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Booklet Prepared to be Given to Amnesty International in Canada

          Sianoek Pourzand .i a NI h rrcs I Iu pit a :Kayhan (London)
          P1easesign•IIe:p e1:ition for his release.
          Mk trave] ermission for him lo ornc to ( nada to his family members to get proper
          medical and health car ,
          Siamak Pourzand
          A 74 years Id Iranian journalists in jail needs an urgeni help.
          Siamak Pouirzand, 74 years old Iranian journaUst,
          intellectual and manager of Majmue ye.
          Farhangi-ye Honari-yeTehran (The Tehran Art and
          Cultural Centre),
          disappeared in Teh ran on Saturday, 24 November 2001.
          On May 3, 2002 the Tehran Press Court reportedly
          sentenced him to 11 years in prison on charges of
          “undermining state security through his links with
          monarchists and counter-revolutionaries.
          Now Pourzand is in a hospital in Tehran after suffering a
          heart attack in last March and lapsing to coma for few
          days. He needs four different urgent surgeries on his
          spinal, kidney, leg and prostate.
          SF00 135
          daily needs. Furthermore, in October 2003, Itis medical records wcre rcvicwcrl hy-a4eretor in the US-who
          concluded that if unattended, Siaenak Poureands condition wodld de eriorateard he -vrouldhe-nrade wheelchair-
          depeadant It was recommended that he he urgently treated arduly equipped. anrgieal centres
          Around 31 March 2004, Siamak Ponreand reportedly nuffered'a hentt.attack:that'ldTt hininu coma He-was not
          treated until another prisoner, the lawyer and human righta defender Nasser Zar-afthan(l) -wetttto the pi .n e luJI
          facility and intiated IIat someone eaamine him. Siamalt Poumattd woataken to 1eltr-aas Modarrcs'Hoapital- for
          trcatnrent and alter 3d hours in a eo:mahe;regaised consciousrtem.
          Siantak Ponruand was again admitted te Tehran's Modarres t1loqpittil on 18 April. Accordmg tuinitialreporta, he
          was chained toliia bed by his feet and denied family visits. Tltree-daysl;tter, he was enuvedto the CoronarvCrae
          Unit (CCU) in the hospital where he reportedly .retnained for 1.0 csre:Following his
          return to the ordinary ward and according to information rereised by Al, Siatndl(Psor,ra*d tqpertcdty receivedu
          telephone cull from Evin Prison asking him to give an interviewto n prisons' publication todeetare that he had never
          been ill-treated and that his trial had been fair. Shortly after thissphonee111, Sism k Ponrzandhadto he traSdered
          again to CCU.
          Siantak Pont-sand is dnc to be transferred to Mnhrad Hoapitalttow.tderge.a spinal nurgery. I- Ic is-then uchedn led to
          return to Modaeren 1-loapital to receive treattnetWfnr:his kidatcyaand prostate-
          Other infnrmntion;
          Siarttak Poursand is the husband of lawyer and hutnaneigltta ddfearduc, Meltraggie Kar whcs.continuea to foec
          charges itt connection svith her participatioa at a socialand etiltural:eonferencr, .whidh was held iniBetlirieApril
          2000 She is a fornsrr prisoner of-conscience (see UA 10i3 /S0,M13R13/20/00-3 Ntay2000.and.frdllow.nps)
          Please send telegrnma/ telexes/ fa.xes/expreas/w-mnil letters ie FitglishorTreech:
          - expressing concern that Siaretak Poutrand is a pdnoncrofeontSnm,:arzneed solelsHfertlse:peaedWl
          espression of hin beliefs: and Ire should be reierasellittatnedirrtely-andsncoaditionally;
          - urging the aetlsoeities to allow Sirunak P-ouraand to -receive udequate.tttedical attention andregdlar access tofamily
          visits whilst Ite rernains.iit;
          - expressing concern that he has been denied the tight to adegtette rtnd regritar secesa-sirlegul rqpresertation of his
          choice prior to and sfnerlsia teial:
          - urging the authorities 10 end the practice of solitary eonfinnnietrt,:iu litre with.tlrr'reronsmetadationsmade byIIe
          UN Working Group on Arbitrary lieteetien (WGAD) following its visit-to Iran in Frhruary 2003 (UN;dtarutawatt
          E/CN4 12l)04/3IAdd2), which noted that ‘such iniprisonnsettt within-imprisonmentris arbitrary-rn nature and atast
          be ended;
          - renainding tire aut ltorities that knIe 32 of the UN'n SrandardMieinratn Rulea for;rhe Treattneitt-nEPdsoreratstiates
          that close rottftttetnent should trot depart front the peohihit ion oat cruel - inhuman or-Uegradt nppuntalitnent -
          Leader of the lslamie.Rstisihlir
          His Eaecllrery Ayatollah Sayed'-AliiOEnttrendi
          The Presidency, Palestine Avenue, Asrrbaijan ]ttter-aectioir !Ft hratr, Etaruir Republic cifj.lmta
          Telegram; Ayatollah Khantenei, Tebran,- Islamic Reptlhlie uf Iran
          Fast 4-982 1 6495880 (please mark ‘Furtheat-teuriort-nf4tte Olflcestll-Iia Exeellenev,Ayatolluh alUdhnta
          Khamenei, Qorm)
          Email; M-ebnauater@wriayaborg ( c i i the attbjeet lime write; Fur theattetitiouoftheOLiee.oPHis :Exr lleney,
          Ayutullnh ul Ud-hma Khameritij Qoirt-)
          Salutation; YnurExeollenrge
          lnflnettliul P.arliamenaarhtn
          Gholamnli Httddad,iAslul
          Majles-e Shoura-ye Eslanli: (P-arliantcat)
          Itwatn Khenaeini Avenue
          Tehran, Islamic Republic elf iron
          Fa r - n 98 21 6463746
          To show your uolidarity svith Siamak Pourzand, yort-could: scnd:him-a-repy.ul your appen l:
          Evin Prison ,
          Siamalt Ponesrand
          Evin l'riaos, Cltanaraniflighww1-,
          Shahid Kutchnyi Streetflarzikdtr
          Tehran Islamic Republic:of [ run
          e 4 L
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