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Call for release of Iranian journalist

          11/16/2009 RadioZamaneh I Radio Zamaneh in En...
          RadioZarnaneh> Radio Zarnaneh in English> Latest News > Call for release of Iranian journalist
          ‘ rAA 3- i Date of Publish: Radio Zamaneh
          Call for release of Iranian journalist
          Javad Mahzadeh
          A letter to the head of Iran 's judiciary signed by over fifty prominent Iranian writers and journalists
          urged Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani to release Javad Mahzadeh. The Iranian writer and journalist was
          arrested at his home a month ago and has been in detention since. So far judiciary officials have
          .made no announcement on his charge
          The letter calls on Ayatollah Larijani to observe the legal rights of Javad Mahzadeh and take every
          .step to secure his release
          Javad Mahzadeh is a novelist and literary critic who has also collaborated with several Iranian
          newspapers in the past
          In Iran numerous social and political activists have been imprisoned in the post-election events.
          .Many still remain in prison
          On November 5th, Reporters Without Borders announced that in less the 150 days following the
          post-election unrest in Iran at least 100 journalists and bloggers have been arrested in Iran. They
          maintain at least 23 of these journalists are still in prison and 50 have had to leave the country
          copyright @ RadioZamanch. corn

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