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Heavy Fighting Reported Near Kurdish Stronghold

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          WOODWARD & LOTH ROP.
          II ., . . . .THE WASHINGTON POST
          . eavy ig bug 1.ep4MlecI . •.. .
          Near . Kurclish SfrongE old
          By Nicholas CummingBruco
          Special to The Wa h1nrton poet
          TEHRAN,. Sept. 2—Iran radio to
          night reported that army and air
          force units had launched an attack on
          Kurdish positions around the western
          Iranian town of Mahabad; the center
          of résistance for ‘the autonomy-seek-
          ing Kurds.
          Heavy fighting was going on outside
          . the town, the official radio quoted a
          military spokesman as. saying.
          The spokesman ‘ also said the army
          had taken over from the Kurds , the
          border'town of Piranshahr and spoke
          of heavy casualties -in other action by
          the army in the border area.
          Kurdish sources, however, rejected
          the official reports, saying the fight-
          ing has been concentrated around the
          town of. Miàndoab, northeast of Maha-
          bad, with tanks supported by three
          helicopters and jet fighters attacking
          Kurdish positions. Witnéssés said that
          rebels repelled 400 Irar ian soldiers
          that had attempted an advance on M-
          Iran's de facto head of state, Ayatol-
          lah Ruhollah Khomeini, has in the
          past week repeated his instructions to
          the armed forces to crush the Kurdish
          insurgejits and execute their leaders.
          Large olumns of tanks have been re-
          portec4noving toward Mahabad in re-
          cent days but until today had held
          back from launching any attack on
          the Kurdish stronghold.
          . ‘ First Kurdish reports spoke of an at-
          tack by 26 tanks but other Kurdish
          sources later said that only 17 were
          involved and that six of these had
          been knocked out and the advance
          by the army halted.
          ‘l'he Kurds In I/lahabacl also re-
          ported Air Force .Iets niakin z a nurn-
          ber of high-speed passes over the
          town but said the jets had not at-
          tacked. ‘
          Earlier in the day, Kurdish gunmen
          killed 15 Revolutionary Guards and
          injured three more In an attack on a
          vehicle carrying them to the north-
          west of Mahabad. The news agency
          Pars said another six persons were
          killed in a gredade explosion in Na-
          In his broadcast last night, Sabbag-
          hian also accused Iraq of providing
          refuge and aid for Iranian Kurdish
          rebels. ‘ -
          “Iraq's border is open to Kurdish
          rebels,” Sabbaghian charged. “Tents
          have been set up on' the other side of
          . the border where insurgents are ye-
          ceived and served.”
          The Iranian Kurds, ‘ Sabbaghian
          said, were armed with tanks, armored
          personnel carriers, armored cars and
          anti-aircraft guns that had been Sent
          from abroad.
          “Israel is providing them,” he
          Government spokesman ‘ Sadegh Ta-
          bataba charged in a television inter-
          view that foreign countries were arm-
          ing the Kurds. He also said leading
          Western news agencies were “Zionist-
          led,” and accused them of false re-
          porting eventsin Kurdistan.
          Pakistan Charges.
          Bliutto's Daughter
          .- Reuter
          QUETTA, Pakistan, Sept. 2—Bena-
          zir Bhutto, daughter of Pakistan's
          executed former prime minister Zul-
          fiqar All Bhutto, has been charged
          with three political offenses under
          Pakistan's martial l w regulations.
          She was accused of bringing the
          country's armed forces into disrepute,
          creating alarm and despondency. and
          holding an unauthorized political
          meeting, police announced today. The
          offenses carry a maximum sentence
          of five years rigorous imprisonment
          and 20 lashes.
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          Fleishmans Village ‘ ‘
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          -Monday, September 3, 1979 .. A 19
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          The attacks came less than 24 hours
          after Interior Minister Hashem Sab-
          bagMan gave in a radio and television
          broadcast what he said was “probably
          the last warning” to the Kurds to sur-
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