7. - — ____ , Iranian Bahais in the U. S. Fear. Persecution' in Their Forneland Since the revolution a year ago, Iranian Islamic authorities against the Bahai Bahais in the United States have had to community. “If you hear apprehension in face the possibility o .never again seeing our voices and reluctance to state our their homeland. They allege that Banais case you will understand whys ” said Dr. there face widespread persecution. Firuz Kazemzadeh, a orofessor of Rus- “I know it would be dangerous to re. Sian history at Yale University and one of turn,” said a 213.-year-old graduate stu- the few Iranian Bahais willing to speak dent at the University of California at Los openly. “We have to protect a community Angeles who preferred anonymity, as do of 400,000 people in Iran. There is nobody many Iranian Bahais in this country. “I whoisgoingtodefendtheBahais.” would be very much interested in going Among the principal tenets of the back to Iran because there is a great deal Bahal faith is the belief in the spiritual I c of activity in the Bahal community, but unity of mankind. The Bahais believe under this regime it is impossible.” that Mirza Husavn, known as Bahauljah. The dangers to yhich the student re -j isthemessengerofGodashedeclare (erred were discussed in a recent report 1863. Pe r i, . .. a:: sr.. by the Federation of Protestant Churches I S CU on arg ...a .. in Switzerland. The report included The Bahal faith claims 100,000 believ- ii charges of confiscation of Bahai compa- ers in the United States. En 1898 the first J nies and savings institutions, appronria- Bahai center in America was established 1 tion of Bahai cemeteries and arbitrary in Freeport. L.l. arrest and imprisonment of Bahais, the In an effort toassess the situation of the “ largest religious minority in Iran. Bahais in Iran, the Zurich-based Human Unlike Christians or Jews in Iran, the Rights Commission of the Federation of Bahai faith, a religious outgrowth of Protestant Churches compiled a confi- Shiite Islam founded in Persia in the mid- dential report detailing “specific areas of • 19th century, is not accorded freedom of harassment and even persecution against “ r religion under the Islamic Constitution the Bahais in Iran.” adopted in December. Among the findings of the commission . ‘-- wasevidencethat”groupsofunidentifjed aer rifle s roy gunmen systematically attacked some 20 On Sept. 8 of last year the most sacred centers of the Bahal community in vail- shrine of the Bahais. the House of the Bab ous districts of Teheran,” “revolutionary in the center of Shiraz, was attacked and militiamen” disrupted spiritual meetings destroyed. Bahais in Iran and the United and religious classes and Bahal religious States have charged that members of teachers were arrested and interrosated. Iran's revolutionary guard participated The commission also charged tl at the in the attack. assets of two Bahal companies, Sherkat In response to protests by Bahai as- Ornana, a holding company for Bahai sernblies in the United States, the Iranian properties, including holy places, ceme- Embassy in Washington disavowed Gov- teries, historical sites, administrative eminent involvement in the shrine's de- centers and welfare institutions and Sher- struction. An unsigned letter embossed kat Nownahallan, a bank from which with the seal of the Embassy of the is- many Iranian Baliais drew support for lamic Republic of Iran said that a crowd their education in the United States, “had of mourners attacked the s irine because been officially confiscated by the direct they were provoked by tle knowledge order of the National Iranian Islamic that Bahais had worked for the Govern-I Public Prosecutor's Office.” ment of the deposed Shah. Money Problems for Many “Unable to control this grief the crowds . suddenly attacked the Babs House. The For many Bahais in this country the Government of the Islamic Reoublic of confiscation of Stierkat Nownahallan's Iran had nothing to do with this action “ assets has created financial problems said the letter, which was sent to Bahai and has made it difficult for some to assemblies in the United States. make tuition payments at Amencan col- “We would like to point out,” the letter leges and universities. continued, “that the Bahais in Iran are in Iranian Bahais on student visas have fact a political group; therefore they are been subject to the general review of not recognized as a religious minority.” their status, along with other Iranian stu- nents by the Immigration and Naturali- Communities In U.S. Have Grown. zation Service. Communities of Iranian Bahais in “The Jews and Bahais have notified Houston. Los Angeles, Berkeley and New our field offices of their special situa- York have grown following the ascent of tion. “said Verne Jervis, a spokesman for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to power, the Naturalization Service. “They, along according to Victor deAraüio, the Bahai with anyone else who may feel persecu- representative tothe United Nations. Thel tim, can apply for asylum.” By Dec.28 Bahai International Community, the there had been 48-1 requests for asylum, worldwide title of the Bahai faith, is ac- some of which were based on fear of reli- credited as a nongovernmental organiza. gious persecution, he said. tion to several United Nations' agenc es Some Iranian Bthais plan to return to and has representatives at the United Na- Iran. “I fad I r:eer.i to -;o Dac).. to tions in New York and Ginava. I said a burine .s szuaent at gerkeley. ‘E e- Mr. dra s '. i there are about cauae others arc in trouhie we srmuianti 10,000 Iranian Bahais in the IJnited run away. My wife and. 1 know ople States, and 6,000 to 7,000 of them came whose houses have been burned down. We during thepast year. used to have meetings o.f people in Te- Most Bahais from Iran are reluctant tol horanbut we have to be t, ore careful. discuss their experiences or those of their hic w we have zr have meezin s of 0. relatives wider the rc.'a uhcmarv :,iun i c: s “ e ' rp t eprv regime because tavy !aar retribution by lx xi',' is worried aixut the future'' BP000513