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Iran puts 100 protesters on trial

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          Iran puts 100 protesters on trial
          The trial has begun in Iran of 100 people arrested for their alleged involvement in
          post-election violence.
          The charges included rioting, vandalism, “acting against national security”, and conspiring against the
          ruling system, state media reported.
          Those on trial included members of the opposition reform movement, including a former vice-president.
          Pro-government media reported what they say were confessions by some of the leading reformists.
          But the leading reformist party Mosharekat described the proceedings as a laughable show trial and said
          the confessions had been forced.
          ‘No fraud'
          The first court session has now ended and it is not clear when the next will be held.
          Some of the accused, who had allegedly accepted the charge of treason, told the court their earlier claims
          of fraud during the 12 June poll were baseless, official media said.
          Allegations of vote-rigging were made by defeated candidates and their supporters as soon as it became
          clear the president had been re-elected by a large margin.
          • Mohammad Ali Abtahi (left): former vice-president, member of the Assembly of
          Combatant Clerics
          • Mohsen Mirdamadi (centre): leader of the biggest reformist party, the Islamic
          Iran Participation Front
          • Behzad Nabavi (right): member of the central council of the Organisation of the
          Mujahideen of the Islamic Revolution, former industry minister and former vice
          speaker of parliament
          • Mohsen Aminzadeh : former deputy foreign minister, served under reformist
          president Mohammad Khatami, member of Islamic Iran Participation Front
          Former vice-president Mohammad Ali Abtahi was quoted by Fars news agency as telling the court: “I say
          to all my friends and all friends who hear us, that the issue of fraud in Iran was a lie and was brought up
          to create riots.”
          Another of the accused, Mohammad Atrianfar, was quoted as saying that they should all submit to the
          “We mistook certain irregularities [ in the vote] as fraud,” Fars quoted him as saying.
          At the trial, pictures from the packed courtroom showed seated defendants wearing prison uniforms and
          with guards next to them.
          Surprise timing
          Foreign media, including the BBC, have been restricted in their coverage of Iran since the election
          protests turned violent.
          The BBC's Kasra Naji, in London, says the timing and scale of the trial came as a surprise and suggests
          Iran's leadership wanted to send a message to stop any more protests.
          But judging from messages on micro-blogging site twitter and the internet, our correspondent says, the
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          move may have the opposite effect, with several people talking about the need for new demonstrations
          and calling those on trial “national heroes”.
          Official news agency Irna said other charges against them included “having ties with counter-
          revolutionary groups.”
          Some of those on trial had been photographed “committing the crimes”, and their accomplices were “on
          the run”, Irna reported, without specifying the number of people on trial.
          The defendants included supporters of opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi - both
          defeated in the election - and aides of former reformist president Mohammad Khatami.
          Fars news agency reported that former deputy foreign minister Mohsen Aminzadeh, former government
          spokesman Abdollah Ramazanzadeh, former senior lawmaker Mohsen Mirdamadi and former Industry
          Minister Behzad Nabavi were among the defendants.
          The protests were the largest mass demonstrations seen in Iran since the 1979 revolution which brought
          the current Islamic regime to power.
          IRAN UNREST
          • 12 June Presidential election saw incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad re-elected
          with 63% of vote
          • Main challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi called for result to be annulled, alleging poll
          • Mass street protests saw at least 30 people killed and foreign media restricted
          In the days of violence following the re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad at least 30 people
          were killed.
          Authorities also arrested hundreds during the protests.
          About 140 people arrested at the time were released from prison on Tuesday, with a further 200 accused
          of more serious crimes remaining in prison.
          Opposition groups believe the number of prisoners and those killed in the violence to be higher.
          Mr Ahmadinejad is due to be officially sworn in on 5 August.
          Clashes have continued since his election, most recently during mourning to mark 40 days since the death
          of Neda Agha Soltan who was shot as she watched protests on 20 June.
          State TV said police used teargas to disperse crowds from around her grave on Thursday.
          Story from BBC NEWS:
          http : 1/news. iddle_east/8 179470.stm
          Published: 2009/08/01 16:44:37 GMT
          © BBC MMIX
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