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Iran shuts another reformist newspaper

          Iran sits arotler refoztst newspaper- Contttee to Protect Journalists l1tp://cpj .org /2OO9/12/iran-s1 ts-another-reforndst-newspaper pl
          C Committee to ProtectJournalists
          Defending Journal is: s Worldwide
          Iran shuts another reformist newspaper
          New York, December 8, 2009—The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Iranian authorities' decision on Monday
          to shut the reformist daily Hayate No. The Press Supervisory Board revoked the license of the Tehran-based daily
          Hayate No “for working outside the regulations,” according to local news reports, but the agency provided no details of
          the alleged violations.
          Hayate No is considered supportive of defeated presidential candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi. Its closing came the same
          day that thousands of Mousavi supporters demonstrated on university campuses in Tehran and nationwide.
          “It can be no coincidence that on the day student protesters take to the streets, the government muzzles yet another
          reformist newspaper,” said CPJ Deputy Director Robert Mahoney. “Since the disputed presidential election in June,
          journalists have been censored, harassed and imprisoned. Iran now holds the dubious distinction of being second only to
          China as a jailer of journalists.”
          Six months after the elections, Iranian authorities continue to crack down on opposition and independent media. CPJ has
          documented a number of cases (http://cpj.orq/2009/1 O/three-newspapers-shut-down-in-iran.php) in which authorities
          have shut down newspapers, blocked Web sites, and arrested journalists. Twenty-three journalists remain
          ( http: / /www.cpi.or g/imprisoned/2009.php ) in Iranian prisons, according to CPJ research.
          December 8, 2009 2:45 PM ET I Permalink (http:Ilcpi.orq/2009/12/iran-shuts-another-reformist-newspaper.php )
          1 of 1 03/08 2010 14:31

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