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Iran says envoys’ changes ‘natural’

          Press TV
          E 1L1 JUTV
          Iran says envoys' changes ‘natural'
          Wed, 02 Sep 2009 09:59:57 GMT
          Iran's Foreign Ministry denies reports that tens of the country's envoys have been replaced for
          ‘supporting rioters' during the post election violence in Tehran.
          Speaking to reporters in Tehran, the Ministry's Spokesman Hassan Qashqavi labeled the
          replacement of more than 40 ambassadors as a natural event.
          “Changing the ambassadors, the heads of our overseas offices and consulates is a natural affair
          that happens every three years, he said on Wednesday.
          With more than 130 embassies abroad, Qashqavi added, the ministry usually changes one third of
          its work force, about 45 envoys, every year and around summer.
          The semi official Fars News Agency on Tuesday said the ambassadors had been notified that their
          diplomatic postings had been terminated.
          “Some of these people officially took positions during the recent riots in Iran in support of rioters,”
          it added, citing informed sources.
          The report, however, did not elaborate on which ambassadors have been affected by the decision.
          Parts of Tehran turned into scenes of violence and unrest following the country's 10th presidential
          election, in which incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gained a landslide victory.
          1 of 1 10/20/2009 4:31 PM

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