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Former vice president of Iran sentenced over election protests

          Forxrcr vice presidert of Iran sertenced over elecfion protests World new , ,, lttp://'iad-ali-abtahi-ira...
          Former vice president of Iran sentenced
          over e'ection protests
          Moham mad All Abtahi faces six years in jail after being accused of
          fomenting unrest after disputed June election in Iran
          1 of3 11/23/2009 1:07 PM
          Forn'cr vice presidert of Iran sertenced over elecfion protests World new,., lttp://'iad-ali-abtahi-ira...
          Jenny Percival and agencies
, Sunday 22 November 2009 14.29 GMT
          A brzsrknSr
          Iran's former vice president Mohammad Ali Abtahi, second from right, with other
          defendants at a court room in Tehran in August. Photograph: Hossein Salehi Ara/AP
          A former Iranian vice president has been sentenced to six years in jail after being
          accused of fomenting unrest to overthrow the government, his lawyer said today.
          Mohammad Ali Abtahi is the most senior reformer to face imprisonment following the
          disputed presidential election in June. Abtahi was vice president for parliamentary and
          legal affairs during the 1997-2005 presidency of Mohammad Khatami.
          The lawyer, Saleh Nikbakht, said he planned to appeal against the verdict. He has 20
          days to submit the appeal. Abtahi was released on $700,000 ( 425,ooo) bail after the
          verdict was delivered.
          As news of the latest sentence emerged, the opposition leader, Mir Hossein Mousavi ,
          called on the government to stop intimidating people.
          “The government should not intimidate people to change their path ... this movement
          will continue and we are ready to pay any price,” Mousavi was quoted as saying on his
          Kaleme website.
          Mousavi's remarks coincided with a gathering by moderates to commemorate the killing
          of a dissident nationalist couple, stabbed to death by “rogue” agents in 1998. The killing
          of Dariush Forouhar and his wife, who headed the illegal but tolerated Nation
          party, and at least two other secularist figures, outraged Iranian society.
          Iran's security forces have warned the opposition not to take part in demonstrations, in
          an attempt to avoid a revival of the protests that erupted after the presidential elections
          on 12 June in which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad secured a second term. The
          turmoil after the election was the worst in Iran since its 1979 Islamic revolution.
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          11/23/2009 1:07PM
          Former vice president of Iran sentenced over election protests World new... http://www.guardiancouk/wor1d12009/nov/22/mohamimd-ali-abtahi-ira...
          Authorities deny vote-rigging and portrayed the unrest as a foreign-backed bid to
          undermine the Islamic state.
          A key part of the government's strategy has been the mass trial of reformist political
          figures accused of supporting the post-election unrest and seeking to topple the regime
          through a “velvet revolution”.
          Abtahi's daughter, Fatemeh Abtahi, was quoted by Kaleme as saying that security agents
          searched her father's Tehran home in his presence yesterday, after which he was taken
          to a court where he was told about his sentence and then returned to jail.
          Abtahi made televised confessions after his arrest in which he admilled provoking
          people to riot. His family and fellow reformers said the confessions were obtained
          under duress. Abtahi was a top adviser to pro-reform cleric Mehdi Karoubi, who
          finished fourth in the presidential elections. Kaleme said his lawyer would seek his
          release on bail.
          Iran's judiciary said last week that five people have been sentenced to death and 8i have
          received jail terms of up to 15 years in connection with protests and violence after the
          poll, but it did not give their names.
          The head of a hardline political party, Mohammad Nabi Habibi, called yesterday for
          Mousavi to face trial for spreading the “big lie” of vote fraud. Any legal action against
          Mousavi, who came second in the election, could trigger new street protests by his
          Meanwhile Iran's military has said it will begin large-scale air defence drills today, with
          a cleric in the Revolutionary Guards warning that the Islamic Republic would fire
          missiles at “the heart of Tel Aviv” if allacked. The war games, due to last five days, are
          intended to help protect Iran's nuclear facilities , according to Iranian media.
          The declaration came as a UN commillee voted to approve a non-binding resolution
          condemning Iran for its crackdown on protesters following the presidential elections.
          The resolution also repeated annual criticism of Iran's human rights record, including
          the use of torture and an increasing execution rate.
          Iran's UN ambassador, Mohammad Khazaee, dismissed the resolution as politically
 © Guardian News and Media Limited 2009
          3 of3 11/23/2009 1:07PM

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