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High bail set as condition for temporary release of imprisoned Christian convert Mehrdad Sajjadi

(3 July 2012) — According to reports the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) has received from sources close to imprisoned Christian convert, Mehrdad Sajjadi, an exorbitant bail has been set for his temporary release.  Sajjadi, one of the elders of the Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Tehran, was arrested along with his wife Forough Dashtianipour on Thursday May 24, 2012 in their house in Golshahr in Karaj by Iranian security forces. The charges against them are still unclear. Now, after more than one month of being held incommunicado, Sajjadi—in a short call to his family—informed them that he is being detained in Ghezelhesar Prison in Karaj. He also informed them that a 100 Million Toman bail (approximately US $ 80,000) was demanded for his temporary release.   

Additionally, local sources have also informed IHRDC that Sajjadi’s wife, Forough Dashtianipour, was released on 100 Million Toman bail on Thursday June 7, 2012 after two weeks of detention.

At first, Dashtianipour’s bail was set at 200 Million Tomans, but since her family could not meet this amount, the bail was subsequently reduced to 100 Million Tomans.

These sources report that Dashtianipour’s mental health is poor following her detention. After her release, she was treated in a hospital on account of the pressures she was subjected to during her detention.

Up until now, Sajjadi and Dashtianipour have been denied the assistance of legal counsel.


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