nday, July 20, 19 2 (TIe 29, 1361) PRICE 25 RIALS LATE' NEWS MOGADISHU, Somalia, July 19 (UP !) — The Somali,. goveirnmenf Monday summoned the Soviet ambassador in an official protest over Soviet involvement is the Horn of Africa conflict as anti-government rebels claimed a major “ictory in fight for control of the main north-south high- way. Radio Kulmis, the voice of the anti-Somali Democra- tic Somali Salvation Front said in its nightly broadcast front Ethiopia that its forces killed 380 Somali soldiers in two 12' hour battles for control of the Belet Hues Highway, the main army supply route and the only tarred road linking Mogadishu with the Ogaden bordej region. HoJJ. C1soaroshahI Respond, to tiN. Rlgttta Omup: Our People Have Decided To Be Free, Independent and islamic GENEVA, July19 (Reuter) — 70,0(X) martyrs and 100,0(X) cnp- Iran today criticized a United pled (in the Islamic Revolution) Nations committee reviewing its — were the avenging type, they human rights record, and deactib- would have made rivers nm with in 1 as insign ,tflcant the number of blood.” people executed attica the Islamic Hojjatoleslam Khosroshahi Revolution. - directed his strongest criticism at Tehran's ambassador to the Waleed Sadi of Jordan who Vatican, angrily responding to opened the surprisingly frank tough questions put to him last sion last Thursday with blunt qua., week by the U N.Human.Rights ttions about reported torture and Committee, accused the 18- mass execuiions in Iran. member body of wilfully twisting “Sadi set the scene and the the facts about the situation in his others followed in throwing all country these unjustified and baseless. “What on earth gives you the accusations at us,” he said, adding right to ask us any questions?” attacks on Jordan's stand towards Hojjatoleslam Seyyed HadJ Khos- the Palestinians which led to an roshahi, a cleric, asked the com- acrimonous exchange with Mr,t mittee. Sadi. “Our people have decided to He also questioned the v lue remain ‘free, independent and of U.N. human tights inquiriesi Islamic and not be fooled by the when the former shah's aisterI imperialist myth of human oftenheadedthelraniiiandc lega . 1 rigbts,” the head of a six-man tion to the' U.N. Human Ri g h t sj Iranian delegation said, Cotninission and once chaired itsi As for mass executions coin- plenary meeting. mlrtee members asked about, he ditmits d the dead as murderers The ambassador then prabed and other corrupt elements whose the Soviet and East German corn- number was insignificant cons- mittee members whote questions pared with the 150,000 who, he centered on the Iranian legal said, were killed during the rather than other issues, French R VO1UtiOn. He said that only these twO “If It were not for Islamic cia- delegates 5 med to understand tuency and tolerance, how many Iran's revolutionary situation. agentaof.thefonneri'egmmewould Andreas Mavrommitis of have been executed?” be asked Cyprus, chairman of the commit.j the committee, which periodically tee since its inception in 1976,T reviews application of the Interna- reminded the' Iranian delegationi tional Covenant on Civil and of a failure to provide a long.I Political Rights. awaited report on its appinstion “If our people — after offeting of huntant ights guaranteed underl internstjotiaj law, Iran, which had long promised the committee a report to replsce the one submitted by the former ahah'a government just before the revolution, handed in a four-page statement and said a detailed “report would follow in futuru. Hojjatokslam Khosroshahi today also attacked British media for covering the opening session - on Thursday and reprinting Mr. Sadi's questions which, he said, ‘made the session more like an inquiry th in the dfiiojue”iiw ii sU PpqSC4 P . “The BRC. the Guardian and other Imp ttia1ist sources quoted the genlle rian from Jordan and attacked us and said the Iranjana were being tried,” he said. “If the questioning takes the form of an inquiry, it Is no surprise - the imperialist mediA tAksathus • • . }lojjatoleslam Khosroshabi also discussed what be called the “ridiculous Baha'i problem” after committee members asked hIre about the religious minority that says Tebran is persecuting its leadership! • • He said about 70 members of the Baha'i faith were executed because they had worked closely with the former shah and Isratl. The real question to ask, he said, was: “Why out of 70,0(X) have only 70 been executed?” I He said the Baha'i community , • • - tbeonlyminorityfaithinlrannot recognized by the new Islamic • constitution, numbered only • ‘ 7o, lrn - I BP000294 International