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Foes Schedule Day of Mourning Monday to Test Shah’s Strength

          By R. W. APPLE Jr.
          TEHERAN, Imn, bec. 15 The li ent could not restore same semblance
          Speciallo The r4aw York Times
          gious and secular opposition to Shah MO- of order within a month, he asserted, the
          hammed Riza Pablevi served notice Shah would probably be forced out.
          today that it intends to step up its war of Oil production reached only 1 1 million
          economic attrition in the hope of driving barrels today, a little more than one-sixth
          him from power. of the potential. With the central bank in
          The leader of Iran's 33 million Shiite only fitful'operation, and shops closed all
          Moslems, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, over the country, the economy has been
          declared that Monday would be a day paralyzed.
          national mourning and called for a
          general strike to support the striking Merchants Plan to Open
          wo4ers who have crippled Iranian oil A merchant in the Teheran bazaar said
          production. The Ayatollah spoke from that ,he and his colleagues, whose busi-
          e sile-. at Neauphle-le-Chãteau, outside nesses have been':closed since Nov. 5 ex-
          Paris, . cept for one brief-interval, would attempt
          He described the. Shah as a “mentally to reopen- tomorrow for tw weeks, but
          -disturbed” man who-is. ”on the verge çf would then close.--again An. opposition
          hisdownfaIl.” . leader-in .Isfahax .sa d a• sixnilari'tactic.
          Hours later, the National Front, the might be tried' there, to placate opposi-
          Drincipal political party opposed. o the- tion support s who had complained that
          hah, èhdá'rsed day of . mót rning , l e s wnwas tflapje'imPqssible.:
          which would come seven.days afCer OV- Relatively little vLolen e was
          ernment troops killed a group of demon - in the streets 1r rjian cities tóday b Ir-
          strator in Isfahan following an holiday ing the past 24 ‘-hours, the most troubled -
          parade, The number killed has not been- :city.appears to have-been hiEáz, a tradi-
          determined. The National Front ap- tional cultural center that. is also a 9 refin-
          pealed to. everyone to stay indoors on ing center, 560 miles south of the c pital.
          Monday to avoid the possibility of re- P eports of deaths there yesterday ranged
          ñewed clashes. . - - from. 12 to 24;
          A Test of Strength Set Up According to,. the sketchy lnformat
          available here, 12 to -14 persons were-shot
          The opposition's call br intensified or beaten to death by troops and d mon-
          economic warfare set up. a test of strators backing the Shah. Later, one re-
          strength with the Government. In a port said, opponents of the Shah ‘killed
          speech last night, the Prime Minister, two soldiers and eight members of” their
          .Gen. Gholam Riza Azhari, said that oil
          families. The soldiers and their families
          workers and others who failed to return were said to be adherents of the Bahai
          to work would soon face dismissal. faith. - ‘- ___
          Appearing on television, Gen. Azhari This morning, the opposition staged a
          said that the Government was running procession in which the bodies of those 1
          short of money because of the politically killed yesterday were borne through I
          motivated strikes, especially those in the downtown streets, according to o e re-
          olifields. The str;fe is costing the nation ‘port. Soldiers ordered the procession to I
          about $60 million a day in lost foreign ex- diserse, the eoor' said, and when the
          change. oov-c'siticn leaders ra used , the froo s
          A s ' nior Western di lcn at sakd he . o ned ‘./‘- rge urnhe c rop e -
          thought the ‘omic s r W.l -- were hit, the ‘:-e - ac tg-
          BP0005 97
          - - ‘ -. - - .- . . . . --
          • I Teheran, relatives tried to console a woman at th r w o1 her ..ia '.who,
          shesald, was one otseven of her children killed In dash.. with aiien troops.
          Foes Schedule Day of Mourning
          Monday to Test Shah's Sfrength
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          Foes Schedule Day of Mourning Monday to Test Shah's
          Strength; A Test of Strength Set Up Merchants Plan to
          By R. W. APPLE Jr. Special to The New York Times. New York Times (1857-
          Current file). New York, N.Y.: Dec 16, 1978. pg. 2, 1 pgs
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          Abstract (Document Summary)
          TEHERAN, Iran, Dec. 15--The religious and secular opposition to Shah
          Mohammed Riza Pahlevi served notice today that it intends to step up its war of
          economic attrition in the hope of driving him from power.
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          NYT ARTICLI
          IBSI .1980
          TEHERAN, Iran, Dec. 15
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           1098511 7.html?did= 11098511 7&FMT=ABS&FMT... 6/14/2006

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