Emerging details of the mysterious de...
Mon, 16 Nov 2009 01:36 AM
Emerging details of the mysterious
death of Kahrizak's doctor
New details are emerging regarding the mysterious death
of a 26 year-old who worked as a doctor at the infamous
Kahrizak detention center.
According to credible sources, Ramin Pourandarjani died when he
was in his room at a medical building affiliated with Tehran Police on Tuesday and a stroke was announced as the cause of
death. Mr Pourandarjani who served as a doctor for the armed forces (instead of mandatory military service), had the task of
visiting victims of the crimes carried out at Kahriznk prisoner following the post-election unrest. One of these victims was
Mohsen Rouholamini the son of an influential and conservative Iranian politician whose death in Kahrizak Prison drew
widespread attention towards the tortures and killings that were going on in that prison.
Pourandarjani, had visited Rouholamini 2 days prior to his death and had become aware of his dreadful suffering. Following
Rouholamini's death, Pourandarjani was placed under arrest for a week and was forced to report Rouholamini's cause of death
as meningitis, even though forensics had determined the cause of death as heavy blows to the head area. The young doctor was
in the end released after the forensics report but was threatened by unknown individuals many times due to the extent of his
knowledge regarding the atrocities in Kahrizak Prison and the role that was played by high-ranking military officials in the crimes
Prior to his death, Dr Pourandarjani retold the horrific stories he had witnesses as a doctor to his friends and had expressed
concerns for his life many times. Even though the cause of his death was announced as a stroke, his family were not allowed to
perform autopsy on his body which gives rise to suspicions surrounding the young doctor's death. His funeral was held under a
heavy security presence and even some of his closest friends did not show up at their friend's funeral out of concerns fortheir
own safety.
It is believed that an Iranian Member of Parliament from the city of Tabriz is investigating the trnth surrounding the death of
english .mowjcam p.com/a rticle/id/64807