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Hamid Haeri sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment and exile

          Hamid Haeri Sentenced to 15 Years of Imprisonment and Exile
          Written by admini
          Friday, 04 June 2010 20:19 - Last Updated Saturday, 05 June 2010 20:12
          HRANA - Hamid Haeri was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment and exile to Rajaiee Shahr
          prison by Judge Moghiseh presiding over Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court.
          Mr. Haeri was charged with Moharebeh (waging war against God), having a family visit with his
          son in Ashraf Camp in Iraq, supporting Mojahedin Khalgh Organization and propaganda against
          the Islamic Regime.
          According to Human Rights and Democracy Activists, Hamid Haeri, who is severely ill and can
          only walk with a cane, was transferred from solitary confinement to Branch 28 of the
          Revolutionary Court without any prior notice to his attorney or family.
          Mr. Haeri was recently transferred to solitary confinement in Ward 240.
          Mr. Hamid Haeri, 57 years-old, was arrested on December 6, 2009, after a raid by Intelligence
          Ministry agents on his house and was transferred to Ward 209 of Evin prison. He was held in
          solitary confinement for 74 days and transferred to Section 350 later.
          Mr. Haeri is a former political prisoner from the 1980's. During his current imprisonment, Mr.
          Haeri has been subjected to severe physical and mental torture as well as repeated threats to
          transfer his wife and daughter to Kahrizak prison by interrogators.
          Hamid Haeri Sentenced to 15 Years of Imprisonment and Exile
          Written by admini
          Friday, 04 June 2010 20:19 - Last Updated Saturday, 05 June 2010 20:12

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