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Jailed Iranian journalist ends hunger strike

          11/2/2009 Untitled Document
          INashing ton TV
          Jailed Iranian journalist ends hunger strike
          Updated: Monday, November 02, 2009
          16:300MT—1 1 3OAM/EST
          Washington, 2 November (WashingtonTV)—Jailed Iranian journalist Fanba Pajooh has ended her hunger strike,
          begun on 26 October, because of very serious health problems, Reporters Without Borders said on Monday.
          Pajooh, a journalist for reformist publications, including Etemad-e Melli newspaper, was arrested on 22 August
          and has been in detention in Tehran's Evin Prison
          The journalist, who has a serious ulcer condition, went on a hunger strike to protest against her continued
          A family member who visited her in prison yesterday told Reporters Without Borders: “She is very weak and can
          no longer bear her prison conditions.
          Her lawyer, Nemat Ahmadi, has told the Paris-based press freedom organization that he has not been able to
          see his client.
          Charges against Pajooh have not been officially announced.
          Source: Reporters Without Borders website
          © WashingtonTV 2009. All rights reserved.

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