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Free Maziar Bahari: 100 global journalists petition Iran

          Free Maziar Bal'iari: 100 globaljournalists petition Iran- Con'nthtee to Pr... http://cpj .org/2009/07/free-mazlar-baharl-100-global-jourxialists-petifionphp
          C Committee to ProtectJournalists
          Defending Journal is: s Worldwide
          Free Maziar Bahari: 100 global journalists petition Iran
          July 15, 2009
          His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
          Justice Ministry
          Pazdah-Khordad (Ark) Square
          Tehran, Iran
          By fax: 982122290151
          Your Excellency:
          We are writing to express our grave concern at the detention of our esteemed fellow journalist Maziar Bahari and to
          request his immediate release. Mr. Bahari has been detained since June 21. No charges have been brought against him,
          and he has not been granted access to a lawyer. As one of the most impartial and committed journalists in his field, he
          has reported regularly over the past decade from the Middle East, principally from Iran and Iraq, and provided
          consistently balanced and insightful reports. As an award-winning documentary filmmaker, he has earned global respect
          for his work.
          We request that he be immediately released from custody and be allowed to
          resume his work. As a journalist, he was engaged in fulfilling his professional
          duties, reporting on critical events following the elections. At a minimum, he is
          entitled to the full protection of the laws of Iran, including the right to legal counsel.
          The Islamic Republic of Iran's domestic laws recognize the right to free expression.
          Iran was also one of the first countries in the world to ratify the International
          Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which guarantees all individuals the freedom
          to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of
          frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other
          As leading international journalists and editors who wish to ensure that our fellow professionals are permitted to do their
          work safely and freely, we ask you to consider this petition and return Mr. Bahari to his family, friends, and colleagues
          without further delay.
          Nada Adessamad, Lebanon
          Abdulrahman Al-Rashed, AI-Arabiya
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          Free Maziar Bahari: 100 global jornnalists petition Iran - Committee to Pr... http://cpj .org/2009/07/free-maziar-bahari-100-global-jorn-nalists-petitionphp
          Mansoor Al-Jamri, Al-Wasat, Bahrain
          Abdul Karim Al-Khaiwani, Yemen
          Walid Al-Oman, Al-Jazeera
          Christiane Amanpour, CNN
          Jamal Amer, Al-Wasat, Yemen
          Jon Lee Anderson, The New Yorker
          Ali Anouzla, Al-Jarida Al-Oula, Morocco
          Sally Armstrong, Macleans, Canada
          Abdul Ban Atwan, Al-Quds Al-Arabi
          Omar Belhouchet, Al-Watan, Algeria
          Ahmed Reda Benchemsi, TeiQuel and Nishan, Morocco
          Mohamed Benchicou, Algeria
          Sihem Bensedrine, Kalima, Tunisia
          Mehmet Ali Birand, CNN TURK
          Taoufik Bouachrine, Akhbar el-Youm, Morocco
          Ali Bulac Zaman, Turkey
          Tony Burman, Al-Jazeera English
          Ian Buruma, Bard College
          Lydia Cacho, Mexico
          Carlos Fernando Chamorro, Con fidencial, Nicaragua
          Doha Chams, Al-Akhbar, Lebanon
          Ying Chan, Hong Kong
          Noam Chomsky, U.S.
          Daniel Coronell, Noticias Uno, Colombia
          Marites Danguilan Vitug, Newsbreak, The Philippines
          Nicholas Dawes, Mail and Guardian, South Africa
          Redi Direko, Radio 702, South Africa
          Ibrahim Eissa, Al-Dustour, Egypt
          Gamal Fahmy, Egypt
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          Free Maziar Bahari: 100 global jornnalists petition Iran - Committee to Pr... http://cpj .org/2009/07/free-maziar-bahari-100-global-jorn-nalists-petitionphp
          Lucio FIavio Pinto, Jornal Pessoal, Brazil
          Yousri Fouda, Egypt
          Tom Friedman, The New York Times
          Sami Ghaleb, Al-Nida, Yemen
          Murtada Ghali, Ajras Al-Hurriya, Sudan
          Hussein Abdel Ghani, Al-Jazeera
          MOnica Gonzalez, CIPER, Chile
          Gustavo Gorriti, Peru
          Alma Guillermoprieto, Mexico
          Lotfi Hajji, Al-Jazeera
          Brian Hungwe, Zimbabwe
          Boubakir Jamai, Le Journal, Morocco
          Josef Joffe, Die Zeit, Germany
          Chaitanya Kalbag, India
          Hisham Kassem, EOHR, Egypt
          Rachid Khechana, Al-Mawkif, Tunisia
          Elias Khoury, An-Nahar, Lebanon
          Kyung-Ho Kim, Journalists Association of Korea
          Sami Kohen, Milliyet, Turkey
          Ted Koppel, U.S.
