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Iranian Minister Quits, Assails Disunity

          Iran Ian Minister Q tilts, As sails
          n:HRAN. Oct. 29 — The Iranian
          government today accepted the resig-
          nation of 1-jealti , Minister ECazeni
          Sam! after he published a scathing at-
          tack on alleged disorganization and
          factionalism within the government.
          “Eight months after the victory of
          the revolution, people see that their
          desires and ideals are not realized,”
          Sam! wrote. “No real change has
          taken place - - - Exploitation still ex-
          ists; people ask what is wrong”
          The bitter indictment of the situa-
          tion within the government of Mehdi
          Bazargan was contained in a resigna-
          tion letter Sarni wrote to the prime nUn-
          ister two week-s ago. It was released to
          the press last night along with a similar
          letter to revolutionary leader Ayatol-
          lah Ruhollah Ichorneini.
          Sanfl. a member of the radical Is-
          larrtic iViovement of the iVIoslem Peo-
          pie of Iran, told Ayatollah IChomeini
          the Cabinet was divided among
          power-seeking factions, lacked united
          policies to tackle the country's prob-
          lems and lacked coordination among
          the ministries.
          He said misguided government poli-
          cies had helped provoke the Icurdish
          crisis, and he accused the authorities
          of unwarranted attacks on progressive
          Publication of Sami's letters appar-
          ently was prompted by his anger at
          being mentioned in connection with
          allegations of high-level corruption in
          the Commerce 1/'Iinistry.
          Commerce Minister Reza Sadr last
          week accused Sami of having recont-
          mended a former agent of the shah's
          SAVAIC secret police for the post of
          deputy minister.
          The accused deputy minister went
          into hiding after making counteralle-
          gations that Sadr was himself in-
          volved in irregularities in foOd import
          deals. Prime Minister Bazargan has
          ordered a high-level inquiry into the
          ‘ [ ‘he government faces further prob-
          lems on two more fronts—renewed
          student unrest and more gains by the
          Kurdish rebels on the eve of peace ite-
          fleftist students today staged dem-
          onstrations in Tebran to express their
          backing for the Kurds and to protest
          a ban On political discussion in class.
          One person was stabbed in scuffles
          between rival demonstrators.
          Thousands of students are also oc-
          cupying some of Tehran's most luxuri-
          ous hotels to protest Tack of accommo-
          dation in residence halls. They are
          refusing official appeals to leave.
          In Kurdistan, ICurdish rebels ap-
          peared to be tightening their hold on
          towns in the region. A Revolutionary
          Guard spokesman in the town of WIn-
          habad said. “The [ ICurdish rebel]
          democrats are in control and are run-
          ning law and order in the town.”
          Armed forces chief of staff Maj.
          Gem flossein Shaker told a Tehran
          newspaper that there was no military
          solution to the crisis in ICurdistan. He
          said the government aimed to solve
          the crisis through political means.
          A four-man ministerial team is due
          in the region on Thursday.

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