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Iranian Students Stage 2nd Big Protest Since Returning to University Campuses

          har lan Studeras Protest in Large Numbers fbr 2nd Day - NYT1n'cs ,com 1ttp://www.r tinies.coni'2OO9/O9/3O/wor1d/midd1eeast/3Oiran1tm1?pag...
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          September 30, 2009
          By NAZILA FATHI
          Iranian Students Stage 2nd Big Protest Since Returning to
          University Campuses
          Students at one of Iran's largest universities staged an antigovernment protest on Tuesday, the second big
          demonstration at a major university in two days and a further indication that government efforts to
          intimidate student leaders have not been entirely successful.
          Over 1,000 students demonstrated at Sharif University in Tehran on Tuesday morning to protest a visit by
          the minister of science and higher education, Kamran Daneshjoo, a student Web site, Advarnews, reported .
          Protesters carried green balloons and ribbons, a symbol of the protest movement since the disputed June 12
          presidential election, and banners that read “The university is still alive,” according to the Web site.
          The Web site also reported that the university's security guards were not able to disperse the crowed as it
          kept growing.
          On Monday, hundreds of students at Tehran University demonstrated, causing President Mahmoud
          Ahmadinejad to cancel his visit there. On Sunday, students held a smaller protest outside the philosophy
          department building of Tehran University, where a member of Parliament, Gholam Mi Hadad Adel, gave a
          The student protests were the first of the new school year, which began last week, and took place despite
          the arrests of dozens of student leaders around the country this summer and increased pressure on others
          not to demonstrate.
          Several influential university professors and former student leaders have also been jailed since June.
          Dozens of student activists have been jailed this month or barred from altending classes, according to
          student Web sites, in an effort to intimidate students.
          The absence of student leaders suggested that the demonstrations were spontaneous, analysts said.
          “Student leaders do not have a formal presence,” said Mi Afshari, a former student leader who is currently
          in Washington and is still in touch with students in Iran. “They have all been summoned and threatened.
          But the frustration is very widespread and the government can only shut down the universities if it wants to
          stop the protests.”
          The protest movement, which has produced some of the nation's worst unrest in 30 years, emerged as a
          response to a widespread belief that Mr. Ahmadinejad falsified election results in his favor. Universities
          have often been the site of protests, partly because of a student pro-democracy network, the Office for
          10/30/2009 4:18 PM
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          Iranian Studeras Protest in Large Numbers fbr 2nd Day - NYTin'cs,com 1ttp://www ,r tin ies ,con i '2OO9/O9/3O/wor1d /midd1eeast /3Oiran1tm1?pag ,..
          Consolidating Unity, and a law that bars police officers from entering campuses.
          The Office for Consolidating Unity, which once had offices on nearly every campus but has been decimated
          by government pressure since Mr. Ahmadinejad took power in 2004, issued a statement on Tuesday saying
          that the protest movement was a result of years of frustration with the government and that the students
          would remain part of it. The statement urged students to refrain from violence and to pursue their
          demands in a “peaceful and civil” manner.
          More than 100 activists and former government officials were arrested after the election. A judiciary
          official, Alireza Avaee, said Tuesday that 20 of the detainees had been sentenced, the ISNA news agency
          reported . However, he did not identity the detainees or disclose the sentences.
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