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Hayedeh Tabesh, Iranian campaign activist in Isfahan arrested

          Women for Women's Human Rights
          I(H . — 1 IZ 1E1 ilL li.i:ri
          Abm&i for Wameri s'flurnan Rights (/ftIwHR) - NEW WAYS TURKçE
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          Hayedeh Tabesh, Iranian Campaign Activist in Jsfahan Arrested
          change for Equality, December 5, 2009: Hayedeh Tabesh Carrpaign activist in Isfahan was arrested this ntrning
          (Saturday Decerrber 5, 2009) by Security Agents from the local office of the Ministry of Intelligence in Isfahan.
          These officials arrested her, while she was at her language class. After the arrest Hayedeh Tabesh was taken to
          her horre so that security officials could search the prenises and seize property. The security agents searched all of
          Tabesh's personal property and seized her personal belongings as well as two computers belonging to her sons. Mr.
          Montazeri, Hayedeh Tabesh's husband, explained that he still has no inforrration about the whereabouts of his wife
          and that security officials have told him to go to the revolutionary courts torrorrow to follow the case of his wife.
          Because Sunday is a holiday, he needs to follow up with the judge on duty.
          In an interview with the site of Change for Equality, Mina Jafari, the lawyer representing Hayedeh Tabesh,
          explained that the rranner in which this worren's rights defender was arrested was not legal. She explained further
          NEW5 that: “my client's residence is known to the security officials at the Ministry of Intelligence, so her arrest in a public
          WWHR space is illegal. The law allows for the arrest of the accused in public spaces, only when that person's identity is
          unknown to the security officials, when the person has corrrritted a rrajor crirre, if the person is a fugitive [ from the
          law], or if the person has received a sunTrons but has refused to show up in court. None of these circurrstances
          hold true for my client. Hayedeh Tabesh was surrrroned by the local office of the Ministry of Intelligence in Isfahan
          after she was banned from travel. Despite the fact that the surrrrons was not provided in writing, and was relayed
          through a telephone conversation, she went to the local office of the Ministry of Intelligence in response, to
          derronstrate her good intentions.”
          SEARCH The arrest of Hayedeh Tabesh occurs two weeks after the arrest of Mehrnoosh Eterradi another Carrpaign activist
          in Isfahan. The surmtns of Campaign activists in Tehran and the provinces and the arrest of these two worren's
          rights defenders in Isfahan, derronstrates that the pressures on the worren's rroverrent and in particular Campaign
          activists are on the rise.
          For rrore information please see:
          Click for the other news.
          CONTACT UNK

          8/12/2010 Women for Women's Human Rights

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