Iran reports fall of small Kurdish town The Sun (1837-1985 , ); Sep 7, 1979; ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Baltimore Sun, The (1837-1986) pg.A6 nreports fall of small Kurdish town Tebran (Reuter)—GOvernment forces cap. lured the Iranian Kurdish town of Sardasbt after minor clashes with guerrillas last night, theoffklal Pars news agency reported. Pars said artillery troops fought the guerril. las for less than 20 minutes before gaining con- trot of the small northwestern border town, which the agency said was the last stronghold of Kurdish rebel forces. It gave no further de- ta ils of the takeover. Witnesses in Sardasbt, 60 miles from the Iraqi border, said by telephone earlier yester- day that government helicopters strafed sus- pected guerrilla positions içi the town fur Iwo hourayesterday afternoon. Wormed sources saId 10,000 Kurdish guer- rillas left the town for the surrounding hills two days ago after being pushed back by govern- ment troops. Half the population of 20.000 also moved outbecause of food shortages. The sources said the Kiardish rebels con- trolied all roads into Sardasht, but there were no guerrillas or government forces In the town lLeeU The only armed forces spokesman avail- able In Tebran yesterday said he was not au thorized to comment on the situation In and around Sard&thL In another development, Islamic revolu . tionary guard forces Issued a 24-hour ultima- tum to Kurds In and around the former rebel gho!d of Saqqez to band In thefrarms. The Pars news agency quoted a revolu- ftonary guard spokesman as saying a five-day arms amnesty ran out yesterday with only six weapons collected. Sadeq Tabatabal, a government spokesman told the evening newspaper Kcrijftnn yesterday that Prime Minister Mebdi Bazargan has In- vited Ayatollah Ruhollab Khomeini to move his headquarters to Tebran from the holy city of Qo m ,9 OmIle*tothuouth. Mr. Tabatabai quoted the prime minister as saying. “His presence laTebran lll make him more accessible to the nation ak d to the govern- ment. Therefore hnam KhomethIi Will alwaye belnformedoftheaffahiof theconntry.” Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.