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Karroubi to have his own satellite channel?

          Press TV
          E 1L1 JUTV
          Karroubi to have his own satellite channel?
          Thu, 20 Aug 2009 09:58:46 GMT
          Iran's defeated presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi has taken the first steps toward setting up a
          satellite TV network, called Saba, a report says.
          Karroubi had plans to launch the Saba satellite network since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
          took office four years ago, the Etemad daily reported on Thursday.
          The Reformist Political figure had plans to set up Saba with the help of the renowned Iranian film
          director Behrouz Afkhami, who was considered for managerial position at the station.
          Etemad said that several other Iranian film directors have also announced that they are ready to
          work with Karroubi on his new project.
          The network's offices are expected to open somewhere in the Middle East.
          News of Karroubi's efforts to set up a satellite TV network outside of Iran come just days after
          Iranian authorities closed down the Etemad-e-MeIIi daily - - the official newspaper of the former
          candidate's political party.
          1 of 1 10/13/2009 5:27 PM

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