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Iran’s Death Penalty Is Seen as a Political Tactic

          fran 's Death Penal ' Is Seen as a Political Tactic - NYTiircs ,com lttp://www ,r tinies.coni'2OO9/11/23/world/niiddleeast/23iranltn l?_r —. . .
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          November 23, 2009
          Iran's Death Penalty Is Seen as a Political Tactic
          CAIRO — A flurry of executions and death sentences in fr m has raised concern that the government is
          using judicially sanctioned killing to intimidate the political opposition and quell pockets of ethnic unrest
          around the nation, human rights groups and Iran experts said.
          In Iran, where there is precedent for executions to surge in the wake of a crisis, human rights groups said
          there was mounting evidence that the trend had emerged in response to the political tumult that followed
          the June presidential election. This month, a fifth person connected to the protests was sentenced to death.
          In at least one instance, a Kurdish activist was hanged after the government added a new charge, raising
          concerns that cases with political overtones were drawing more serious penalties.
          In the short period between the disputed June election and the inauguration of President Mahmoud
          Ahmadinejad in August, 115 people were executed, according to statistics compiled by human rights groups
          from Iranian news agencies. Though the executions mostly involved violent criminals and drug dealers, the
          number and pace of the killings appeared to be sending a message to the opposition, said human rights
          groups and Iran experts.
          “The regime never expected to see people demonstrate so openly since the elections,” said Hossein Askari,
          a professor of international affairs at George Washington University . “The executions are intended to
          frighten them. It is absolutely intended for that purpose.”
          The executions have taken place amid rising criticism of Iran's postelection human rights record. Former
          officials, intellectuals and journalists have received long prison sentences after brief televised trials, and
          some prisoners have said they were tortured, raped and sodomized by prison authorities.
          Muhammad Mi Abtahi, a former vice president, was sentenced last week to six years in prison “for crimes
          against internal national security, propaganda against the Islamic republic, insulting the president and
          creating public disorder by his presence at illegal protests,” a Web site on Iran reported. He was released on
          bail, pending appeal.
          The United Nations passed a draft resolution last week criticizing Iran for numerous human rights abuses;
          the final resolution is expected to pass the General Assembly .
          “The recent spike in executions, particularly of political prisoners, is an attempt to sow fear and spread
          terror through the population, to persuade them that the powers that be are determined to use all means
          necessary to put down dissent and that participating in the opposition movement can be highly costly,” said
          Hadi Ghaemi, a former physics professor who runs the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran .
          11/23/2009 12:23 PM
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          In recent years, Iran has had the highest rate of executions of any nation except China. That reputation was
          solidified under President Ahmadinejad, who has presided over a quadrupling in executions, to 346 in
          2008 from 86 in 2005, the year he took office, according to Amnesty International .
          Iran does not release statistics on executions, so it is impossible to compare monthly or annual rates. But in
          recent days, there has been a flood of reports from around the country of executions, most involving
          convicted drug dealers or criminals. On Friday, news reports said that over the previous 10 days, 16 people
          had been executed in cities including Kerman, Isfahan and Ahwaz.
          In mid-October, Behnood Shojaee, who was on death row for committing a murder four years ago at the
          age of 17, was executed despite international calls for his sentence to be commuted because he was a minor
          at the time of the crime.
          Drewery Dyke, a researcher with Amnesty International, said that it was not unusual for Iranian officials to
          step up executions in the wake of a political crisis. In 1988, after Iran agreed to a cease-fire with Iraq, the
          government executed thousands of political prisoners not initially charged with capital crimes and already
          serving sentences in prison.
          “There does seem to be a greater willingness across the spectrum for the authorities to deploy force in every
          way, from the police through to the administration ofjustice,” he said. “There seems to be that much higher
          level of ruthlessness.”
          According to Amnesty International, there were 196 executions in Iran in the first half of 2009. Between
          the June 12 election and the president's inauguration on Aug. , executions surged to an average of two a
          day, the group said. So far this year, there have been 359 executions, though an exact tally is hard to come
          by because the group compiles the data based on reports from government-affiliated news sources.
          Since the postelection surge in executions, the government has moved aggressively to impose the death
          penalty on people linked to separatist insurgent groups, even when they have not been convicted of violent
          activities themselves, human rights groups said.
          Concern about executions with political overtones increased with the case of Ehsan Fattahian, 28, who was
          convicted of belonging to an armed Kurdish group, rights groups said. He was originally sentenced to 10
          years in prison, but then the government added the charge of being mohareb, or an enemy of God, and
          hanged him on Nov. 1 1.
          His parents were not allowed to see his body and the authorities did not permit a public mourning service,
          opposition Web sites reported.
          According to pro-Kurdish rights groups, a special execution team has been sent to the western province of
          Kordestan, where the groups said 12 Kurdish prisoners were awaiting the death penalty. It was impossible
          to verify that claim.
          After Mr. Fattahian's execution, a group of Kurdish members of Parliament wrote a letter asking the head
          of the judiciary to drop death sentences against other Kurdish prisoners, Iranian news agencies reported.
          A spokesman at the Iranian mission to the United Nations in New York did not respond to two e-mail
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          messages requesting comment on the use of the death penalty.
          Since the election crisis, Iran has not allowed foreign reporters to work in the country. But Iranian officials
          have defended the death penalty in the past.
          “We have laws,” Mr. Ahmadinejad said at an appearance at Columbia University in 2007. “People who
          violate the public rights of the people by using guns, killing people, creating insecurity, sell drugs, distribute
          drugs at a high level, are sentenced to execution in Iran, and some of these punishments — very few are
          carried in the public eye, before the public eye. It's a law based on democratic principles.”
          But Mr. Ghaemi of the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said that often, death sentences
          are issued to defendants who have not been given a proper chance to defend themselves, in trials of
          questionable fairness and merit.
          “There is growing fear that another jump in executions is under way,” he said. “Most troubling is that
          execution of political prisoners has resumed.”
          Mona el-Nag gar contributed reporting.
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