          Mohamed Krichene, Al-Jazeera
          Daoud Kuttab, Palestine
          Andrei Lipsky, Novaya Gazeta, Russia
          Linden Maclntyre, CBC, Canada
          Amadou Mahtar Ba, All Africa
          Peter Mansbridge, CBC, Canada
          Daniele Mastrog iacomo, La Repubblica, Italy
          Veran Matic, B92, Serbia
          Wilf Mbanga, The Zimbabwean
          3 of5 03/08 2010 14:10
          Free Maziar Bahari: 100 global jornnalists petition Iran - Committee to Pr... http://cpj .org/2009/07/free-maziar-bahari-100-global-jorn-nalists-petitionphp
          Adam Michnik, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland
          John Micklethwait, The Economist
          Roula Mikkaeil, Maharat, Lebanon
          Javier Moreno, El Pals
          Caroline Mutoko, Kiss FM, Kenya
          Adela Navarro Bello, Zeta, Mexico
          Fintan OToole, Irish Times
          Carol Off, CBC, Canada
          Mariane Pearl, France
          Teodoro Petkoff, Tal Cual, Venezuela
          Alan Philps, U.K.
          Cristian Tudor, Popescu, Gândul, Romania
          Vladimir Pozner, Independent Journalist, Russia
          Antonia Rados, RTL Germany
          Sergio RamIrez, Nicaragua
          Ahmed Rashid, Pakistan
          Neziha Rejiba, Kalima, Tunisia
          Lloyd Robertson, CTV News, Canada
          Fernando Rodrigues, Folha de S. Paulo, Brazil
          Pierre Rousselin, Le Figaro
          Fabrice Rousselot, Liberation
          Rana Sabbagh-Gargour, Jordan
          Mahjoub Mohamed Saleh, Al-A yyam, Sudan
          Daniel Santoro, ClarIn, Argentina
          Enrique Santos, El Tiempo, Colombia
          Fernando Savater, Spain
          Roberto Saviano, Italy
          Khaled Sergany, Al-Dostour, Egypt
          Najam Sethi, Daily Times, Pakistan
          4 of5 03/08 2010 14:10
          Free Maziar Baliari: 100 globaljournalists petition Iran- Contthtee to Pr ,.. http://cpj org/2009/07/free-mazlar-bahari-100-globa l-journa lists-pe t ifionphp
          Sabam Siagian, Jakarta Post, Indonesia
          Sigrun Slapgard, Norwegian Broadcasting Organisation
          Jon Snow, Channel 4, U.K.
          John Stackhouse, The Globe and Mail, Canada
          Paul Steiger, ProPublica, U.S.
          Ndey Tapha Sosseh, Gambia Press Union
          Tarun Tejpal, Tehelka, India
          Manuel Vázquez Portal, Cuba
          Franco Venturini, Corriere della Sera, Italy
          Horacio Verbitsky, PAginal l2, Argentina
          Jiang Weiping, China
          Lal Wickrematunge, Sunday Leader, Sri Lanka
          KaremYehya, Egypt
          Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek
          Faride Zeran, Chile
          Click here to read this petition in Farsi (http:llcpj.orqlMaziar%2OBahari%2OPetition%2OFarsi.pdf ) (pdf)
          July 15, 2009 10:00 AM ET I Permalink (http:llcpi.orq/200 glO7lfree-maziar-bahari-100-qlobal- lournalists-petition.php )
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