MANChESTER, N.H. UNION LEADER —0. 66091— MANC IEStERNASHUA METRO AREA 001 tO IRAN: NOW They Hang Women By RAY SAIDEL fore her hanging on June 18. Her fami- 1982 with her father Yadullah; he was amazing and accelerating one town to another. In the fall of 1979, 12, 1983 in Shiraz. Miss Mahmudni- JJ ESPITE THIS century's ly of 11 was forced twice to move from one of three Baha'is hanged on March technoldgical prowess, so- the Sabiri home in Marvdnsht was de- zhad was beaten before being execut- cially most of the world stroyed by a fire set by a mob. The ed. slides backward, adopting Sabiris moved to Bahman. Their WHILE THE President of the r surrendering to socio-political sys- home there was looted and set afire. United States has appealed to Ayatol- ems as bad as the worst in history. Forced from town, the family settled lah Khomeini and the Congress has Our ships probe the solar system in Shiraz where Miss Sabiri was ar- passed a resolution condemning the nd beyond but who can fathom the rested for her. Baha'i activities (she persecution of Baha'is, Iran's policy souls of the dour bureaucrats who pre- had been active in the Baha'i educa- has not been tempered. Only a world- sided at September's Soviet shoot- tion of children). In March her cousin, wide wave of revulsion such, as that down press conference, Rahrnatullah Vafat, was also hanged resulting from the Soviet Korean or those of the grim in Shiraz. ‘ - plane shoot-down might prevent large mullahs of the Islamic . Others: Miss Shirin Dalvan, early scale genocide. This requires major Republic of Iran who 20s; Miss Akhtar Sabet, 19-years-old; media motivation. Unlikely. Yet here hang women and teen- Mrs. Tahirih Siyavushi, 32-years-oId is a cause about as pure as you age girls for religious were• arrested in the fall of 1982 be- can get. reasons. I admit preju- cause of their Baha'i activities (in- almost 200 Baha'is have dice; I distrust humor- eluding the education of children), been killed by the Islamic -regime; less people:. selfrighte- Mrs. Siyavushi was the,wife of Jam- hundreds have been imprisoned; thou- ous commissars and shid, hanged two days earlier. Miss sands denied schooling, employment clerics put my hair on Zarrin Muqlmi, early 20s, had moved or pensions due to their religion. Rep- end, with her family to Shiraz, where her resentatives of the Iranian govern- The Korean 007 plane ‘atrocity father was to repair and refurbish ment scoff: “ - . - nonsensical fabrica- brought into focus, for a time at least, Baha'i properties that had been par- tions - . . custom-made lies.” Their the ruthless, implacable character of tially demolished by authorities. She U.N. mission explains: “Bahaism is our Soviet enemy. Unfortunately was a teacher of Baha'i children's not a religion, but rather, it is a politi- (though amply demonstrated by a Classes, Roya Ishraqi, 22-years-old, cal entity created, and nourished by long,' well publicized episode involving was known as a devoted Baha'i youth, anti-Islamic and Colonial Powers.” the.seizing of our diplomats) the ruth- whose courageous attitude served as The IraniOn U.N. mission (using the less, implacable character of resur- an example to other Raha'i young pee- theocracy's special logic) states that” gent Islam still does not register, pie. Miss Monah Mahmudnizhad, 18- - . . the Government of the Islamië Re- Eventually it will. And there is ample years-old, was arrested i 9 . the fall of public of Iran never sentences or pun- tragic reason to fear that to be burnt. . ‘ ‘ I — - as fuel for this flame of enlightenment . will be the Baha'is of' Iran. ‘ . True to recent Western democrat- . . . ‘ - ic tradition their predicament has to date aroused little interest, After all — they control no oil; they are not revo- ‘ . lutionaries; ‘they have no multi-na- tional corporate ties, Why should the West be (now) more thad “deeply con- - cerned?” Later, we'll cry at ‘their . ‘ ‘ graves. For this there is precedent. NO COMMUNITY under Islam - could be less deser.ving of persecution i ‘ than the essentially non-political Baha'is. Their religion (unlike Islam) is a peace-loving one. It requires the - . faithful to -abstain from, partisan poli- . . tics, forbids subversive activity, en- - dorses total loyalty and ‘obedience' to. civil authority. Yet, the 300,000 Ira- ‘ ‘ nian Baha'is community faces immi- - nent destruction. It has been told “Be- fore it is too late, the Baha'is should recant Bahaism. - . . Otherwise, the day will soon come when the Islamic nation will deal with the Baha'is in ac- cordance wth its religious obligations, as it has dealt with other ‘hypocrites who have appeared in more danger- ous garb and have religious and satan- ic gatherings.” This statement is to be taken seriously. - Consider the actions of its origina- ‘ ‘ tor:Hojjatol-Islam Qazal is Religiout Judge and President of the Revolu- tionary Court of Shiraz. It was his court which recently sentenced 22 Baha'is to death; in reference to which he said: “ . . . I must say that by the grace of Almighty God, the Muslim nation of Iran, which follows . ‘ the policies of the Sacred Household' (the Inamate) will, God willing, fulfill the prayer of Noah (mentioned in the Koran): ‘And Noah said, Lord, leave not a single family of Infidels on the Earth.' “He doesn't intend to. AMONG THOSE hanged June 18th (1983) in Shiraz: Miss Mahshid Nirumand, age 18, a college chemistry ‘ ‘ -‘ major. She served on the Baha'i youth committee, the Shiraz Baha'i teaching committee, the Baha'i campus club. And there is Miss Simm Sabirl, curly - 20s, a viclim of persecution long be- lshes any individual on the charge of holding a particular ideology or tot- idwing a particularfaith . . - although the Constitution does not recognize Baha'ism as ‘a religion - . - neverthe- less, its followers have never been punished - .‘. merely and simply be- cause of their beliefs,” The explana- tion, of course, is that those “pun- ished” were agents of Israel (and that earlier Bahai were agents of the Brit- ish Empire). Amnesty International has a different opinion: “ - . - they are being persecuted solely for their ‘reli- gious beliefs.” - SINCE. ITS founding in 1844, the Baha'i religion has been considered a heresy by Islam (more than 20,000 be-' lievers were put to death in the early days); now, in “revolutionary” Iran, once again the mullahs have whipped up a frenzy of anti-Bahai persecution. With no legal standing (the religion is not recognized by the government or Constitution) .Bàha'is and their prop- ertycan be attacked by the most vi- cious clerical and -criminal elements in Iran with near complete impunity. They. need not fear retaliation. The peaceful Baha'is' religion forbids it. Ray Saldel is a research association at The Center For International Secu- rity, Washington, D.C. BPOOU26O j