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European Parliament — 1980 – 1981 — Agenda of the sitting of Wednesday, 17 September 1980

          1980 — 1981
          of the sitthig of
          WEDNESDAY, 17 SEPTEMBER 1980
          9 n.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 pm .
          - Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr PENDERS and others,
          on the persecutions of the Bahais in Iran (Doc. 1—390/80)
          - Motion for a resolution thbled by Mr L LOR and Mr ISRAEL,
          on behalf of the Group of European Progressive Democrats,
          Mr KLEPSCH and others, on behalf of the Group of the
          European People's Party (CD Group), Mr SCOTT-HOPKINS and
          others, on behalf of the European Democratic Group, on the
          persecution of members of the Bahai community in Iran
          (Doc. 1—397/80)
          — Motion for a resolution tabled by Mrs CASTLE and Mr LOMAS,
          on behalf of the Socialist Group, on violation of human
          rights in Chile (Doc. 1—378/80)
          - Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr GLINNE and others, on
          behalf of the Socialist Group, Mr KLEPSCH and Mr BLUMENFELD,
          on behalf of the Group of the European People's Party (CD
          Group), Mr FERGUSSON, on behalf of the European Democratic
          Group, Mrs CARETTONI ROMAGNOLI, and Mr BERKHOUWER, on behalf
          of the Liberal and Democratic Group, on events in Bolivia
          (Doc. 1-381/80/rev.)
          — Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr FANTI and others,
          on behalf of the Communist and Allies Group, on relations
          between the EEC and the new regime in Bolivia (Doc. 1—385/80)
          - Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr BEYER de RYKE and others,
          on protecting the site of Tyre (Doc. 1-388/80)
          - Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr F ANTI and others, on
          the coup d'etat in Turkey (Doc. 1—392/80)
          - Motion for a resolution tabled by Mr GLINNE, on behalf of
          the Socialist Group, Mr KLEPSCH, on behalf of the Group of
          the European People's Party (CD Group), and Mr BANGEMANN, on
          behalf of the Liberal and Democratic Group, on events in
          Turkey (Doc. 1-396/80)
          OJ 25 PH 66.787
          No. 171 — Report by Nr DANKERT. on behalf of the Commibtee on i3udg&-L-s, on
          the proposals from the Commission of the European Communities
          to the Council (Doc. 1-273/80) for
          I. a regulation instituting supplementary Community measures
          to contribute to the solution of the principal structure
          problems affecting the United Kingdom and hence to the
          convergence of the economies of the Member States of the
          II . a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 1172/76 of
          17 May 1976 setting up a financial mechanism
          (Doc. 1—373/80)
          No. 158 - Report by Mr PENDERS, on behalf of the Political Affairs
          Committee, on human rights in Poland (Doc. 1—219/80).
          5.30 p ti. to 7 p.m .
          No. 169 — Question Time (Doc. 1—366/80)
          (5.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in principle one hour for questions to
          the Council and half an hour for questions to the Foreign
          OJ 25 PE 66.787

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