Plain-Clothes Forces, Haalvsh (Oct. 3, 2022), https://bit.ly/3ee984o See also Habibollah Baloch (@HbSarbazi), Twitter (Oct. 4, 2022, 6:41 PM), available at https://twitter.com/HbSarbazi/status/1577262516891066369
[92] IHRDC Interview with Mohammad (alias name) (Oct. 5, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).
[93] IHRDC Interview with Abdullah Aref (Oct. 6, 2022) (on file with IHRDC).