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In Iran tumult, Mousavi hits out at ‘biggest lie’

          In Iran tumult, Mousavi hits out at ‘biggest lie' lttp://www.presstvir/detaiLaspx?id—103330&secfioiñd—35 1020101
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          In Iran tumult, Mousavi hits out at ‘biggest lie'
          Wed, l2Aug 2009 18:28:55 CMI
          (ILNA) reported.
          As mass trials in Iran hint at opposition's alleged links
          with the West, defeated presidential candidate
          Mir-Hossein Mousavi says the biggest lie is to
          incorporate the nation's desire for “reform” with foreign
          In a meeting with Reformist figures on Wednesday,
          Mousavi said none of the concerned members of the
          revolution thought they would see the day that Iran
          witnessed the recent tragedy that erupted in the
          aftermath of the election.
          The presidential candidate, who suffered a crushing
          defeat to incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a
          disputed election, added that no one wished a day
          when “lies after lies” were required to Validate a
          ‘fraudulent' election, the Iranian Labor News Agency
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          ‘The biggest lie of all is to attach the natural aspiration of the [ Iranian] people for reform to foreigners,” added LiVni: Israelis seek moving abroad
          the former prime minister, who served under the founder of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
          The June 12 vote sparked massive demonstrations by supporters of Mousavi and Mehdi Karroiti, another
          defeated candidate, who protested against the election result.
          Although the Guardian Council, the body tasked with overseeing elections, has ruled that the 10th presidential
          poll was the “healthiest” vote in 30 years, Mousavi and his supporters continue to defy its results.
          Meanwhile, Iranian authorities have moved to try some 200 opposition figures, protesters and journalists as well
          as those who are charged with espionage and having possible links with Britain and France.
          The opposition, however, has slammed the mass trials as “sham”, and urged the release of some 300 people
          who remain in custody.
          Mousavi on Wednesday questioned state TV's decision to air the hearing sessions of the “show trials” and
          claimed the move only served the interests of foreigners.
          ‘What serves the interests of foreigners: the people's protest movement which falls under the framework of the
          Constitution... or show trials where children of the Revolution are seated next to the hated Monafeqins [ anti-Iran
          terrorists]?' he asked.
          ‘Which one serves the interests of the United States and Britain?'
          In an allusion to reports of prisoner abuse following the post-vote events, Mousavi said, “What happens in Iran's
          prisons these days clearly shows the necessity of a deep change in the country.”
          The reports of sexual abuse in Iran's prisons have been denied by the Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, Ali
          The views expressed and the links provided on our comment pages are the personal views of
          individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Press TV.
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          Thu, 13 Aug 2009 15:21:26 CMI
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          8/13/2009 12:03 PM

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