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Iranian Opposition Leader Warns Against Sanctions

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          October 2, 2009
          Iranian Opposition Leader Warns Against Sanctions
          By NAZILA FATHI
          TORONTO — The top Iranian opposition leader warned ahead of the talks between k m and major powers
          in Geneva that tougher sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program could hurt the opposition movement
          more than the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad .
          The opposition leader, Mir Hussein Moussavi , whose loss against Mr. Ahmadinejad in the disputed June
          election led to some of the worst unrest since the 1979 Islamic revolution, wrote in a statement that further
          sanctions would put an inordinate strain on Iranians.
          In the statement, published on opposition Web sites on Monday, Mr. Moussavi said foreign countries
          should refrain from any measures that would harm the Iranian people.
          “This is not sanctions against a government,” Mr. Moussavi wrote. “This would impose further pain on a
          nation that has already suffered a great deal by its schizophrenic rulers. We are against any kind of
          sanctions on people.”
          The major powers are considering new sanctions against Iran in response to reports that the country has
          built a new enrichment facility. Iran disputes the charges and says its nuclear program is for civilian uses.
          Mr. Moussavi's comments demonstrated the concerns among opposition leaders that any new sanctions
          could create a backlash in Iran, generating more support for Mr. Ahmadinejad and undermining the
          opposition movement.
          Most Iranian leaders have defended the country's nuclear program, including Mr. Moussavi, who said
          during the presidential campaign that he would continue the program if he were elected president.
          However, he stressed the need for confidence building with the West over the program.
          In his statement, Mr. Moussavi denounced Mr. Ahmadinej ad's foreign policy “as wrong and adventurous.”
          He also referred to “Iraq and Afghanistan as two big lessons on the two sides of the country,” indicating his
          concern over a possible military strike.
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          10/30/2009 5:07 PM
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