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Judicial complaint filed against Mousavi

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          HOME Judicial complaint filed against Mousavi
          NATION TEl- IRAN — A group of Iranian MPs have filed a complaint to the judiciary against OTHER NEWS FROM WORLD
          opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi over post-election violence, the Fars news US pilot's remains found after 18 years
          BUSINESS agency reported on Sunday, quoting a lawmaker.
          Sea of mourners at Cory s wake
          SPORTS “We submitted this complaint against Mousavi's radical moves to the judiciary a
          OPINION few weeks ago,” Mohammad Taghi Rahbar, a hardline member of parliament's in riots, troops patrol Pakistan
          judicial commission, told Fars.
          WORLD “We expect itto be examined as soon as possible,” he said, without specifying how Ex-Indian soldiers head for Lanka
          ISLAM many lawmakers had backed the action. Bangla govt makes U-turn on retiring
          THE TALK “Those who issued statements and directed recent riots should be accountable for judges
          the bloodshed and go on trial,” he added. Amnesty for OFWs sought
          TODAY'S FEATURE Iranian authorities have tightened pressure on their opponents by staging what 6 killed, four missing in storm
          DIWANIYA former President Mohammad Khatami derided on Sunday as a “show trial” of 100 US agribusiness mission to visit RP
          reformists accused of trying to instigate a “velvet revolution”. Musharraf's representative accuses
          GOOD MORNING Mousavi said that confessions made by protesters at a closed-door trial were made lawyers
          ISSUE TITLES after they were put through “medieval-era torture.” Police pile charges on Sufi
          The trial was the latest shot in an official campaign to snuff out defiance by those Muhammad
          RSS who say Iran's June 12 election was rigged to ensure the re-election of President
          RSS Feeds Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, due to be sworn in by parliament on Wednesday.
          “The scenes that we saw were a clumsy preparation for the launch of the 10th
          ARCHIVED ISSUES government,” Mousavi said on his website. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali
          Khamenei, who has endorsed the election result and demanded an end to
          protests, will formally approve the hardline incumbent for a second term on
          Khatami, several of whose close associates were in the dock on Saturday, said the
          trial violated Iran's constitution.
          “Such show trials will directly harm the system and further damage public trust,” he
          said on his website (
          The mass trial of dozens of reformists, including senior officials such as Khatami's
          former vice-president, Mohammad Ali Abtahi, paraded in prison dress without his
          clerical turban, has no precedent in Iran's 30-year history.
          Proceedings were closed to all but state media.
          On Sunday, Ahmadinejad's media adviser and close ally, Ali Akbar Javanfekr,
          made public his resignation, which local media said had been offered two weeks
          ago but not accepted.
          After his inauguration, Ahmadinejad has two weeks to submit his cabinet list to the
          mostly conservative parliament, which may resist if he only names members of his
          inner circle.
          Meanwhile, ten more protesters who opposed the re-election of President
          Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were put on trial in a revolutionary court in Tehran on
          Sunday, the ISNA news agency reported.
          Defeated Iranian presidential candidate Mohsen Rezai called the prosecution of
          members of the security forces behind attacks on vote protesters, the Mehr news
          agency reported. —Agencies
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