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Drs. Arash Alaei and Kamiar Alaei Detained in Iran

          Drs , ArashAlaci aixt Kamiar Alaei Detaircd in Iran Itp://p1'5iiciansftr1wmanrigItsorg/1ibraiy/statemei1-2OO8-O7-18.I1n 1
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          JuLy 18, 2008
          Drs. Arash Alaei and KamiarAlaei Detained in Iran
          Media Contacts:
          Nathaniel Raymond
          Tel: (617) 301-4200
          Physicians for Human Rights today
          urged the Iranian government to
          end the incommunicado detention
          of Drs. Arash ALaei and Kamiar
          ALaei, two Iranian physicians who
          have reportedLy been detained in Iran by Iranian authorities. The
          physicians, who are brothers, were apparentLy arrested at the end of
          June, 2008 and their current whereabouts are unknown. The doctors
          are experts on HI V/AIDS and have worked for many years on HIV/AIDS
          prevention and treatment activities in Iran and internationaLLy. PHR
          caLLs on the government of Iran to discLose their whereabouts, provide
          them access to Lawyers and famiLy, and either to charge them with an
          internationaLLy recognized crime or reLease them immediateLy.
          Dr. Kamiar ALaei is a doctoraL candidate at the SUNY ALbany SchooL of
          PubLic HeaLth and is expected to resume his studies there this faLL. In
          2007, he received Master of Science in PopuLation and InternationaL
          HeaLth from the Harvard SchooL of PubLic HeaLth.
          His brother Arash is the former Director of the InternationaL Education
          and Research Cooperation of the Iranian NationaL Research Institute
          of TubercuLosis and Lung Disease.
          Since 1998, Dr. Arash ALaei and his brother, Kamiar ALaei, have been
          carrying out programs deaLing with HIV/AIDS, particuLarLy focused on
          harm reduction for injecting drug users in the war-torn province of
          Kermanshah, on the West Coast of Iran.
          Since 1986, the ALaei brothers have sought the integration of
          prevention and care of HIV/AIDS, sexuaLLy-transmitted infections, and
          drug-reLated harm reduction, into Ira ns nationaL heaLth care system.
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          03/08 2010 13:35
          Drs , ArashAlaci aixt Kamiar Alaei Detaircd in Iran Itp://p1 '5iiciansftr1wmanrigItsorg/1ibraiy/statemei1-2OO8-O7-18.I1n 1
          In addition to their work in Iran, the Ataei brothers have heLd training
          courses for Afghan and Tajik medicaL workers and have worked to
          encourage regionaL cooperation among 12 MiddLe Eastern and CentraL
          Asian countries. They were key organizers of a tn-nationaL meeting in
          2004 in Tehran to discuss harm reduction and substitution treatment
          in Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. At that meeting, Iran 's programs
          proved to be inspiring roLe modeLs for the region, according to
          medicaL experts who participated in the meeting. The Drs. ALaeis
          work has addressed the most disadvantaged popuLations and patients
          in the country.
          Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) mobilizes the health professions to
          advance the health and dignity of all people by protecting human
          rights. As a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban
          Landmines, PHR shared the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize.
          Date posted: July 18, 2008
          Last updated: June 1, 2010
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