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          Iran must overturn seiterices issued by post-e1ec on ‘show thai' Anuesty ... ltp://wwwanniestyorg/ethcws-and-updates/new s/iran-must-overturn-se.
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          > Home > News > Iran must overturn sentences issued by post-election ‘show trial'
          ‘SHOW TRIAL'
          21 October2009
          Amnesty International has urged the Iranian authorities to
          overturn a 15-year prison sentence imposed on an Iranian-
          American academic for his alleged part in the protests foIlo Mng
          the June presidential election.
          Kian Tajbakhsh, a social scientist and urban planner, was
          sentenced by the Revolutionary Court in Tehran on Tuesday
          following a mass trial of more than 100 people accused of
          organizing the protests.
          Iranian-American academic Kian
          Tajbakhsh, on Iranian state
          television in 2007
          © APGraphicsBank
          “The ‘show trial' that has so far led to the imprisonment of Kian Tajbakhsh and a number of other
          reformist politicians and journalists, as well as the imposition of at least four death sentences, was
          grossly unfair and a travesty of justice,” said Malcolm Smart, Director of Amnesty International's
          Middle East and North Africa Programme.
          Media reports say that the charges against Tajbakhsh included espionage, co-operation Mth an
          enemy government, and acting against national security.
          Similar charges were brought against US-Iranian joumalist Roxana Saberi, who was originally
          sentenced to eight years' imprisonment in April. She was released in May foIIo' Mng international and
          domestic protests at her detention.
          Tajbakhsh was detained for several months in 2007. He was formally charged Mth “acting against
          state security by engaging in propaganda and espionage for foreigners”. He was released in
          September 2007.
          “The authorities should welcome the part that intellectuals can play towards developing the political
          and social life of their country, instead of locking them up on spurious charges,” said Malcolm Smart.
          “It appears that Kian Tajbakhsh has been targetted on account of his dual nationality and his academic
          work, and we consider him a prisoner of conscience.”
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          11/2/2009 1:48PM
          Iran must overturn sentences issued b post-election ‘show trial' Amnest http://www.amnest org/en/news-and-updates/news/iran-must-overturn-se...
          Amnesty International has called on the Iranian authorities to overturn immediately all sentences
          passed following the mass trial and to release all those detained in connection with it unless they are
          to be tried fairly on recognizably criminal charges.
          READ MORE
          Threat of charges against Iranian presidential candidate part of cover up (News, 19 october
          Iranian protesters death sentence must be reviewed (News, 9 October2009)
          Prominent lawyer banned from leaving Iran (News, 2 October 2009)
          Iran must open Tehran trial to international observers (News, 12 August 2009)
          Protesters Rights trampled in Iran (Appeal for action, 28 July 2009)
          Roxana Saberi released from iail in Iran (News, 12 May 2009)
          Iran election unrest (Dedicated Amnesty International page)
          2of2 11/2/2009 1:48PM

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