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Iran security forces arrest AFP journalist

          11/5/2009 Print Story: Iran security forces arrest
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          Iran security forces arrest AFP REUTERS
          TEHRAN (Reuters) — Iranian security forces arrested an Agence France Presse reporter covering
          Wednesday's rally marking the anniversary of seizure of the U.S. embassy, the agency said on Thursday.
          Foreign media have been banned from covering street protests since the demonstrations over the disputed
          June presidential vote, which the opposition says was rigged to secure President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's
          “Farhad Pouladi was covering the rally when he was stopped and taken away by three security agents, two in
          uniform and one in plainclothes,” acting Tehran bureau chief Jay Deshmukh said.
          “Since yesterday morning, we have no news about him.”
          Police clashed with supporters of Iran's opposition leader Mirhossein Mousa vi in Tehran during the annual
          anti-U.S. rally.
          Deshmukh said the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance had given assurances to AFP that Pouladi's
          case was being followed as a priority.
          The reformist Mowjcamp website said at least 23 people were arrested in Tehran and the northern city of
          Rasht during the protests.
          (Writing by Parisa Hafezi; editing by Alison Williams)
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