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In Iran, six journalists arrested, one sentenced to jail

          In Iran, sixjournalists arrested, one sentexed to jail - Contrdttee to Protec... http://cpjorg/2009/07/in-iran-six-journalists-arrested-o n e-sentenced-tophp
          C Committee to ProtectJournalists
          Defending Journal is: s Worldwide
          In Iran, six journalists arrested, one sentenced to jail
          New York, July 13, 2009--The Iranian authorities have arrested six more journalists--cementing the country's position as
          the world's worst jailer of journalists--and sentenced another on Sunday to eight years in prison, the Committee to
          Protect Journalists said today.
          A revolutionary court in Tehran convicted Saeed Matin-Pour of having “relations with foreigners and propagating against
          the regime,” according to local news reports, and sent him immediately to Evin Prison. Matin-Pour was initially arraested
          in May 2007 and released on bail after nine months. The journalist worked for Yar Pag and Mouj Bidari newspapers in
          Azaerbaijan province, western Iran, in additing to writing his own blog, according to local news
          ( content&view=article&id=2814:2009-07-13-1 0-58-55&
          catid=6: 2009-04-01 - 10-24-33&ltemid=66) reports.
          “We condemn the harsh sentence given to Saeed Matin-Pour on vague accusations and call on the court of appeal to
          overturn it,” said CPJ Middle East and North Africa Program Coordinator Mohamed Abdel Dayem. “We call on the
          Iranian authorities to halt their campaign against journalists and free those who remain behind bars.”
          At least 31 journalists, including those below, have been imprisoned since Iran held its June 12 presidential elections. At
          least six (http:llcpi.orqlimprisoned/2008.php#iran) other journalists were in detention (http:llcpi.orql2009l o4liranian-
          bloqqer-detained.php) prior to the disputed elections. Of the journalists currently behind bars, 16 work primarily for print
          publications, four for online publications, two for television stations, eight are primarily bloggers, and an additional seven
          are freelancers or with unknown affiliations.
          Among those detained is a freelance photographer for Getty Images, Majid Saeedi. “We at Getty Images are working
          toward his safe and quick release,” said the photo agency's co-founder and CEO, Jonathan Klein, in a statement.
          Since President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad won a disputed election, authorities have arrested thousands of protesters and
          dozens of journalists. Most of the detained journalists work for the local media, although one of them, Maziar Bahari
          ( http:llcpi.orql200g/O6Iin-iran-massive-media-crackdown-enters-second-week.php) , is a reporter Newsweek, according
          to CPJ research.
          Below is a list of journalists whose detention has been independently verified by CPJ since its last published count
          on July 7 ( http://cptorp/2009/07/iran-is-worlds-top-jailer-of-iournalists.php) .
          Tohid Begi, photographer
          DETAINED: July 9, 2009
          The photographer for Mashrota News, affiliated with the defeated presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi, was arrested
          by security agents near Inqilab Square in Tehran on July 9, according to news reports.
          1 of3 03/08 2010 14:14
          In Iran, sixjournalists arrested, one sentexed to jail - Contrdttee to Protec... http://cpjorg/2009/07/in-iran-six-journalists-arrested-one-sentenced-tophp
          Kave Muzzafari, blogger
          DETAINED: July 9, 2009
          Muzzafari, blogger ( and women's rights activist, was arrested near his home in Tehran.
          He was a supporter of the campaign to collect “ One Million SiQnatures (
          / spip.php?articIe55l) ” urging the reform of Iranian laws that discriminate against women. His mother-in-law, who was
          with him at the time of his arrest, told the Tehran-based Sign for Change (
          / spip.php?article43O7) Web site that plainclothes police officers arrested Muzaffari while they were on thier way home
          from a hospital.
          Muhammad-Reza Yazdanpana, freelance, blogger
          DETAINED: July 7, 2009
          Yazdanpana, freelance journalist and blogger for Yazdanpana ( , was arrested on the
          way home on July 7, according to local news reports. He has worked for several reformists affiliated newspapers such
          as Sharq, Karguzaran, and Yas Nu.
          Majid Saeedi, freelance photographer for Getty Images
          DETAINED: July 10, 2009
          Security agents arrested Saeedi, a well-known photographer with several reformist newspapers, at his home and took
          him to an unknown location, according to Getty Images.
          Hangameh Shahidi , b logger
          DETAINED: June 30, 2009
          Shahidi, a blogger and contributor to reformist newspapers, was arrested on June 30, according to local news reports.
          The details of her arrest are unknown.
          Sumaia Nusrati, Tehran Emrouz
          DETAINED: June 21, 2009
          Nusrati, a journalist with Tehran Emrouz and Hayat No, has been detained since June 21, according to local news
          reports. The details of her arrest remain unknown.
          Editor's note: The original version of this alert has been modified in the 4th paragraph to correct the number of
          journalists in detention after the June 12 election.
          July 13, 2009 4:35 PM ET I Permalink (http://cpj.orq/2009/07/in-iran-six-journalists-arrested-one-sentenced-to.php )
          2 of3 03/08 2010 14:14
          In Iran, six jonrnalists arrested, one sentenced to jail - Committee to Protec... http://cpj .org/2009/07/in-iran-six-jonrnalists-arrested-one-sentenced-to.php
          3 of3 03/08 2010 14:14

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