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Interrogations of Women Continue

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          Women - August 9 2010
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          for Iranian
          opposition at Paris
          Ending Tensions
          with North Korea:
          What South Korea
          Could Learn from
          Latin America/
          David R. Leffler,
          • Statement from
          Reza Pah lavi, 12
          June 2010
          • Occupation of
          Iranian Embassy in
          the Hague
          • part of the
          Iranian embassy in
          the Hague has been
          occupied by non-
          Iranian and Iranian
          • More than 100
          detained in holy city
          of Mashhad
          •11 Feb Rally-
          Mir Hossein
          Mousavi joins rally
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          >> Interrogations of Women Continue/Maryam Dastgir
          6/27/2006 E roozonline
          Maryam Dastgir
          27 Jun 2006
          Activists of the women's movement in Iran have been under interrogations by
          security agents since their last rally in Tehran on June 12. According to a Rooz
          reporter from Tehran, two of the activists who are also founders of the Women's
          Cultural Center Nooshin Ahmadi Khorasani and Parvin Ardalan received their arrest
          warrants after participating in the June 12th demonstration. They appeared at the
          designated security center and were interrogated. At the same time former
          member of Parliament and former member of Daftar-e Tahkim Vahdat student
          organization Mousavi Khoeini who was arrested during the rally continues to be in
          Nasrin Sotoodeh and Zohreh Arzani who are the defense attorneys for Ardalan and
          Ahmadi Khorasani told Rooz that they would like to not respond to press questions
          before they have received the questions from security authorities. These attorneys
          have already been denied access to their clients. Both Khorasani and Ardalan have
          appeared everyday at a security center to answer questions posed by security
          officials. The sessions have been as long as 4 to 6 hours in which most of the
          questions have revolved around the June 12 rally. That rally was supported by many
          international organization including 5 Nobel Peace prize winning women activists.
          The organizers of the rally had announced that the rally was not a political one and
          that they would even refrain from chanting any slogans during the march. That rally
          was disrupted violently and policewomen were used for the first time to break-up
          the gathering who used batons and lewd language. At the end of the day, some 60
          men and women activists were arrested.
          In the days following the rally, many activists in the women's movement who
          participated in the rally were summoned by the intelligence bureau of the Passdaran
          Revolutionary Guards through telephone calls. Such intervention by the Passdaran is
          unprecedented in its history.
          Both Ardalan and Khorasani face charges of activities against the state, which both
          have rejected. These two civil society activists have been released on 10 million
          Toman bonds (approximately $10000). One day before the rally, the website of the
          Women's Cultural Center had been filtered and denied access to the public.
          >> Readers' Comments
          8/9/2010 - Interrogations of W...
          Your Name * Aftabnews
          I ... Mardaninews
          El Letter to Ban Ki Your Email ::. asre-nou
          Moon by Hamed
          Roohinejad'sfamily I
          Ex-spy chief says URL ::. Ilna
          Iran government I
          about to collapse I ::. Ettelaat
          Irangovernment [ Send I ::. khabarnet
          TV: Local British
          embassy staffers ::. herlandmag
          ElAtleast l9 dead
          in Iran unrest ::. hambastegimeli
          ElBefore The ::. TABRIZNEWS
          Battle/ After The
          Ba lttle Azarpressnews
          El islami s t ::. HiDemocrat
          Extremist Regime' ::. sos-tehrani
          Iranhangsthree •• zencianiiia
          for mosque
          bombing ::. PeikeKhabari
          El' lran-US ::. Namayeh
          Relations At a New
          Cross Roads” ::. Iran-tribune
          0 ASaluteto ::. raeI-iran
          Champions of
          Liberty ::. Rowzane
          ElEx -German ::. IranMania
          chancellor, in Iran,
          says “Holocaust a ::. IranScope
          El Protect Human
          Rights in Iran
          Iran sets up ::. Qmars
          court to try Israelis Yarsan
          over Gaza
          0 Surveyof
          Iranian-Americans Aids
          / The Progressive
          American and ::. Amirparizad
          Iranian Conmittee
          (PAIC) ::. Jtwnetwork
          ElStudents ::. kak-hiwa
          harassed in prison
          for informing ::. Noghtenazar
          whereabouts of
          Alaei brothers the Third power
          ElCommission ::. Sedayeazadi
          Recommends U.S.
          Use ‘Direct Force'-- ::. bamdadkhabar
          If Needed--to Stop
          Iran, N. Korea Nuke
          Iran Emrooz
          EU was wrong to
          freeze Iran group's
          funds: court balatarin
          El Justice Denied
          Four deprived ::. Etemaad
          University students
          end up in Evin ::. roozna
          El Iranian Regime's
          Lobby (NIAC) ::. mojahedonline
          becomes Active in
          Congress! ::. khorasannews
          El Iranian- ::. Enghe lab eslami
          . 2/9
          8/9/2010 - Interrogations of W...
          Americans: the key
          to dismantle the Karonline
          Iranian regime's
          lobby in the US ::. Iran-tribune
          El Iranian - ::. Peiknet
          American student Mihan
          released though
          bail ::. IranVaJahan
          ru Progressive
          - ::. iran-khabar
          Committee (PAIC):
          Obama's victory is a
          new source of ::. paniranistsazman
          inspiration for the
          Iranian people in Jebhemelli
          their struggle for
          democracy and ::.
          ::. Jebhemelli
          El Student activist
          condemnedfor l s ::.
          years imprisonment
          ::. idfravabet
          El Osanlou's
          transfere to Rajaii ::. poshtibanan
          prison: He talks
          ::. Irandp
          IRAN Ayatollah
          SayedHossein jmijavanan
          Kazemeyni Ham ad
          Boroujerdi Y
          El Tehran's Georgia ::.
          Victory /Frontpage ::. .JDI-Khorasan
          Interview / Kayvan
          Kaboli/ByJamie ::. Nufdi
          • ::. Frteiran
          El Progressive
          Committee (PAIC) Iraninstitutefordemocracy
          El Help Iranian ::. Social Party Iran
          people change
          government, Shah's ::. Constitutionalist Party
          son urges
          • ::.
          El Human Right/
          NazaninAfashar ::. Iran-Jommeli
          ::. Komala
          El Obama's Jimmy
          Carter ::. pdk-Iran
          Disaster ! Slater
          Bakhtavar Cmhfi
          El*InAnother ::. Cpiran.or
          td*/Mahm ::. Sazman mojahedin
          ::. Fadal
          ::. Siahka l
          ::. Spiran
          ::. Paniranist
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          ::. Jomhouri
          ::. Mellimazhabi
          ::. Ois-Iran
          ::. Hezbemihan
          ::. thin
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          ::. Wpiran
          ::. Jwanan
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          ::. M. Azadanlou
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 (2) 2004 - 2010 na S ea& sStJl
          Ifl.h1Ft 1 _ I [ . lDl:.n!LImnI I .Jii-ti laI u.iiii wrnI [ joGouGsERj Iflrnt —iu . iccsI
          _ t -
          [ ef=”httTi
          //www.cyr t
          / CNA
          I 1L I L I I
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          . 9/9

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