Site icon Iran Human Rights Documentation Center

Iran's persecution of Baha'is continues

          BOSTON, MASS.
          D. 504,492—S. 740,717
          SEP tO 1983
          j spCrSCCUtiOfl Ot I3aha iiiUflUeS
          Greater Boston Baha is have place in various parts of Irai i 13
          received ‘word ‘ thaT 24 more were arrested 1n Urumiyyth iiiflè
          Baha Is including 10 women were in Sari one In Tehran and one In
          imprisoned In Iran between August •Ramiyyafl, :• . t.. -
          ‘3 and August 5. More. than 250 ‘ Since 1979, - 142 Bahâ'is - have
          • Baha'is are In Jails In Iran and ben killed and .' 16 have disap .1.
          none of them have been charged peared. The Baha'i Faith is regard- ;.
          with any crimes. mid-July. ed as heresy by Iran's ruling dei
          • 63 Baha'ls have been Imprisoned. - ics, who have launched. an all-out-
          The recent arrests follow closely campaign of persecution.. •‘ .
          the late June abductIon and disap-. ‘• • MAX ELSER7
          pearance of two prominent Baha is ‘ Baha'i'Intër-COmm.Un1tY.
          In Tehran and mob attacks on July . lpswIch - Media Comiijitiee
          1 which forced 130 Baha'i men, - ‘ ,
          women and children to flee their
          village near Sari. Moreov r,. 17
          Baha'ls, Including seven women
          and three teenage girls, were
          hanged in June In Shlraz. .
          Iran's persecution' of Its
          300,000-member Baha'i communi-
          ty has drawn'the protests of Presl-
          dent Reagan, ‘. the Unked Stateè
          Congress. several ‘ nations' parlia-
          merits, the European : Parliament,
          the. United Nat ons Human Rights
          Corn 'mi s!Ofl and Amnesty lnterná-
          ‘tibnaL: •.,.: . ‘: .
          The arrests of early August.t k
          .: ‘‘ •‘ ,: , ‘. /L .:‘ “ .
          BP0005 49

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