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Iran for Neutrals’ Meet on Schedule (Express News Service – 8/17/1982)

          Iran for neutra1s :
          meet on sc e hiIe
          -‘ - — — -‘ ) -
          Expresa News Service f ed trom ine nUo i flg ?SOvict
          A ‘n in ibis context but Ia er *id
          - NEW DELHI. Aug , 16 l ' was not ett ing rmftrom the
          4 lran is -still keen that the tb tt ion ,
          non-aligned surnmg As sould be beld said raa -did n& ‘want any I
          - scheduled in September but Will r pOwer TdomInazs isrc Th ,the Gulr
          i otjsnsist if the l ike'y host — India, , and wantCd the cc intr ies o tbe
          wentsncw dates, Hojjatu1Is an ji n o be cofthpletcly rcc -
          Stbar h a sb fsanj n i, presi- plying to ques ipn.'Mr - Raf-
          d nt of tlic' raman Majls said here m 4 enied an bad oh iscated
          tod ay - , — weaftb th op ttyi iS Thdians
          Address ing a press eonference hind been orced toiJeave the
          thc ”jrnian leader considered se- itry lie said us tqveniment
          coed to A ' yato1lah lcbomeuu said i? responsible 1 or tbe pztoperty or
          would be appropriate to have the 4 people in iran ‘foreigners and
          conference of the non-aligned hea fl -foft igners anyâne ivbo bad
          of ' Government at cbedu1cd -tsut s ns an ”could prove owneralup
          vieWof the ebange in venue if india e ia1mt oilld Abe onsidered and
          nee4ed time and wanted new dates, l pcrty- cstored ‘
          Iran wouid not . ns1st upon tbe 3be irama'n A adet dcnie4 th
          scJiaduIe 'Naturafly it Abas the ight ‘ernment s pers cuth*g ‘ tbe
          to k for uzne* he said A R' iaai a b is ' vas a1so 'a misleading
          ‘ Mr R ,afsanjaiil ‘reiterated p paganda ;by ‘the ‘West iSome Of
          cotintry's opposition to the Iraaj Ib Babaazs MW o ci fo und o be
          p o x isal to hold the non-ahgned l tors and agents ‘of ‘the baWs
          Fprcign Ministcre ‘meeting t m c -and 4fflcials of ‘ Ida secret
          Rag1 dadop September 2 to flnahse ‘ f e Savak, 4iad been executed like
          the ‘new Venue of the 7 T h summ it, many - ‘other ‘lion Ba:haai - ‘tth'itors
          onginafly scheduled to be held in nose Baha i s wbQ Were not tral-
          ‘Baghdad lie said the reason f s or a eflts of- 'the pa*t ‘regime
          Iraq 's insistence of holding he unued to In c n he country and
          t I Fo ' o ign Ministers meeting was to k in hospitais, tü i1 'cr sit,es and
          canvass support $or tasting the 8th r places Mr Rafsahjani Ialm-
          summit there ‘ Besides Iran Mr
          Rafsanjani declared Syria and L!
          bya and some other CoUntries wOuld
          not attend the Foreign ‘Minis*ers
          meeting tilt was tefd in Da ,gbdad
          mbvement. Baghdad wasnot n-safe
          place to told ay iype óT -confer
          encc te said , -
          Replying ‘to a questio i thc Ir-
          man leade, howcver, said that als
          country did not -want Iraq i expul-
          sion ‘Vroni -the aon-aligncd. move-
          -IT)eni Wc ‘want to maintain ‘the
          unity of the movement” — A
          Asked bow long would Ins ountry
          Continue Its war with Iraq ‘ Mr
          RafsanJanf said Iran ‘would be -sat-
          isfied d the ruling ArsbBaath Party
          in Iraq was ‘thrown u(-oT power
          -han would nonsider it was rept-es-
          zion for ‘the war which was started
          bj'lraq he said -
          ) ‘The Iranian leader -said ‘that—the
          United States and someother super
          powers wanted to continue the s-
          ‘“tuation of ‘no peace no war toell
          weapons “Tbis war a not going ‘to
          enTd by negotiations and we wiU,
          .1 -. tberfOre,: nd. -it
          Y . .ij:
          I BP000285

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