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Iran: leading editor jailed

          Iran: Leading editor Jailed. Connilttee to Protect Journalists http://cpJ org/2000/04/iran-leading-editor-Jailed.php
          C Committee to ProtectJournalists
          Defending Journal is: s Worldwide
          Iran: Leading editor jailed
          April 14, 2000
          His Excellency Sayed Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
          Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran
          do Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations
          622 3rd Aye, 34th Floor
          New York, NY 10017
          VIA FACSIMILE: 212.867.7086
          Your Excellency:
          The Committee to Protect Journalists is writing to protest the jailing of Iranian journalist Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, editor
          of the daily Asr-e-Azadegan.
          On Monday, April 10, an appellate court sentenced Shamsolvaezin to thirty months in prison for allegedly insulting Islamic
          principles in a 1999 article that criticized capital punishment in Iran. Shamsolvaezin was taken to Tehran's Evin Prison
          shortly after the verdict.
          The article was published in the now-defunct daily Neshat, which Shamsolvaezin edited until judicial authorities closed the
          paper in September of last year. On November 27, 1999, a Tehran court sentenced Shamsolvaezin to three years in
          prison (Monday's court ruling reduced the sentence). Until Monday, he had remained free on bail pending the outcome of
          his appeal.
          Shamsolvaezin's jailing follows those of his colleagues Mohsen Kadivar and Abdullah Noun, who are both serving lengthy
          prison terms as a result of their journalistic work. On April 21, 1999, Iran's Special Court for Clergy sentenced Kadivar, a
          reformist cleric and academic, to 18 months in prison for “disseminating lies” and “misleading public opinion.”
          The charges stemmed from articles, interviews, and public lectures in which Kadivar criticized Iran's clerical elite. In one
          article, published in the now-defunct daily Khordad, he compared Iran's ruling clerics to the authoritarian regime of Shah
          Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. Kadivar has been in jail since February 27, 1999, when he was first arrested.
          Noun, the former publisher of Khordad and a former interior minister and vice president, was convicted on November 27,
          1999, of defaming “the system,” disseminating false information and propaganda against the state, and insulting religious
          leaders. The charges were based on news articles published in Khordad. Noun was sentenced to five years in prison
          and barred from practicing journalism for five years. Khordad was ordered to close.
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          Iran: Leading editor Jailed- Connilttee to Protect Journalists http://cpJ org/2000/04/iran-leading-editor-Jailed.php
          In the past week alone, at least four other journalists have been summoned for investigation or charged in connection
          with their published work. CPJ urges Your Excellency to ensure that all possible legal options are examined so that
          Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, Mohsen Kadivar and Abdullah Noun are freed from prison immediately. We also urge you to
          take the appropriate measures to guarantee that judicial authorities cease their legal harassment of journalists in
          response to their professional activities.
          Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We look forward to your timely response.
          Ann K. Cooper
          Executive Director
          April 14, 2000 12:00 AM ET I Permalink ( )
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